Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 383, 5 Pepeluali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That tbe Hed Lioa ' iooks nd and lone}y. too ba«f. That Johfi Brown*s whink«*y»bot* t!e loee emptjr oo tbe Btielf. That Jobn Hrown'n ltaby f i got ft pimple on its noee giory glorjr Haleluyab. / »—— Tsat w« un<ier»taiid from g«iod autbority tbat J. A. Kahooiiei R«d» -mi*nUtive of t«e Natkm«l Reform Fartf. awimiled Boss Bowler by tbrowing ov«r the Catbc4io vote to the Xat)onal Übar»i Parijr. H«r* ruh! Hurrah!

'l'hn Wii«*ox «I>«l v»»> K!t*vUi»nt*erirt4; WMat< v.ir th«* o c-*rt.uiuiy «'liohi t!io iiian- • Tli;tt i»v ;i sy«te!u «il'in* ati<i (mwl' th.* V &»;<• w*'t»t ahi'a-l. i*liftrl4 i y ' wil! fin«! lutrr th:.l !»»; h«.'!p<'<! thr* vn\.M fl c m«*n. ■ Tha.t ail !usp» rturs of K!« L-tion \9rere Htmi»p nati»iial lU«f »rni. T!mt i»«M>r K i uul of ih ' b.ti Bvil wu:. iluoio j gi»b!»h'«l tho r.i ch!« t i "" " ■ ' TiMit Heturtit v.'t«*rs w.-m «-<iliei j for the N:itiona], i» jr< li;t«»;rs. Tlm* Kauiukou' f. o t*."< ~r«.' for sa!(* V(*ryVht'jii». That Kiki!;i's !iai'V. lit ij» vh t >!«■): aml r«latiwi g.»t lii ui. lii!i»t.i nui i loa. That a li.»hv "< trrir»</" f ( >r Kaolatl!oa Wf»nt fn*iyht f'r •»• !»y ra'>| •Jn«! !nxt ■ , . " That Joht»ny s.»y» li<* is ir«ring to i>c a Pr«uli*tant. <h<» !J. i'. vote went h.i' k in hiui. That tho retu;iiiis nf UiL'Uolouiua i* j? >iug tQ be roov« il to a new bon«yanl. to be bv the o!d f/®dy of the P. A. That iien mad<* a mi*taira in tx>t getting Kinncy ov -r fr>m HaltLake for the cititpaigti. Wiiiie he<l a very winning way with hi m likipu Thurston. That the coward I>io«en? ha«l the l»ottom kiekeel oat of his th\ hy ('. \V. Aahfnr<L l'hat Mr. Marque« wa§ the hest fnend thr Railway had in the Jast but heware ye Bood!ers. To «ncourage honest enterpriae is one thii»g; to atte Bipt to w ail the Hood!e in 6i<jTit i& quite another. That every c!erk in the PAcific Hardware had hw haek for the use of Asbfordt votera, Thai aome of tbe inspectore— o©tab!y in tbe first aod fifth distHctß exoeeded tbe (l discretion v ailowed by law—NativeB were ordered to go *nā get their tax receiptB as io the yīw gone by/an outh waa notenffiment. Partis«D Insp6etora are reid!!y seen through. That Jo % n Kna sbouJd rememW in speaking of Btith trying to get a living and belpiv»gkis people. that the |»eopte ar their e&uae tierer reeeived uineh h#lpirom Mf Kua, ezcept in the muHual way of wagea. Ruah would to oonlma that hp haa not madr a k»rtune hy th#* people. whieh mry be owing to a want of brain poiver is uot deeern* ing avtd pnramn| ti* true foad to weallh, and the <Hrtnn«R to s*)eet oot'kiy. But it |doM nol ftill to every mm* lot to bj aMe lo nOeo • rich vidot snJa divone enil»

Uowha*etifi& i to ai*esdto ties AB€3tārafesi»aihi. That tbe d»fe»t ©f .l)liHi)fha» wa«, #aya tbe l* t :('. Ad¥eHi«?r. A raoe is«ue. Vet vcfiiy, » u mtn" te gc>t «iway fpoui th# iuiml triaftt, Ui .wat<»r tind milk trQot. fNe ne«9* I«&per trvuit. thc A«utie eootks trQ*t. the kbar auti Aii|»|ijy trugt. the «iej*t|fno of dw K. E tr»k «mi ttie othf*r octo [>us trusts whHili Aen in hm lM»iw»vot(»nce ia KtrUctin^.