Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 382, 3 Pepeluali 1892 — SLOGANS. [ARTICLE]
tnt' LiU-ral mikl prot.»< ■•■ th«' ri<»' in»l«ihtrv.
lf vou v«>t«? ngan«"t ?n " Lil» ral !'.«• tv. v<»' : 11*«» giirtva knight ■«• ■ ■ iv-cnlt*r tlie Tb<: Lil»«T.tl l'aH*' if th*' p:«rtv <«f t'ir<th:it t«* t»r«#iuote t!»e i{(Mivral pr««|H'r!rv «»l lb<* natif»n. T:ir op;n)H!tii»n rfi»fllil>lv Jiifk Fal- >* ufts» ragt£ed reginit*iit «»f "Imhklī»*r« "rfformtTu" "b*r»in»i' v #t inip -ioM»rirf» ' "HltM)'>{M>!i;tK;' h >fi<'ttt Hf«<i v<rt« j Hg«iiift them. 8a«i;- thf |<o<kl u.iluml knownonn<J «i<>-nolhii'g — I'aul. the ■t»lenci"-«»f the J»'|»a!.«•»«• A' tiiiir. Uk |>art!i«*r uf I«ar*en,-*» i.orrm the iftifpionurv *fn'Bhman" .wiil be y« ur next cihinet if von v<ito agaitiHl the Lib«ri«l Tiek«t. The h»te Bush \Vilcox, ln:t thev < <nn<»t uive ;*au .» g KKi rea>»«in wby Be just and« (ion't coi»«ietiift uofairlv V«te the Liber.ii tick«t nnU for m*»«i who are pi»tri<»tic;i!ly dcvoted .t'» the- c.)untry. The defeat of tbe Kii>cr<»l Party ;iw»ana the deatb kneil of mitufr in ā:»d t!»e requirpi of inechati:e». irorkin*men. nnd tbe Hi* waiian v. rice fe;! co»>li«
will </o-v«>ur gravr».
Tht* nuiiv»«i of tb«» iu:MUMwrf« boodier« egfregft(i«#i» lueann th«* triu.ti)ih i»f nml truHt* —-HU;; (i r. ii>*nt anti rAiJrt»«i«ii*: «»»nI t« nhw»l \ ītl» p*»r iiuiii.
opponiti<ifi to t(i«* IJbemi« i'oih!i4i*t(*ci tiitfiniy l»v fi(.«ticiii A:mwho iiuvt' introi'M-eii h»to tt»ii» ouiiitrv th*' h»tr.Hl <>f tl>;»* |hh>l»l«', N<>n!i i«iMl Sourth. for «ny «»r)f with of c«»l inn< l»l«»o4i. Tti<* i.iUr,ii thc |M»|»uiur f«tr ty • I th«* iutiivf |Hf»|»ir eii<*iti» tht(.(«{NkHi'.ioM of ti»e jttt'»iu!y i*«i Uooh v«»tv th«* {4 iw-':tl tick«'t ati<i t**nrh tbnc t'rir<«iih ' htit y«»u «r»* an gi>od ni» th» v
. V«» »hk Hmmiian»', tho hwi iiii*H<>nury ami forHgn ]»rejtuiicc iy >•(! vour u«ck. Vot«- ti«e Liheml Mrk» t :.1 1cI !»»r ti»»» i»«»rty th»t wi|i iv»- Hi«tVHii:in> a fair f»hcw iu «»lli
K« Imt tii?tt th«- r«-v<i!ii(i(Hi w«x not A»«tifor<l*t. It w;»# n H<'iuMn«* of To<irstotn<. ('-n«tl«-H an«l otlu*r H.i.-Hi ui.ri«« to aeepiin' |»ow- <•• not I»jivi* B'ieln»t f«#r tli«' Ahlil «ni*. No » tl»<- iiiihMi.iiane.N <ii.Hj»l;iy ttu*jr rMCt«*rii*tit; 'hshoiie*ilv ;»n«l hy|MX a rif«y l»y k <i»MH>u:.t*ii»g .\»tH« r<l. M*mj of the Tr»ir«l W'ani v ( »t«* f.»r A»«hfonl nnil the Lil>t*r;il I*urt%*.■ -
»1 <• th<» L>l»*»ra[ I'arl|", ati«i you TfiWHlou to the Crtl>i- ; ft. flc tri<<d otic<* tn »«*!! out ihe nuiepfiidt*iicf of ttii« countrv iu Amenea irithont :» f.<ir i'«iuivul> nl. !!•* i>< U»ag« to th< 4 j»aitv that «i 1 ! «io it agaiii if you v.»tc thfii: ii)to «iwi tl^ TWWftllaiii<. Ww : f*h* of TRur«tm» mii(J l>ii> inij*«»jo' ; ry «t!«i vot«* the Li)»efMl tiek<>t.