Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 380, 1 February 1892 — That "Bayonet" Treaty. [ARTICLE]
That "Bayonet" Treaty.
l>ii!iajlhAt» aniel at tbe Ariuorj ( m«H?ting about \shford hHvitig »d- -. vtoed the Ritig not toaign tbe ty. M vh»t wh«n the Kin« found o«U ; the wrong he htd* done (; ni»t sign--1 ing the tre»tj). h«\ha®tene*l tn Atuerica to releem the wrong"
In ordor thiit *is ialeekooi ! ' Imnhh iuall iu blood** we j r«print the bayan«t olauae of TburstiMn Aoo'a treaty:" If (thiel» God lbrbid) the indeponde«o»t and aoveriegnty or the tmnquil ad* īninistraUon of Iho Hawaiian ||OV* erhmetit should be threatoned, II; ia agree«l that the forees uf the : United Statea »«i*v have iu«b fnt> . dōm of actk»i in the territortea of , Hawaii m majr be neooetaarv for ' j aecurittg thei independenoe and ; ' poteefal adtuintatration of the , Hawaiion government ; '. Every oneknowa nowna what waa known<at llMiUma that th« Kiitg withheid hia «if nalora for the aimple rea*on that to aign it woaj*d be to hand hia Kinfdom and people over , to the ten4er meroy of any Eobes. pierre who like Thurston mifht . hnpneh ♦/» l«e|th»» creature ā re- | volua»o»».irv a<*C'dHnt, j»nd would not I t > uair» otner p»*'p)».»B bfiyonetn to k<e{»|hiiu th»-re. The Libt»r«l p»riy Iwill aecure a treatv wliii*Jj wili-domor«vthiM» if»cr»*nw the private ur »|wnty nf .i few l«nodlora wh«» h«ve kJor«! rt*ef an«l to aell; n treaty |that wi!l n« t til! the CMii»try with eooliea, Hiid ent:ii! 1 X:iti"t»ai Sni'\itir.