Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 381, 2 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
a I u>tii fliTororOwhito«of ICart IwHmOm* $*$*r Banm mi. Th«t $12 | pnr aiiniih wn tfeo , prkje p»id tor Ihe la»t 10l of dftoi* af{wl Jap* j j. N. & H'illiama I»bft88 00»! |you(ielf. (15 oU. a <*»y) ; "|; . That Ben talked ihem mtu io* v«*ting?n «leiwi r«ftunchM 4tc «ttd ihen Bon «r«i|t in in oppo«:on to ihem, t -::: ■ I '" ■" ": - " ■.:■■-. -
p?pwjwifpnnnipH Miam TMlft er™»et|mm<» fMft. «t4Bl (M IIIMI «oid ehiiim q«iw « MW»Ur i.f «Hfiti in f{aelu( nM lionwi' # ihe aoid o*t of tb<r Fft#hi<m*M» Bt«W*i» M*f «*«* <t*vUt ; »<i«y.) B«p«r S»w» Y**»g.&se. $$ mt. Thnt the a!les*td B»js§iah pMkp of tb» Mmumi h«m gbtte u|i i|ir» tpotll. E. I. P. N>w the «rhtt« Ajrmn it out »f » b&~ l That H. A, Wi£ta**t!ft «aft mii in Kinge pkvtnre «hap drnmji«tig for futi4s ibfi thft Eof#r>ii parrly i;duit!itijga. That Quiuns !itie ef cHH»duot Ip tbt <:bin«w H«ek w»tlitig ie to DHliiifh«m« l©w»rdB tho K«ps Hr«»tiwprn at Jēwh. That the Buiietiti piaiaiy ihen» the ciovt»n hoof ae it )MriiiU iti «omli typn Natfcmai ftiid itt wj larsn* tyue r»i»mi )»rtr. Th#t Bu«8 Bowi«r U eonvvrtiu£ thft Cnthoiie Mieeionai? in-emiaea on Fort Btf©H inlo a poi4tkfti Btumptng gmusd. Thftt &{* «t Quiirft»titie (mai hele) wotil4 like to hftve a N«w Conetitutit>n. Dr. Thriat-Oii wiil preeeribe. (16 cte. a da/). Tiiat iunH Ton»tuf Lftee» U eeett dniiy on Kinff »t wiui botb barwis full of tft6ttn trying ts explain the Waikiki M%e aleai. Thftt tOA facitious onei eay that ihe Lueae £nntiir km>w hnw U ie 4ooe «tnd that Jim«j Mo(fftn know*teo. Thftt the &9wif appointed C«4mt* ei eeioed iHeii>>iy weii eetisfM with hiiiieiif in hi» eeoond he»i Uniforiu on th« 29i1«. , Thftt the Bawi>timie hl-m*nn&r~ ed Cbftriejr d«M not tUte it e«A thftt one b***t Booiiw«usV bm*i I» Seho l towled yet m b*ye Th«t tbe Boedie etab*H*«iee Beet #if lHfttnond be»d bfta ro mm* Bundftj debftueher«e« mm &m the eloction -ftnd tben Mt *m;, f>rhi«hjmkß. mmmmmm» ' ■ ■ ■* •;*. «ta «T Mm kMĪ B*tarßmm ■ Th««Mr. MoO*rtby WMtt • Kot C«*!ūrtfo*. ••«#*> dm« BowW, nor TlNntM, UnglMm nwr Sool»««i».lw Jtihwfc (15 ri».* Th*t ilm Krf)ra iokwitMiij i« dMtn on Uk» ohiMw RMk«M twoa««i tkqr !»«• (M «m Um* hU «nimua to»wrnb Umw «W* WIMAM M*. w4f off ft«u Mliit«f „„t mw *n>on4 h«ttd ontfiU.