Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 384, 8 Pepeluali 1892 — Equality and Justice. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Equality and Justice.

■ T!u* ituH[Uttlily and injußtic* of jtke friiuchi«e (br Kōbl« it c!i*Mr!y wen in the ?l<H»tibni ju«t o!rsefi thp i«iwt il!i»»trati©n of whieh c**ineti fr.»uV Kanai. Thw »

I : tilv V IHlsillHT.r-V.-l-r- . -t A*- S frr Mt !. : ikl !»•...v.:\. :i»» tr.«i ii»: n '«>■ ft nr»! )»* r-'V 1 :>y the pl.uii--r.-. r -*< i\r <J rvhi!«' Mr I»r!»-r a r r< rcivc<l \< w.r, >. Th«* r« j« rt« »l i.i n hichly *»»hir »';ito<!, f*n ahl'* »h'!Mt<'r fi'U °f , vipor; while th«» plaiit(Ts« i-hoiee ia , an invjilnl. physi< aiiy nn<l mentaljJv »rho ha® hut rorpnth* learnfd to write his nam?. Kauai has heeome ; a pocket-boroTi*h for sogar. j The Bu!>tin will no <ioubt she<i , a few croekodi!e t*ar« with the <lefeat of llr. ]Jndetnann, who waa a ,candidate of itf alteged National He(otw Party. The Bu!let»n how* ever ean t»e happv with either Lindemann or Drier. The fact tbat a univeraity hred man wa* 'defeat«d hy ao ifnahominu« doe? ! not trouble the Bulletin bo long aa its kpnohiki stock ownen have a tupporter. Beai<let tbe Bulletin and iU ally tti« Adverti«er f ean ; »upply all tbo opiniona and arguments in favor of the trusta and ' eoolie slavery and oth®r peculiarii tioB whieh a planterfl Legialatare : will demand, aod an empty augar | bag if it cou)d say "aye" to BaidI win, wooki do a« well aa Drier.