Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 380, 1 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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"I am in faror oftheintro(ln«ti<»H of th»* E*st lndian Oooliw." $itgar Bftrm Young. Drr. tt tBUI. That (iin ia Freight Free tiie ftailroHiJ Poi|itiml umehine. g j. ' <<"r That Ben ifeiecWHl.woulJwv.irv the houm? with hi« dnH r«**d ii»g*. The the Nati-nml Lih<*rjii«i have men iu t»eir| rankß who ean »n<i will brenk np the "menl truBt" Thnt ihe men of the Liberul Part? prefHr a drv cru»t aud inani»<>»Hi, to ix«ing «yoophants u» a Mg l»o»s. every voU giveu to «ny ' other candidate than a Nnlional Mb*rai i« « uoliil vote for "Truat» M , That J. Haleluhe. ti»e I)u<le wiil frp«>rt * new p*ir ef iavaii<ier Kidi<| anii a new cmtc otv Wednei»drty, at night hewili want a wet tow»fl to hi« brow. d That 'TruBU" are a wnr on āOciety and tbe have no intereet bnt the aaui'm intere§t. fKK>k at , bogu« Mēchn nies Union ev©ry antt ♦ truBt iueniber hui Jeft it. 'l'hai tne Me uiiiei Union i»„ a cdagl«»ii)eratiou of Bowler and Bpdle and usury. wh«> are Biipporting ev«ry m mopi|y ia order to get a job or win the B«niie of aome man. Tt«at the ntraight ltp f> r the uew ThurBt«>ncabinet ia Thureton, InW or Cabby Hrown, Fitiance: Newman or Pelewon, Attorney (veneral: J<»hn CumminB Form|(n Thia ia the chalked siate. Niee. Kh? That Major Oetierai Nowieina Gin miil will he cioeed on Wedneedav, but the Gtneral wiil have out a l>aBket of tour maah and three atar of a new braud; ,4 The LihenU:" to drink iueoeaa to the i victorP. Bam ean V;»w in any bo«t —that wini.

Tbat tbe oiaggQif 4W t»o fool l>ui loe Mr<iTthinr ft'ni»gp»in ii »• a bUnk«tjr Naiik btio4 Jbol. Tb*( all th* tuembere «f x i»rtiea hope the Boodl«r'« wiU loose iooitev by de^ood«. Tbat "TrtkiU M in a win»c toci«ty aod ev«ry |»rty ouuid« if tbe Natumal lAberal it workingfw them. That the NaUonal Ke£or ms and Mechanios Union irt miw kleking thanise)vM at tlw kng tall 0«t. That the Boys hava a on one horae Booliwan*be aity Br«, be aUy«for loyo of God be aiay wid ye». That there ia only one fwli|{ion nowadays aod that B#n|amiti FrMtiklin Dillinghiim haa ~it. anil haM ii b.ui. Th»t Diilifigiia!t»ii whieh hu pmaU »Hitup.lty uigtit w-3e« «t tUe Arim»ry wmi 111 tyf>- iu th<* Gaxett<* <iIHi a e for thre«' d.»ys )>reviott». . Tb«t the c»»«ntry ia to tr»«* ilevil and o the are going to K-hvm «*verv thH»g will be all r ght so eay the t i • Th:it Pnul Newmaii l)iilinah.un afid'Thur#to.u'a ameiMlmenU to the co! Htiiuti<m areat Dr«*Bent in Qu<jrMntiue, mI! whn are it» fav<»r of ihe aamē g«» there an<! get in«M;uhit»-d •isai hele. Th»t the r+*i L»on and itp euh held a tneetmz <>n Tn«eday «»ve»iinii ftt the *\d ;<rm »ry three white ui»ii nne chinatii#»n two Jai« and P. O. Bnoiewan wereall tuat turnad i*f> on that 9tormy and eventfu! night. Th-it Kikila it having :t great tin& with native riding parties an>uiid Kooiauloai He ia lhāded down with leia—Hula nui nui, Gi» beer*whitkey in.fact a great whoon ui». ■That S C. Dvight. Ba»n. Nahel®lona. and Abe/Pernandee. are raen of klmwt) honeatv and ability, and will be pnt in bv ttraignt Kational iiberal vote. That John Kna ia a i»artner in the "Meat Trust n s«kiB Dillinghaui and alao hia partiier» in the * 4 oan ttruutio:i oompany" J. A. euhimina it in every "Truti M and monoply in exiatence and Paul and Fete n«»ld the Tru»t breif*, and Williama will run the maehinery. The Johnnv tav» "he dont want adventurers to get money by tbe bullet inttead of the b«ftil«aC** Bnwb*r amella inore boodie if hia fHendaget in. Paul refered to John Ka* hoimei :» tha uttdertak»r for tbo Liberal Party w« ean promiae paoi tbat Bowler i* the funeral pall nf biihaelf. and tieket« and John holde the ribbons. Th»t the P.C. AdverUm ia %b« last \>aii.paigti a*id theebinefte qta#< •iio.-i waa * "tW« iaeue" aad a diN ligent aeaWlHiilafUee to<lay |douKl not fiud an afiti~chinea> editoml wntten during tbe |»reeent e«apt* ign. On tbia tubjtcr it oan ekaim to be in coh)plete a<<cord wtth tbe bognt Mēohaniee l'nion.