Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 381, 2 Pepeluali 1892 — Page 6

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This text was transcribed by:  Danielle Espiritu
This work is dedicated to:  Awaiaulu


"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."




Liberal Party.



For 6 yrs.  A. MARQUES

"    "    "  C.B. Maile

"    "    "  J. ROSS

"    4    "  E. B. THOMAS

"    2    "  J. GAY


Ward 1.  W.H. CUMMINGS.

"        2.  J.W. BIPIKANE.

"        3.  C.W. ASHFORD.

"        4.  S.K. AKI.

"        5.  S.K. PUA.






MASS MEETING OF THE National Liberal Party.


If You Don't Want EAST INDIA COOLIES AT Fifteen Cents a Day VOTE THE Liberal Ticket and Vote it Straight

TUESDAY, FEB. 2, 1892.


        "I am in favor of the introduction of East Indian Coolies."

        Letter of Alexander Young, accepting the Planters' nomination for Noble, - Island of Hawaii - Dec. 22, 1891.  Published in P.C. Advertiser.  January 19, 1892.


Political Echoes.


        The Holomua says that "the National Reform Party as a conservative and respectable organization is the legitimate successor of the Reform party that is dead" Rats! The ghosts of the late lamented reform party arise in derision @t the corporals guard of quid@un@s headed @oss Bowler, who pretend to represent the National Reform party, and claim the assets of defunct reform party.


        The Liberal Party is the popular party of the people, embodying in its platform and organization all that constituted the National Reform Party of 1890.  The little group of s@@emers and deserters from the party of 1890 who have manipulated a ticket through the Mechanics Union appear in an absurd comedy, trying to pose as a political party.  The old National Reform Party is as practically lead as the Reform Party.  The National Liberal Party of today is the National Reform Party of 1890.


        The agglomerated party which is masquerading under the title of "National Reform" is nothing but rattled factions of "b@@dl@rs" "barrons" "missionaries" and "reformers."  Their platforms is ambiguous, and unsafe.  @o@e of their nominees have been tried before and found wanting, as they were faithless to the party that elevated them.  Their claims for conservatism and respectability have got big holes in them.  They do not present as respectable, intelligent or solid a front as do the Liberal ticket, and their political views are not sufficiently pronounced to warrant their claim for preference.



        "I am in favor of the introduction of East Indian Coolies"

        Sugar Baron Young. Dec. 22, 1891.



        The Liberal Party has sounded the trumpet call to duty.  Working men mechanics and store-keepers @u@ters at the ballot box and defeat the monopolist, and the East Indian Coolie under whose heels you will be trodden, and who will dig your graves for fifteen cents a day.


        The Liberal Party is the party of he people, of the workingmen and of all industrial classes.  They are opposed by monied plutocrats and monopolists.  Workingmen beware!  Vote the Liberal ticket or you commit political suicide.


        Voters, remember that the opposition to the Liberals is the old Reform Party in disguise, and the utterances of their subsidized press is characterized by race prejudice and a malignant ha@red of the Hawaiians, their leaders and friends.


        Vote the Liberal ticket, and for the men who will defeat the Constitutional Amendment that is intended to deprive the foreigner of his vote.


        The Liberals will strive to secure the partition of the public lands into homesteads for christian settlers.  The opposition will turn this Paradise, into coolie camps, subject to lordly barons.  Vote the Liberal ticket, for equal rights and general prosperity.


        All friends of the Hawaiians who wish to see this country, peaceful, contented and prosperous, do not be d@@@ived by the @@@ning falsehood of the @@@nied plutocrats, but vote the Liberal ticket straight.


        The native Hawaiian people demand a new constitution to replace the rag which was @@@mmed down their throats by "missionary" bayonets.  Vote the Liberal ticket and let us @ave a new constitution of "equal rights" and democratic reforms that may be approved of by vote of the people, and restore harmony in the kingdom.


        The missionary-boodlers party want to barter away our independent privileges for an uncertain sugar bounty that Uncle Same cannot guarantee.  Vote for the Liberal Party and the men who are competent to make a treaty with the U.S. that will promote our comers and preserve our dignity and independence.


        Bush and Wilcox are the br@gab@@s at which the @@intly @@rit@@s (?) of the missionary-boodlers party take alarm.  There are worse men right in the missionary ranks, than B. & W. but the latter are associated with men of honor energy and ability who are the guiding spirits of the Liberal Party.  Patriotism @@@@ns @oudling.  Vote the Liberal ticket.


        The Liberal Party is patriotic and loyal to the Queen and the Lahui.  Hurray for Hawai, the Queen the Lahui and the Liberal party.  Vote for the ticket straight@


        Remember that the opposition to the Liberal Party is a B@@d and dishonorable prejudice against the native Hawaii@@@ fostered by that lying "missionary" sheet, the Advertiser.


        If the Liberal ticket fails, the @@ate for a new "put-up-job" cabinet is already prepared: - Parker, Neumann, Peterson, Thurston.  The Liberals can furnish better men than these who have all been failures in office, except Neumann.  Vote the Liberal ticket and down with any Thurston cabinet.


        "I am in favor of the introduction @f East Indian Coolies"

        Sugar Baron Young. Dec. 22, 1891.




        The Advertiser is not satisfied with the Mechanics Union ticket and the Mechanics Union are equally resolved to ignore the dictation of the Advertiser.  It was ever th@s with the party of the Advertiser "rule or ruin."  If they cannot dictate they must, divide.  It was this imperious policy which gave birth to the National Party about two years ago.


        The National Party's ticket in the present campaign is composed of men who have by their personal merit earned the confidence of the public.  Mr. Thurston at Mr. Dillingham's meeting sh@@@@@ a disposition to critici@e them, but there was not a character in the list on which his hungry venom could fasten.


        First on our Noble ticket stands the name of Mr. Marques who has been fifteen years in the Kingdom.  During that period he has sustained the reputation of being honorable and honest in all his dealings and generous to a fault.  Not by any low dodge of getting the best of a man in a deal.  His scientific education proved a national b@@@ to Honolulu when at his own expense he put down the first artesian well.  Mr. Marques is an elected member of several learned societies in Europe to which all the wealth of O. R. Co. could not effect an entrance without merit.  Mr. M. has ample time and means to attend to the only ax he has to grind, namely the honest good of the country of his adoption.  Mr. Marques's record in the last Legislature is marked by industry, care and a conscientious impartiality and adherence to his pledges.

To be Continued.


        "I am in favor of the introduction of East Indian Coolies."

        Sugar Baron Young. Dec. 22 1891.


Our Trust Swindles.


        In taking a retrospect of our @@cial and commercial conditional since the last election, two years ago, we are brought face to face with several ugly features which make it evident that the poor are becoming poorer and therefore p@@@arily speaking, more helpless; and that the capitalist and large land holders who control the food supply, are becoming more arrogant and usurping.  Two years ago, there was at least one newspaper beside ourself, which was free to expose public inj@ry or private wrong.  That is the case no longer.  There is in this city two newspaper trusts who control every newspaper outside of KA LEO, and when their financial interests demand it as in the present election they can cooperate as they are doing, and concentrate their power against the party of the people.  We would venture just here to tell these monied gentry that as their is no bayonet treaty in existence, history may be repeated in Hawaii   Verb. @ap.

        A few men in this city control the supply of food.  We have the milk trust, in which a certain number of cattle owners control the supply of milk, and lately combined to raise its price.  Then we have the meat trust the stockholders of which are owners of the "Daily Bulletin," the "Holomua" also the @. C Advertiser" and its native satt@lites the "Kuokoa" and "Pa@aina"  Thus the few capitalists who raise the price of our food have gagged and muzzled the PRESS  Every man who aids and supports these cormorants by joining and identifying himself with their political organizations, such as the bogus Mechanics Union and its allies, is an enemy society.  The schemes of the "trust" are villianous schemes which demand the strong arm of law to put them down.

        The aim of the peoples party if strong enough, will be to put an end to such corporate larceny as has been going on in Honolulu.  The theives and robbers who having got control of the market force a life mortgage on the stomachs of the poor ought to be sent on the reef for life.

        Vote the National Liberal ticket for every man on it is Independet, and our motto is: - "Death to Trusts."




        "I am in favor of the introduction of East Indian Coolies."

        Sugar Baron Young, Dec. 22 1891.


        That $12 per month was the price paid for the last lot of damaged Japs, J. N. @. Williams please @o@t yourself.  (15 cts. a day).


        That Ben talked them into investing in @t@@@@ Launches @@ and then Ben went in in opposion to them.


        That there was @@@@@@@@ @@@@@ the name Reform party @@@@ @@@@@.


        That in consequence the K@@@ Brothers are on the @@@g@ of B@@@ r@p@y.


        That it, a fact that Qu@@@ has sold chinese quite a number of out@@@ in H@@k@ and ho@@@.


        That the femal "orator" is glad, she sold out of the Fashionable Stables. Al@y now. (1@ @t@ a day.)


        "I am in favor of the introduction of the East Indian Coolies."

        Sugar Baron Young, Dec. 22 1891.


        That the alleged English parties of the Holomua has gone up the spout.  R. I. P.  Now the white Ayran is out of a job.


        That H. A. Widemann was seen in Kings picture shop dr@mming for funds for the Reform party campaign.


        That Quinns line of conduct in the chinese H@ck selling is similar to Dillinghams towards the Kapu Brothers at Ewa.


        That the Bulletin plainly shows the cloven @oof as it prints in small type National and in very large type reform party.


        That @oss Bowler is converting the Catholic Missionary premises on Fort Street into a political stumping ground.


        That the sick Jap at Quarantine (mai hele) would like to have a New Constitution.  Dr. Thrist-on will prescribe. (15 cts. a day).


        That sunset Tommy Lucas is seen daily on King St with both hands full of tacks trying to explain the Waikiki Bridge stea@.


        That t@@ facitious ones say that the Lucas family know how it is done and that Jimmy Morgan knows too.


        That the newly appointed Colonel semed intensely well satisfied with himself in his second hand Uniform on the 29th.


        That the B@mpti@@@ ill-mannered Charley does not like it and that one horse Sooliw@n is beard to Keho I towled yes @@ b@@@

        That the Bo@di@ club-House East of Diamond head has no @@@@ Sunday debaucheries until after the election-and then look out for high jinks.


        "I am in favor of the introduction of East Indian Coolies"

        Sugar Baron Young, Dec. 22 1891.


        That Mr. McCarthy says he @@@@@ want a New Constitution, neither does Bowler, nor Thurston, Dillingham nor Soolewa@ @@ @@@@@ (15 @@@. a day.)


        That the Reform schemer Quinn is d@@@@ on the chinese Huckman because they have found out that his animu@ towarrds t@@@@ a@@@@@ from the fact that he has shut himself off from selling the chinese any more mere second hand outfits.