Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 385, 9 Pepeluali 1892 — Twin Deities. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Twin Deities.

How ardontiy tbe pious '/uiW of ] tho jnhitoitory o»iopft»ve wowhip- j pod at iHe ahHne of the iwin pdlir d*itfeB — Bow Howler aod Bosa TbufSton, did ever 80cb a coasMnation ot wortbie» before ap-1 p«iriibovo our polilieal bbrixon? Tbe eoi!i)eatly pore Mr. Thor«too,; oae of ihe twin herbes of the Santa eiauo aioek dcal, for whom the boiy ooes have held prrfyer meetinp duriog ihe campaign—iti lov* ing embraoe witb ihe cminently practioal Mr Bowler. h*w 1 the mj9oDboodie rocket. ~ \> Goda, what a Bpectarle This i« a sight U> inake men and »ngole woep.