Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 381, 2 February 1892 — Our Trust Swindies. [ARTICLE]
Our Trust Swindies.
hi tnkiitg \m uf our M* nih! MNujii»efHii! emkiiikM liiw th« ln»t tw*« ymr» ago. «e »r» hr>»ught jfaotf to f«i» «kh «tv* tT>t» ugiv «iiieh timkf U i vul«»tit thnt |th<* p«r A#e ht*i3oiiiiftg iMx>ri*r i»nd | tb«wfon {imiim?!! »f*:.king. M|ilec«; and tbat tl»e <v*i*it«]tst mi<l Urge i»nd liold« m wh«» cnntroi th# fned «apf>ly, ar« i»wSrniiinj( arrng«nt tind titftirping. I|w»i y««rf ago. %«r«* v. a» Ht o.«t* ne«iip«pc»ppr Ihh (»ur*(tif, iwhloli wras frwi to <*xp.ihlie injt»ry «r (;riv«t« «rong. Th:it i« the cjute no l«»nger. Thert i« iri thiK cit>i two fi<*«#|>H}»er trtsnto wlm <Mntr»i newnj«iip**r «»uiof Ka Lr,<>, und when their iiitefmt« demeud it »» iu the f»ret»ent «'ieeii'm. t.b«*v chii ennp-* erate ag tlirvj ar«v doing. atid eon* cetitr«te th«-ir uower ng.ti(i«t tbe l»arty of the We w.ou id venturt*ju»t i!»ere to tell iheae iuoii* ifd gHhtrv thj»t »»• tiier*» i* tio bajrcnet trestjr - in existetu.t*. tiistory *nity Ik' repeat«td iii HhwhU Verb. A ft*w iiieu in ihi* city cantrul U<e Miippljr ' f food. We have th« milk tru»t. in whicjli n cerUin i»uuiber of Ci«UW <twnersj oontroi the snpp|jr o# milk. aud combii»ed to miae iU pricH. T|h«i» we have the meat trtist the *»f «bicb are owners ofthej** Dnily Biillt*tiii." tbe " Holoiiiuh" h!»o tba •• C Adveriiser" »t»d itsj nutivv satulitetf the ••Kiioku»" rti»d w Pa#*atna " Thu» the few capitaiists who raise ihe prto« of ont (bod hare g&f»t*d ai»d oiU2zled tbe Pkem Every man «b«» ftidi and supportB theie cor*' morftnlft hy joining and idef»tifying bims»lf witbjtheir polilieal urg»n*' isHtious. »qc)l as tbe bogus Meohanics L'nion and its atiies, i» an ene* my to society, Tbe aehemea of tbo *'trust n are villianous eeheme} whtci)d«nutiid |hestrong rirm ot')a« to nut tbem dowti. The aim of the peoploa pfirtj if strot»g **i»ough, wiil he tp put an «nd to sueb j oorporate laroenv as h«s heen going o.i in Honolulu. Tbe ibeivee and robbera wbo ht?« ing got oontrol of tbe market IMe a Hfe mortBag» on tbe eloaaaehe of tbe pour ongbt tn be sent t*n th« reef for Itk. \ Vote the NaUonal Übmi Uokei for man on it is Indep«i4ent, and our motto ie: — M De*tb le Tf*ietg." V j; ■ -