Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 380, 1 February 1892 — Page 6
This text was transcribed by: | Cathy Kaonohi |
This work is dedicated to: | Godfrey Kaonohi |
"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."
For 6 yrs. A. marques
“ “ “ C. @ MAILE
“ “ “ J. @OSS.
“ 4 “ E. B. THOMAS
“ 2 “ J GAY
Ward 1. W. H. CUMMINGS
“ 2. J. W. BIPIKANE.
“ 3. C. W. ASHFORD.
“ 4. S. K. AKI
“ 5. S. K. PUA.
MASS MEETING of the National Liberal Party.
Ward 1. Monday Feb 1. at 7pm Waikiki Long Branch Bath.
Tuesday Feb 2 at 7pm. Emma Square, Emma Street.
Per Order
If you Don’t Want EAST INDIA COOLIES at Fifteen Cents a Day vote the Liberal Ticket and Vote it Straight.
I am in favor of the introduction of East Indian Coolies.
Letter of Alexander Young, accepting the Planters’ nomination for Noble, - Island of Hawaii – Dec. 22, 1891. Published in P. C. Advertiser, January 19, 1892.
Monday, Feb. 1, 1892.
The manifestation of unadulterated “gall” contained in the parading of sugar baron J. A. Cummins before the workingmen of this city, as a candidate for their votes is grand. – in its peculiar line, when no influx threatened to overwhelm us and drive the native race into the sea and the foreigner to other lands his candidacy was less of a menace to life and liberty. But now, with his well known sugar interests, and his entire dependence upon the advice and will of others than himself, - enemies of free labor, his candidacy becomes an insult to labor and a threat to liberty.
Shall Foreigners Vote?
Every unnaturalized foreigner in this country has an interest in the success of the Liberal Party. Though composed, in large part of native Hawaiians, the Liberal Party is decidedly opposed to the constitutional amendments which propose to disfranchise the foreigner. As far as heard from, all parties outside the Liberal line are in favor of those amendments. The platform of the Mechanics Union Party distinctly endorses these very amendments and the National Reform candidates, if elected, are in honor bound by their platform, to vote for the repeal of the franchise now held by the foreigner.
Here is a clean-cut issue between the Liberal and their opponents. How do the many hundreds of Portuguese and other foreign voters like the prospect of being robbed of their voting privilege? It is folly to put your trust in those who are pledged to rob you. @ folly is only equaled by the bald effrontery of the robbers, in blandly posing as the friends of their proposed victims, and asking for their votes.
Every vote by a foreigner against a Liberal candidate is a vote to lay down the privilege of the franchise.
We call the attention of all workingmen. – of all classes who are opposed to the use of these fair Isles as a dumping ground for Asiatic coolies. – to the name of the so-called “representative men” whose opinions have lately been expressed through the Bulletin, in favor of dragooning the voters of the old Reform Party to the support of the combination now running under the National Reform name.
Here are some of them. – L. A. Thurston – the boss political failure and hero of the Dillingham stock deal – the man “Friday” (or Thursday) of Planter Baldwin, whose sentiments towards the working classes is too well shown by his acts to call for comment.
Then there is W. G. Irwin, who by the way, it is said, has not even qualified himself as a voter, by swearing to the constitution. – a man whose sole interests lie in the sugar industry, and who, of course, is for the cheapest possible labor, whatever else may happen.
Then there is that high priest of the missionary fold – C. M. Cooke – a man who has grown rich on the sweat of peons, and who is now understood to be emphatic in his demand not only for Indian coolies but also for free Asiatic rice for them to feed upon. He has an eye to the “main chance,” and of course will support the party of cheap rice and cheaper coolies.
Then W. O. Smith, who in his loyalty to the missionary gang out Herods. Herod, a blind man can see that his support of the National Reform Party has a promising back ground of cheap coolies and fat dividends.
And so we must go on through the entire list, and so that the sentiment of the missionary sugar-barons in favor of the Cummins-Neumann combination, is a combination born in the pocket and not in the heart.
It is a safe axiom, to observe the tactics and wishes of the enemy, when the enemy advises you to follow a particular course, it is always safer for you to decline such advice and take the opposite track so in this instance, the interest of the sugar. (that is their pecuniary interest, beyond which they never look,) is to swamp these islands with Indian coolies, who will work for FIFTEEN CENTS A DAY. the interest of all who love the country, and love humanity, is to keep those hordes beyond our borders. The missionaries and their planter allies advise the sons of toil to vote the Cummins – Ena – Waterhouse – Dillingham ticket. You see the point, workingmen. They are asking you to vote for coolies and starvation – for their own aggrandizement, and your ruin.
Boss Bowler.
Little Johnnie the BOSS of the agglomerated party of @ missionaries @ has not been very conspicuous of late. But we hope to see him on election day in a jaunting car drawn by 5 mules bowing to the right of him and bowing to the left of him. It is said that Q@ and S@ will set @ mounted on a pair of resuscit@ dodos. They will be followed by a bevy of admiring ladies from “missionary” society who will dispense tea and coffee to all who promise to vote for “bo@diers” or “meaop@sts”. The procession will be headed by a starving East India Coolie trying to play on the “harp of Erin”. It will be followed by a lot of blind-folded Portuguese begging for bread. Dillingham’s hoodlums will act as acolates accompanying the show and singing @ Col. S@ will turn his royal uniform inside out and act as Marshall.
The Minister of Finance.
A fitting climax to the blundering career of the present administration is the reappointment of Mr. Widemann to the Finance Office. With all the gentlemans individual idiosyncrasies we have nothing to do, but his faithlessness to the political party, that once honored him with their votes, has lost to him the confidence, popularity and esteem of the large majority of voters who were once the national Reform Party but now constitute the Liberal Party. When a man is carried into office, as Mr. Widemann was, not by virtue of his own popularity but upon the shoulders of a popular movement, it is not to say the worst, in very bad form for him to deliberately turn tail on his former patrons and place himself in a hostile attitude to them. Politicians have hard names for such conduct. The Liberal Party can only regard Mr. W’s appointment as a defiant slap in the face. It will, however, weaken rather than strengthen the Cabinet and render more imperative the necessity for their speedy removal upon the opening of the Legislature.
That “Bayonet” Treaty.
Dillingham said at the Armory meeting about Ashford having advised the King not to sign the treaty “that when the King found out the wrong he had done (“not signing the treaty) he hastened to America to redeem the wrong”.
In order that this falsehood may be seen in al its “cold blood” we reprint the famous bayonet clause of Thurston & Co’s treaty: “If (which God forbid) the independence and soveriegnty or the tranquil administration of the Hawaiian government should be threatened, it is agreed that the forces of the United States may have such freedom of action in the territories of Hawaii as may be necessary for securing the independence and peaceful administration of the Hawaiian government.”
Every one knows now as what was known at the time that the King withheld his signature for the simple reason that to sign it would be to hand his Kingdom and people over to the tender mercy of any Robes Pierre who, like Thurston, might happen to be the creature of a revolutionary accident, and would not hesitate to use other peoples’ bayonets to keep him there. The Liberal @ will secure a treaty which will do more than increase the private or @ of a few @ers who have coral reef and water to sell; a treaty that will not fill the country with coolies, and entail National Suicide.
“I am in favor of the introduction of the East Indian Coolies.” Sugar Baron Yound. Dec. 22, 1891.
That Gin is Freight Free by the Railroad political machine.
That Ben, if elected, would weary the house with his dull readings.
That the National Liberals have men in their ranks who can and will break up the “meat trust”.
That the men of the Liberal Party prefer a dry crust and manhood to being sycophants to a big boss.
That every vote given to any other candidate than a National Liberal is a solid vote for “Trusts.”
That J. Haleluhe, the Pal@ Dude will sport a new pair of lavander Kids and a new cane on Wednesday, at night he will want a wet towel to his brow.
That “Trusts” are a war on society and the have no interest but the usurers interest. Look at bogus Mechanics Union every anti-trust member has left it.
That the Mechanics Union is a conglomeration of Bowler and Bo@dle and usury, who are supporting every monopoly in order to get a job or win the smile of some @ man.
That the straight tip for the new Thurston cabinet is Thurston, Inter or Cabby Brown, finance: Newman or Peterson, Attorney General: John cummins Foreign Affairs. This is the chalked slate. Nice. @?
That Major General Nowleina Gen mill will be closed on Wednesday, but the General will have out a basket of sour mash and three star of a new brand: “The Liberal,” to drink success to the victors. Sam can row in any boat – that wins.
That the original Di@ was no fool but the Advertiser Di@ is a blankety blank blind fool.
That all the members of those parties hope the Boodler’s will loose money be de-goods.
That “Trusts” are a waron society and every party outside of the National Liberal is working for them.
That the National Reforms and Mechanics Union are now kicking themselves at the big sell Out.
That the Boys have a gag on one horse Sooliwan-be aisy Byes, be aisy-for love of God be aisy wid yes.
That there is only one religion nowadays and that Benjamin Franklin Dillingham has it, and has it bad.
That Dillingham’s speech which he read Saturday night @ at the Armory was in type in the Gazette office for three days previous.
That the country is going to the devil and the people are going to Heaven every thing will be all right so say the Waterhouse @@patr@.
That Paul Newman Dillingham and Thurston’s amendments to the constitution are a r present in Quarantine, all who are in favor of the same go there and get inoculated mai hele.
That the red Lion and its cub held a meeting on Tuesday evening at the @d armory three white men, one chinaman, two Japs and P. O. Soolewan were all that turned up on that stormy and eventful night.
That Kikila is having a great time with native riding parties around koolauloa. he is loaded down with leis – Hula nui nui, Gin beer-whiskey in fact a great whoop up.
That S. C. Dwight, Sam. Nahelelona, and Abe. Fernandes, are men of known honesty and ability, and will be put in by straight National liberal vote.
That John Ena is a partner in the “Meat Trust” so is Dillingham and also his partners in the “construction company” J. A. Cummins is in every “Trust” and monopoly in existence and Paul and Pete will hold the Trust briefs, and Williams will run the machinery.
The Johnny says “he don’t want adventurers to get money by the bullet instead of the ballot”. Bowler smells more boodle if his friends get in. Paul referred to John Kahoonei as the undertaker for the Liberal Party was can promise Paul that Bowler is the funeral pall of himself, and ticket, and John holds the ribbons.
That the P. C. advertiser is the last campaign said the Chinese question was a “side issue” and a diligent search of its flies today could not find an anti-Chinese editorial written during the present campaign. On this subject it can claim to be in complete accord with the bogus Mechanics Union.