Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 382, 3 February 1892 — Contract Labor Slavery. [ARTICLE]
Contract Labor Slavery.
*t>n th«* l(>th «»f the 4Nnt Nov«mt»er. thrcv uativtt» c<iiitr»ft Übor♦*r* g*tting ti»H |»rincel? f>»y of 10 <]ollar? a u»»»ntji. al>s«:iitod theiu«eUv*i fr«-!ii ti:eir rw itr.irt Hl. v.«ry at Knknha |>iuiituiioi> K..uui .II wii» tii«' t*ii:Yiv»*n<ary of th«* hirth ōf Kal.ikiiu'i. th*?ir i»tc U*lov c «l Kii»g. rtiai ttiH dii.y «\ai ob«ervrii a«t a hoiitt.iy iti tlic (liBtrict, aml nll eoiiM'n? wfn* ii>vitcd to a ti*«tive ieuHi.; Tm«- thre«t naiivo KV*kaha ►hi}<lH ci iiM'ii Wt*rn feastihgat ru»oii. wii*'.* Mi(id«*!iiy u »I }K>!ice apt»«*ar<ni ar»d haiuieo&Hi lni'ni tor nn<i n.arcm'<i th<Mir »»ff t<i tti«* WaiineM ioik-np. whfre th»*y .rei.ua.ui«il untii 0 o'eloek nt?xt morn iiiK* At •»"* i(H*k oti th« tiio'ruing «f Uw 17th. iiian:ig«*r Gii>d*j. hr«>thvr of H. K. (ti:id«vthtf U»THtan Cotmu) « f thi« city. a|fiK'ar€«<i to proMcut<*. Htid the ui*u ii Kenienee of oay» hard I bor at iiihue J:iil w** pro tK>ui>o«-d. Tiif «Hmtract tlaveft wen» <n tii**' U4sptl «*uy han<ictx(f«Hi und fasten<hl tog«Hher, luarctHHi qii fo->t in frc»nt of a iuoiint«ki |>»!ic-iuaif •* di«tarice tf ovt*r 2d miiee to i 4 iiin«*. After thHpUntert»crfi« hadci>ui]»let«fd thoir 2U dayn $enai «ervituon <.ii thtf at Lihue, the/ were •uarched back to K« k kah.i iikl duSy hat)ded ov«tr t<> tb«*ir o«rnert. \Vliat th« augar nien wouhi llke, is to re« tore the g>H>d oid iaw in up to 1876 wlftch provid«*d for flof* giog i «i *uch eal»»*. On« <»f tb»> men named is |vaaha, und waa ht»rn on tho Lattdf *»f Kt?ksha whvr«* th« iii«porw<l GUi«* is uow Baron. nml son of thr soil is now Bwf. W«>rkuigtii* n aml ersof Ahhhloui. voie'Jor the sbolitioit of sh»v«*rv in ti)c |jib«'rai j»i *ti'. ;m
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