Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 385, 9 Pepeluali 1892 — Dan the General. [ARTICLE]
Dan the General.
The <ouiitry 18 saved onee muN, thanks to iho imloimtftb!e D*n. Never miinl if Dati , B gre«t National Kefom» Pnrty **>uld not eleel« Kepre«tWative n:»r get eith«*r of ita chit»f-'howe» wKhin a thou»a»d of [ tho Koml P*osr«l. I' wag aglorioiiBj
! ehauee for a&lo on the Bulletin's ; ' hig (lrivm an«l Dan plftV"il on it fur nll it wna worth. D:*n h•> lieen proi»enU'U with -a wvenir fn v< r?e whi<'h his mo<M<ty 'oouhl not r.!low hi.ii to prmU lt; ; into onr hamU as an nnc«»n- -; hiilHml tr.in«. UV iiUthor*hip ?t. 1 unoertnin. lt i# uroViahly by P{*ul, ( who ha v.ing .iwwl up «U his pro»e ] 'iM>mic jokes iiv the ( :imp »is:n wa? j wi»ize<l with ;vn <»n top of hifi j \Vaterhoiiso virtnrr. 11 ean he , s>ung to the tune of •i,anigaiis Ball" or .inv <»tln»r ■ '.I«!»k met«r.j»jrrri»i. ' \)\S " 1 • iliiM h»r< «>f lale eoin* a-mowiiig A(uong (all h«rot*H who h<<hm! At lHt* front as rhi?f h» i ir.- of «!i*tin<-t4on ; 11irough ldU«r«, oi 4taiecraf ior bloud; i
I Hnw the \onz li».' irti(t«ml auunHK • the«« | Aiii! ofl* ānt* -.'mwii { rc«i! ! ; H«»u (>l<) tiinr liar> fXiiHe«l in iieapin# ' Hii- gia\ovftiv! « illi doad ! Man* taiul<t haw U«m mihI»»» tri- t V ; lUhimwith thif atui ; '•
'On ilie leadi>rf attd lieaili he liiw lovi«(l | | AnU (rnm Uiem liihe; j |/>well.b«» an«l thrmgh i ' 'tenplv Hi* g*iing th<* wor,d mui* < Ther« t« kHII a bv<.m»l -,nit«Mini «.f ■ fort— : i liiiiiiel i* U'ū to u» vhl . j ' *' not k«mi«* )f> hit« taTttrrn ! j tnay yet ■ .j 1 (Kii iliuigM m p"]Nilar <*tam<>v | Th»t thtng#i a* t hey are. am t»ol j»»m ; : Bnt i<*t Maih' haek u> hi« tWhing I ■ Am«l Mar([i w hi« hnokM no« īii ««a, j ' Voj- hiw gi «n t4»e l.it«ra)» a iiinhin|t| \oo're a l»roth »*!a boy tx*ran |>an. . J laA ttukr a« uoral Uavu«:' Aml only iht cuemy « lioo»*. tf iii* apaie* uiie h!m onm iluMi »t! «>t Ih'ph j lSv«s<i crpatet , 'taotiklpa«\wt«» lo«e>— j ' l*?.t the viitim« $o <io* H Wy vot»r I ! Pl«r«l votinff's o>rtmii*t«»rin|f oan, Tthetf i* !ifo» im inr qainijtbt» aUiAn«v ' > " li »■ • I 1 ■ • V * ■ ' '