Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 379, 29 January 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
TM ev«ry Übml i® erow«d«a. Sqitm hekl 1100 peopie on Wednesday iiigb . That Pel«r80o-New«Ban aod WillUma meaUoK at tbc Royai Mmo! Wediiwd*y ev*jm lg «aa altecidad by thamaelvea, tiro h!i<ed Portogeee and S tofct»ee. Th«t Kikila aaya boond -to win d—d tbe <»®t, . Tbat wben tbe veters aober op tbey wiU aopporttbe L«barai tiebet [ : That ]reatafdajr iba Adveftiatr } ttaUf9ad ita <Mae biiXii»fßg»te. ; Tbat TbmtoM iswom < lbaa bia ailaMa. To loak at tbe ; hwbor n«t! ia et*agh. Dom tbe Xiaat TboraMMi oeoaily hold brie& for oarporatio«»a 00 tbe Cbrtetmaa *boxp|ttfi? , Tbat Touitty ia talk!ng buDdote nthfreaHy iii taed*y. Tbat it ia aaid tbat neeriy $ &.001» WM hwt by nnplorinf U»bw to do KMokaain wwrk layiiif w*tw pipa* 00 t PUwtatton. »11 Imk( tn bnlom(NwkfiUlMMuiwi he tnaik> ap ln «locking u4 'Km»" y<»tt Bwa»