Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 381, 2 February 1892 — SLOGANS. [ARTICLE]
The Lit>eral l'artv lia« MHind**l Ok-tn:f»»i>et eall i«i duty. Workmg m<*chaiiic« ait<i MU»r<fkea|H *-r» m<iKt*rK at thf b.iliot Im>x ami <i«*ftfat ihi* iiiouoiM>li«t ( an<l thv Kftit uad<*r wb<*e he*is y<m «riil b«« trodd«'n. nnd who wiii dix rour grave« for iifte«'ti a d:»y. Thi» hil»eral Party i« th«* p;irtv •»f tiw |>vop|f. of tl»«> workiiiftit<eu >n:d of a!i »?»Utis^tri j* 1 clhojm*i<. Th»*y iim:4tppon«īd hv mmii<'d piutoT;its and fnonopoiisto. WTorkingfii«*n waw! V f ote th#» Liiwai. ticket or < ommlt politieal suicide. VoU*m. r-m«iijbHr tit«f the 04»-. tH«iti#n to th*» Lihnnihi ia th<> <ilSd Hefortit Par!v in diaguiae. aikl the uttaram:es <>f iheir subsidixed ort«9it ie charactertzed by rac«t t>rejud)u« and .1 iimligitant hti 4 red <.f the Ha» WHii»n«. th* ir l»»ftdertt and friendj*. V<»tH.th«*' »iilM»rai tinket. nnj for thc ii-mi nh * wiil <lt*feiit the C<»natitutioi»al Au:<'t)diiitii.t th»t ix intandtHi t<» deprive tl:e for«*ij»uer 4>f huj vakv The Liberals will rtrivv t<» tti<cure the p»rtith>n of the publio l«nd§ int<> hon>edtearis ft>r rhnstian mttlera. The <>}>po*itii>u vill' turn ihN I*aradise int<> eoolie canii>a. »ul>ject to lordl v bjtrons. Vote the Liberai Uekei. for <H)unl rig&ts and goneral proaperitv. Ali frienda of ibe H*waKans wbo wish to aee tbisooqntry, peiioo-' ful. oontetited and pro»perous. du n<>t bw d iiv«-d by tbe etnning Yaisehood of the t»i»>nied plutber«|s. but vote the Liberai ticket straight. The ntilive Hawaiian people dettiand a new cnnstitution tA repisoe the rag whieh wat eatnnied d«»wn tbeir throata by *'oiissionarjr 1 bay-. onets. Vote ihe Liber»l tksket and )et us bave a liew o<»nstituiio«i of "equ«l rigbt«" and de<noenPlie reiorins tbai tnay be appruw«4ofbgr vote of the people. and re»tore bar* tnony in tbe kingdoiu. The nilssi>*n;trv • bo<»dlers |»arty want to.barter twav our inde|»end*
• eut privileg«s for att un<*rtaiti augar U.»ui»ty ttiat l'uele Ham oan m»t guMrantee V*te f«»r the Ltberal P«f»y mih! the n<e!i who nieoooi* (wrtent t<» inake n ireaty wīth thc U. 8. that will promot« eur oom tnaroe an<i pr«*acrve *mr digi|ity and iiulet>o!ide»ff. Biwh aiul Wil<rox are the l»regab«ioa nt whieh the a«intly i»Mritaii» (?) of the miiuii<>iii«ry-hondlera. party take a'ann. Th«*re «re wurae iMen rtght lu t)»e tniaaiontiry ritnka, thnn B. <3e W. but the l.ittrr are m* ao€tMtfd with iuen of hom#r energy and toliiiity wh<> nre the gaidiiig •pirita of th* Liberal Party. Patnotif.ii l>oodling. V. t«- the lib*T4l tfck< t The L lwra! Pnrtr ih |*a<riottc aini loyai t» th»* Qi>e»n i<R(l liie Lahui. Hurrah f«»r llnwaii. tbe the Lahni and tlie Lil*ei;»l PaTtv. Vote the ticket *tr.iigiit i Henietiibfr thut the oj»|»o»»itioii ft to the Lil»er.ii ,I*!<rty i* * I>.ic»<l atid di9honoraitie pr(judic« thf !iatiye fliiwaiUg* fo*tered l»v thnt lvii*g ••mipnHHM;-}'" sht«H v the Ad▼erti*6r. lf the I.iU«ral ticket fail», t)*e ?>ate for a new M l>«.lt•up•j<»b ,, e&hi net ife nlr<*adv pr»«p>ired: —- Parker, Neumaun. Peter«oti Tnuriit<»fi. The Lihi-niln e:»r» fitrtiisfh l>«»tter nien . \rii ».!tave «II hien failnren itt t*xcept Neumami. Vote thc Liln nil tii'ket jind d«>wn with any Thur«ti>n c*l»ii,H.>
ant in favor of the intro duetion nf Kiti*t indian Coolieo" y ■ . Syg<ti' R/irnn Yout »7. /W. 2$ 1891.