Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 382, 3 Pepeluali 1892 — Tac-ties That Failed. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tac-ties That Failed.

A |»roininent -»nd in(inet»t«*»l j>ar* tiz:in of the Lilieml i\»rty jo the wcond precinct «tf tiie tl>ird ward. *vai« c.«pturefl n»ght l»ef»fi* la»t hy »1 <h*. Heleiuhe and c«»iivey«*<l in a ha«'k t«; a .laiw* enci««pnre op{N-Htite J»al!*< e H<juare.' Th»-r«* he w•* in ntr»icted bv a di*ti*igitii<hed pers*ot?ngct to d f v iii» t*egt to defe«t Affhford and ai*(»itit Diilinghani B- ▼iid«»red kt t)ie nrtive partij!»i)Bhip of <»ne wlio wn» »upp*ved to -Ue lmiding froiii the polilieai oi»ntei«tv he wa» tben driven to the <»ott«fjre nf a govemnienl »>fficinl ;(n *hort hand refiorter -w«» h».»Heve) where he »n tt th«» whole H«»odler outfit. Bow Bow|er. P«ul. Pete, ai»d otl»»*ri«. Te»npt ing off»»rii of boodfe w»t. j mad«* hin» i«u!u« , e hiiu to aell out lne j»nrty, to whieh he «uccumbed. Hnt when on the foliowing dar the p)ot reve»led. the movement wnppromp4ly ch«»ckm:»t.d. and the fkmdierfi ]out the game. Btirk to "four }ack# M i and "p«»ker*' Pnul—polit?ca i« not J yoiir vocation. Query ? \Vhv dnfn j (Mer»t of the Bupreine-Court dcfy the law that prohihitft the govern ment C'lerka fr«>m engaging in pnlitics. We wait an antwer and wiil eontinuonjily re)»ent the <|uery, until weare anawewi

* ■ v w Thnt Ch«rl<»y Mc CHrthr my§ now th* cnnntry do*« not ,i ne«r eoM»titut!«Hi. Chi»rli»y »hnd n ,t fnrcihle,m*nu«r" on th» lMt c»m* paign of Myiog the Vi*ry Tcvernp. Biiith«» worid And Chsrley h«8 fo)lo«r<»d the worl<l H* hms heei» h«Mtrd to «*y p »l'tic« ruined him. But no gtK><l l>tiitker or !ender ohjecU to a inan imptovißic hi» oi>!mp : )* in 'ht|iectaH* le •ocietr M .