Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 380, 1 February 1892 — Boss Bowler. [ARTICLE]
Boss Bowler.
T.if fie J«»liniiiH the BOSS «»f the »niHr.it<ti |,art y ot "Imm m11«tm" 4 niii»»īon.»ri-j< M . *<!,. Ims i»<»t Ihmmi v»»rv ec.m»puMi«»ua «»f l»itē. But w«» iiom' a<*f hiui »»n iu d.iy in a j<4iintititf c:ir drawn l»y 5 tinil» a lM»«iring t<» th«v right of iiiiii ami lN'»wing t»- th*? !eft «»f him. ft ia rt »jd to;it Q linn »'»1 S »»«e*r u» will art .»«' :»'dj». tii»>*i»»t«*<i ou » p:iir of re»us<rit «t»*«i dodo*. They will be ftill«>w<x! l»y a Wvy of adniiring 'la* di«*a firom "miaaionarv M a t»i<»ty wh«» will te;i and eoAee t"> all wh<» proinine t«» vote f<»r "bo«»d{erB" or "ui«»tiop »!iatM M Tiie proceaaion will be he »d»*d hy a at;frving Ea»t tryi»i4 pl.iv «»n th« *iiafp «»f Enn" īt will lieiollo ved by n !«»t of hiin<l-folde 1 Portug i«h»* begirifig f«»r brend. I>illiiighatir« hood(um4 will lii'.l »a acolvtea aecom|r.inying tlie ah«»w »nd aiogifig uii*rrrre <"*•! Si,n wiil tnrn hi« roy:il uni(br:n inaid» o iVand a<*t aa Marahai.