Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 385, 9 Pepeluali 1892 — BEWARE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


if.Mr.JiMj tCin«ri4 »n reprtgp»!tw nn v «*ot€rSc ,ot" Hl'.kkl' fhimty •'miir, * 1. 1 1 • V;itv .r * I •' i v • v to I*«r*r<» h«»w he • •>ntin<«d U> lnt peoplo wii li liio i>reju' Anii t!i«in »?Pt their gwufi ref»4i\*. Thf I ib'*rul l*jrty. .*i t . , .. < r i ..... .. Ffnw»it.in« am «iilv- <n u t'on»tiU»tionH! wjv lo , rigUtft" ih* u*»tihM">ti atid j m j#WA(»rvc tii4 4 i»*M ty of ih'*īr n.ttnv • ••oii 4 ;y !jv « h • , ing thf* limholiei)! iiinn* -i *i ' ot inuniH io „•), iiiaie j

lhis Pur;i«l':stf witli of dje*rudē*l; *>ii*«. Tb«ir nobfc egjfa» du<*t »n thi« respeci is iii «tFiktyg c »ntrijj«t to Ihe trcj)somtblo meibQd3 of Joe Kum»on and hia "miimkm* ary" in 1887. We. «re fuiiy aware that the la»t e!ecUob« havc <icve£eped a tx»ott oo»teiiipstibl« rtpirit of ill «rill by the fareignaga!DBt tbe nati\ e. If the tactici« of IHB7 sre repe«ted it wiill simply arouge the n»tive HawaiiftnB. the yoong Hawaiian« of mixed parentage and a !arge raHy of honegt wbite men to kt any _Bucb invagion of popular Joe R?merson» you and yowr oliqa« had better cgnSne your pitiful puritatiic t>rejuiiioea witbih tbe pue», cincta of your polUieal ehnwh tiot aUempl to inaolta wiiola «allem of neople who have ever treated ; you and yonrs with kindnw and ,boMi«itaHty.