Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 382, 3 February 1892 — OUR TICKET. [ARTICLE]

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; Oar womiil NoUW fbr m* y*»m i;if :lf r. B. M*tK wb*» w*« ye»r» a |«mf»ii«finit iti tiw h» imllilrjf nml i»e *m.MtU*t«*l.it , Mr. >lail<* t» yrt n foa«af tnan Aill i «»f vig «r w«*ii « UiieaiHl m»d twmg «4M>«t cf Hnipl* hin iiHle|>*iidi'ii«j it i« f«ir tj »»•• woni** fh«t he A-iii 4o m# w«*Uf«*r thē P*<H»'ē 1« tii«* lv>g«i*lr(iiirt*. ««• ho «lui f«»r hi.i»««*if in l»in*if)H#<i t N«» uaii*e ii< tiM»re ho«iond *nti trtt*ud tn l!# «»otulu fhxt of V H. Maiie, M iuet hii ii if |tr<'«Vd l»y tl»«* ;Natti»m»l Ltl»*'rMi p<«rty. hnvitig hy mui'nitlt<»UH V<»t«' of lt»ti\V ail«i «•U< te«l him tr^;o«iir'r.

Our t!xirci X«»Wf is Cu|it«tiii John lt» w. who heft« iii Is7o «r«mr* ing ih«» lio+.oml utitf'»r(ii Ih«* U. S. N»vv ffuin whic!i he r>*t(ign4»d iu onl<T U» «eUi» ih this euuiitry. iākv Mr. M»rq«H'B . Mr. Rw»# l>rought n)«>sni* with him auil h.t«< beeii a tux pnver ott pru|M*rty ■mee C»j>twin Kuki iwiim |»roperty it» th« l'uileei Staled uti«i {ihk |*aid oti it fur 25 ycun«. e'npuin Jithn Rti»o luu| a weii ki own Hgtire itt tfUj(a* nnd othrr ii*dnstriea whieh lie enU*rt«d into. wittr *the moii?;,- htt broughf hfr<;. evt-r of eoolie Ip b<»r. ntid 4» hii em ployer t»r nmn iwr.-i»o. iniki) tan ch»,rge iiftii wiili u w«i»t of #tf-r!ing aind wiimn Hi»d v »tifti ierHtion for tin»w» 1» hiK eiiip!ov.| Bueh iiianagor« «re ' m»t ivu!»U'd 'imlw. .

t)ur fourtli <;ait<li<iHtc f«<r Xohitt is Mr. £. B. Th<>tuas ehe weii kuown buildef . Mr. Tliouias eaine he*e about H5 T*ar» agiī. atid br* eumo a c«>iitra|?tor froui the >tart. Kvcry fin*t tii«*chHtiiv |ierc w«*ck'«Nl for Mr. Thoinas weu to lk>wler. |and Johmiv is 'untioublf*dh- adtjiitt«Hi t«» Im; au A. f mech«i;iics if uot a iiavigiitor. Mr. Thouiaa never {imipii'UNi for kidnu]»ping St>uth Sea i«Uiiders and coiu<equ<riitlv hevnr i>ecaiii** a politician with a iii'k; i»either »-as he< »»v» r knowii toj iw?ē iraported brick» with opiuii) ii> tbem. Hs has cov«r«Hi H<»tioluki with elegant buiidit«g. of<ly» *kiUr-ot»~ wlneh a Ch.u*timti wtis t:«ver eniploy«Hl; auWi)ugh the Aggreg»te voiue of h»s cotitractK exoet>d 800,000 doiMrs. and ' his l»bor pay «h€ft amounU to o*er 250,iXX> <ioilars. Mr. |Tnt»tt»At like aii «tir denis«*n*Hl eaijdidateft it afairspe«k* er and tinr tn|ivelUd uiueh in the Unit«d Htate«H and iHmm).