Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 381, 2 Pepeluali 1892 — OUR TICKET. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tne Adverliser is uot Mti«fled with the >I«Hrhanic« Union tickct und th*t l'nion »rt»»:-quai-lv reso!v«€ t»» ij;nore the dic'.atton of the Adverti«if*r. It whs ever thns with the p.irty of the Adver ti»er v rt:ii or ruin." If thev c«n:>ot dictfftv thev inual, divide. lt wh» ttiis iiuperioui) poli«y whieh g«ve birth to trie Katior*l P«rty alM>nt two yeurs ago, Th.»: Nniion;il P«rtv's ticket in tht»-|fre«e.nt cam{»titfn i« Co:u|>o6ed wh '» have hy th«ir pertf»Dtil merit 09nfidevice of the pahlie M ThuP9ton ftt Mr. Dil» lii»ghiim r « mc«ti<)f Bheev#l « ditl>oaitton to rritidjw them. but th«re w«i nOt character in ltiti Hst 01», whieh hip hutigry vtn«»m couid f«Bten. ' Fjr»t on iHjr Nohle ticket •unda Ihe naine i«f Mr. Marquea who haa heeii flfteeii year* in tbe Kiiigdboa. buritm thai periad he ba* aīieUiii ed the ra|Mfltatioit of Mng honorahle and hdMt in a!l hb deeiinflp and generoAa U» a fa«lt. Kui bjr aiiy low dodf|e ol gettinit tbe best of a man in a de*l. Ht« eeientlflo edtKMition prove4 a natk>nat baon u> lionolula wbe|t at bla o«n ex|tenoe he put do#n tbe irst aHe* aian weil. Mr. I|arquea i* an eleot> ed met»ber of «jtveral kartiid eodettes in Kupope jti> whieh all tL - wealUi of 0. R. Cjo. could nōt efleot an entranoe without t»erit. Mr. N. hae iiaple titifce nnd meana to attend to the <yily ax be baa to grinJ. nam«4y t£+ boneet good of the eeuntrf of li|< adoj'li<>n Mr M;«r4ma> reci»nliin the last Le^ia»

»tid. <T ooßMbnfta« imp»?tiiiiHy aod &dJ^ratMK ; To : br

' 1 »m in foYor of tfce i»trd daetiott off£ii«l iniianeooHaa," ti»gnr Ham» Dee ff !J9/.