Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 385, 9 Pepeluali 1892 — Stand Firm. [ARTICLE]
Stand Firm.
I *iv dutv ot thc Lilror;»l Party ul i *:iv preaent jntvcture k iB'to "id to t J - L -- '" hat> mt"" our (>&rty a ify of the HoUBC- but il wiil probiJbly be found .n the apgembiinjis of the l.<egi*lature, P&- tbat not k»a tV j twentv menjber« * ' - ihe Liberah «ii'n»!»! »*rd. with such tborougblyT mited and well"dii>cipliue«l.. utider| '. he conimaivd of a leadei who un-1 krBtandp the »ituatio»i. und kuow?; how, where .mdji!»on to sir)ko >h«-:< l 'ow? of tlm iiiberal JV '1I | prow more than an\ I '-:i for th<"; to»h - 'in thcy j •vill be-oppoHi 'l lt \y ■'. ■■ i tls.it | 'hi-:# nill bo thr<?o »arli'»p in thej Hotme. Hhe-tnust numcrous rthercof< will he th< k Lih(»rals. The R«rfnnti--j; mi**hmnry strength will be k*:*j than that «»i »ho Uheml*. while; fV»wlM'•'.« r»ntjnj:ent of Ta»nnanv «tateBiiijn wil-l h»» th*» loa?t
!iutnerouB ofnll. Tt niwi# no ]>raj»hetu> forot» ll tho rrj»nlt.-—that the i/iher.»iV v thuugh thov «»»ay not «*on'rol the g«*)verf»ment, ean :«t '.':vt : Mr «ritji eo^^enn 1 npon hein*-' üblo t'j <lefg£t th/' t «?' tho '>f>fw)pitnvit. !t is ».*|ual!v .»ppar» nt thut . thr-i uppo»ing foctions t:an no n»orc i <mite «pon a. gonoral pali«*y. than i aii oil aud wator inn:tls:am«tc. ii i«? d.'>ul>U»'K< iru«* thf.t Mr. l>illingham oonld»how th*m w»m<s p<»i»it>»i>s' upun t!»«.• facilfty w."th whieli m 'ill -, >inln<tb will 'inite.—but ib<'v wjjl fiud »»»/-BwJ-wnt4ir Htub-, »»orn. 'lakm ail in all, tho poor j
mimūoniine* a»* thf di*vij l hiid th«d#e|)»w. Un theonc hanH they »rot*oiifr<»ut<'<J by the Liberalf*. -uiiited, «lert, and <lol*rmined to
«•arrY oui thwr' poliry if |K*sflibl»\ | ■ >q the otht*r han«i the piaih* on*e. ;ir« threaten**i by t-h* ,hongry «n«l unsorupuio«»* ofT»mmam\ i j£hould 4ity (|ii€Btinri &rise a« to! whieh of tbeM p*rties may be mt»t tlitii)giy descTibed ."ihe <levil,'' ift 3e<*or4*frce witb t)»e above tignre <*f apeeeh. w« «ill staUj that thc' LiWala are iK>t faatidioQS in the , mAtter, and m a» «itling to be. kmwm by tb* appe!iation of "tbe| dēvil," a# tfiat of **the deep 1 'At any rate, Ka ī.k » pie*isf«ci ita | word« tbattbr LiWal will ,4 p!oy th« d«rir' with mi»oionarr aeheeuea and |>r*»ten»ioiiw, wh*n thf latnrē meeta. i