Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 381, 2 Pepeluali 1892 — Political Echoes. [ARTICLE]
Political Echoes.
Th« Holomua *nyti tKat ' the Nati >nHI K«forin Pnrty as a eouH**rvative # and reapectable organuation i« the legitimatK a«!Ocesa«»r of the Reforin purty that ie dead" R <u! The «ho«ta of the late Uu>eoted reform party ari«te iti dtriaion |t thn Ci»r|>oralt guard <>f quidounCB headed by Bowler. who pre» tend to repre«ent tbe Xational Reform Farty, una elaiui the *s»et« of t lie defunct reform party. *Thc Liberal P*rty īh tht» p»|»uiar p4rtv of the people 4 embodying i«i it* p!atfpr.u and orxanisaUoti ail tbat conntituted (he NaUonal Reform ot 1-890. Tbe littie grou» ,of 90«iemera .ind deeertera »Toai the pirt; «>f 189U whu hare ūi&nipuiaU*d a ttoket through tl»e Mfohatiics l'nion apjn»ar in an $b*
, tiiril coui*dy, tfyiug to |km a» a > politic.il |Mirty Tit« oIU Natiaival K**fiirtu I'«rty i» «9 |>ractica!ly i#ad a* tii«* Kolom» l'mrty. Tli« N«tioii* ai T«rty of t«i <iny ia Khf ( Natica<il Reform P«rtf uf IK9O. Tm« aggloii)«*r*WMl ptrty whioh U uiaaqueratiitig un<ler tbe tit)« of "Nalioiial B**foriti M u notbit!g b«lt # r*ttit)il CkcttAi»a i»f "boodl«ra M ' W rotin" "iuiiwsoi»Mr!tifl** ai»d "nrfumera " Tbeir pltatf*>rtus ia .iiubigauua, *H<i uM»afe. Hoiik* •»! UiHr !ioft)ttteea bave U*«m trieii bel<irtt *imJ loiiiiU wtt!!ting, aa wre iaittile»a to the party that «i«vnt*ii theni. Their elaiuia for eomnrryat:im hiiii n*apectalrt<!ty hat*e got hig ho.ea m iiieoi. Tiiey <Jo t»ot pre§ent »# reaf>ectabl#, intel!igent or a4»lid a froi»t aa <io the libetnl t;ok*-t. aiui their politi(Ml vfe«rs *re <t(tt audU:iently piH»iivurtmi to wūtrant tht*ir eluiin for prefar«:ice. Khkk Lanck.
- i ati) iti favor <f intro ilnelion of Ea«t i«du& Coolies " Stnptr Hnron Dft. 92 18$ 1*