Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 382, 3 February 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
PEINCCPLK or <«>VEKNMENT AND # '?ONBTiTUTIO*S. 1. We den» ttm* eii Oovmaent ehonkl he lnnnM on the prindpiMi of Überty. nnd PvntemHv; we hoU ihnlaii men nie Wn tr**āadeqx»l before tho nnd in #wd md wHh inni£nnbie righte to IKe, to to . propertp. to the pnrenit ot Inpplneee imd to ep|f-protertion er»inet nrbttmry eeneentrntion of fower» imaponaihle wenlih, nnd nn*rfr fompotition. Webe ttovo thet Jort goven»m«nt nxMi oniy by the eewentof the Heepie. «6dti»nt. when it heeemee neeeee«y forthei«nb> ik weiinn». thef »ny ahoUA esietin« and eqnitnble <yeteft&; end, ee the piw jw«t Conntttntlen efthe Hpwniinn Kinr dom never hee Md thnnpfrpvnl of th« P*opl*,btit wee eatnHieded by intimid*tion *nd frnnd for the bnneit of n certnin ekun th*Mmsu W9 f*rot the adoption of n a*w-nnd mo*e Hlmml oonr stitutlon, to tmly ewtirr n (ioveruineiit lleopk, ' *f the Keople nnd>r the » Wptf •
INDKPRKDENCjc OF THK CC)!J3iTBY 1. Outnlrowikl«rmlloii lortb»Ww«t right« aod . ni»imiit oplnknu of Ihe nauv« pofml*tkMi. «i<iutin to niyiitlw iodepend«K* of Ootiolry *nd drfrad it« Mitoeoniy. nadw« Hbef«U maA popmUr form M gsv9n»)eßt; batmir Ti«itiii wKh lfor«igfl I*owwe, *nd ye«t**īUlt miOi the Ualted Htate» ol Aimi», ilMnli! h© y«irfand. W Mto hett«r inc«t - ppipeal nece«rithM Mid to oM»i& mora •qaitebl«»ilvaiita9n in esrf)*age<tf tho§e gni»tcd bf m.
JIJDICIABY REFOBM* 3. Oar Jmlkfaury §y*#m mad OoAeoi PMian bmm( ki nlnlKiii (e i ou4hvevMoa. MM te eeeni* acboap efcdpron»pt *dminietrstkMiof}setice fre« i of ftil nd %n I Jeoder lte imāms waam «wrtly iw- ' jMeaibbit»tlw hopi«; aad we »r« ia ; f»vor of*A mei« iilmi int*rpr«tatii»i of ; CoattHolkmftl r»wleoii the lreedom , of apooeh »d tbo pmm. TAXATOW ! 4.A noro J»t eyetem oi. ! Taxfttkm naat be iaMpmiid, to •*». | ibh th© pmeei InwpliliHw, by wliieii | tbe property of |1m poor i«exc«mively , tased. whiie fiMcb el,tlw rieh ma'e , fwdi »ra ua4&*v*hmd for HNHiMet or ontire)y eeeepe tetitfei>; v» ehell j tlMfiH« dMMBd the pn—|» cf Uw« l tlut will nore effecto>lly Mib|ect the ! |iroperty ol eeN-ponU* se aml rieh dt.-) aeae to thmr |aet proportk>n of peMie bsvdnte. whHe mnUnf iwnw liMe! j «Koapiiona to the poor; iad M» nMM | of dtoeoaraging tbe iorking «p of hnge j tnrte M nn€tttivnled inade ( n ' t»l Ux BtM*id brfievied in nddHimi to* the nennl ■uamuienf en vninn*lon whkh ] ehonid be in |»rm>ortion to tbe imi% i of the eon. Weahnll ekiof»vor th»ep» tnbitohmentof A Kindaßtff! knome iā*, j nnd Uinennpaiei to ofal*in n«ple fnnda | n»ta without any farther enlle oa thf ,
MONOPOUKH : 5. WeirtM!l mm oor «flNti to obt*U» U«ē by wh!di »11 hiwHim la Um u»».* erameftt tßd ti( momapAkm, trwt» *md privi!egm tofydil Hmm M be midered im|>omiUe, by lall, ddtoite ud mend»torv l»ci«,rc ftKRVAKTB. 6. Itetter ki«ri t*io«ld rcfnbtf the Civil o«tioi. The prtßtiple of the_
Ikm of oflleers ef, the govefnment by | tbep»ople«kcml4beeiUbH«h»d t »mlno «ma ehoahl be | vhil«l pkuri«t| BbcmW be «ep)»B«eHiMi lor i tewnfieM raiidpyfd. JUB oae—aivc w» j )ftri«p Aoiid be tfd>«ri tni ill «Im | nm «tmrilaoii «Aeaa <tbo)isbed. . KBOTKCTIO» tO HOMK 13«- ! DU*TBIK* j 7. W§ are !b fi»vot o(tieo«n|ia| »11 j Imm apKßlts(««)d udili • ont nlNo prodttet», lih» rko f «A» ( i «mI. tdtem>, ete. «honki be peoleeM ; «d Mrad fajr |»raper tariff wf nloilea; , Md jl» it mioK bo Uie doly of ihe lk*h ; HMt, iti iti NiUieli oi)d <«tiier opew ; ttoM,toglwprotMMro HMliwnlpi» «te«te ov«*r iateorted oiiee. I
S. Wb d«:r» a Mtore liberal poifc*y tt» i «erde ti}c diinMt &binde <d tbe Kiar doea. oolelde of'4J)ebtt; thar eboald rt- j eetve e !airer propertfesa ef l)|e fablk Btua«gp for tbe d(tikipeMfito( tbeir neoMrcw aitd lt» of th*Ar weiiM. Is ieel, ilte piiMlpl» ofbek ( AowM be «Med, «Imm|[gMH|li|BßiitiMflHgr rheeee Ihe miilln' I ml lamnmmwnl» of e pttbfte PROTKCT!ON TOTHK JUHOUEIKU
». We M Mmm ell meeeun tradi«)| to inapmve ihe coftdlHM of the worhteg cie«en» eM meinwitty ( wHh» oat tn|«rtog e»y tmt>l iijhle» wo «M «dvoc«te leere to «rm«tlli h»rther |» |MtrtNlinn er MtilnjnMtit of eenleee#* toh»r of *oy ihd, opoe eeit#lfteM fbieb «111 hriaf jt i«to » wiwiM Md defndl«| «rHh bee lie«»i uu»«rwhHe lebe|r. We d»e!l elee. m thei«tirnt of bittw uwrteetioe of thepoOT. eeh iMwieKhe#! eiwmplien eftheir |>rißerty jfaeen hi>d«»bMm Im»! aei«^ieheakr«iptey
BMALL AHP HOMK liM9WMCihib ef M^£eb«fM m wS£5 invad*K ) Mdb^S fr«tt M ux«« for e liaM nml, ft «honki be the farthw mm*4&ww mmt to, tt«»», eo «er impnwe >ttll *' LBCI»*kAL KUMIT 12 X?Smm£r% thee> btibjl?wra wiißtry. enaol whieh mt +*nSTrMk *K~rSZI . - ; v : ">; v f