Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 379, 29 January 1892 — Political Echoes. [ARTICLE]
Political Echoes.
Tb<; sugar bnrona arenn <#Hgar«hy who hope U> turn thts " Puiv di«e of the Pācific" into vaet oampa of cooh« BiiiveB wbo wUi support the iordly barom in European eapilal*. The Libtrai p*riy is the oi>lyo«te that wiil "<.*qual rihts n heiweeo tbe berot»s aitd the induatriai elaaeee. Ben Dil|itigiiam hae iiitrodeeid i ihe railrodd uiaehin® mio Hawail*' an poliiiee. The reeniu wiU b* difc»strt)UB to the maehine. The Hawaiian popie have Heen warofd in tiiu« and wi# eheek tbe ambl* tion ofth« 0. ft.4L.CoM to u* their railroad maehine aa a poliUea! furoe. The railway c<»r»orationB, īn America havp taugbt a iaogeroui l«rs;«n Whieh i§ not de«irable t& have nfeeted in tbie kingd4im. Mr DiUlngba|m't ailianoe witb Uie &oodlefs Uinoni is very for bi« purpoee in eaeki»tg eieeiioa to the LegiilaUini ia toeeodre boodie for hia railiof d. All bisetitroea woold be directed to that oae purpoee and matters nf natk>qai im* port wooi(f be a »econdary considert»tion with him. Yee, A»bford will giveyou poiiti<» pure and eimpie, Dillingham wiii aek you to give bim breod. — ... S«s( India Coolies ai filteen oenta a day, is the nigbt-mare wbsob hae frigbtened all bonest workingmen. Tbe Liberal p«rty is tbe friend.of the laborer t the ehampien of ihe wage earner, and will protect hie intereeU. Ali the ft>mbination th»i are in oopoailion to tbe Über* al party are the repraentativee of tbe sugar meat trtaal a*d kindred monopik», who bave no oommunity of iotere»t witb tboiiidustrial classes ezoept toget tbe cheapest bbor poMlblo. lf tbe poorman votes fer # tbe oaodKlates of mot»opoiy, be fotes bimself W empbattc pasa-port out pf tbe kingdooi to tliak© room for mi Mkttio populatkm tbat will work for 15 oenl» a dfty. If be vot« fer the Übml ptrt?« k» TOMf for afpMgNM, ōf xJran«wi doetriM* »»d (wiMiplw, witb «qiMl rißbto for tMf purpon. *nd tbe •neoorafHn«nt «m[ protcction ofa ebr«tian popal«tic n u tgaj D it >Mt Indifc ooolm* ei>ol«nt *od MMll-pm. Th« mono}wli«u want »11 tb« l»nda k«pt in hi«« trarte for tlw n«i»Wlt of • twror». Tb« Ul. r»l p«rtv ho{>«« to atcur« th«
.;;: Ti» l*&rt«tge*«» *jsed t& profe#t ti*eir : j vill tMieOGMM IO dITM» tW |mb *((jiip^ wUI» .cfe»|> tey«tM*dt&<}¥it nt iami «iid «p o»<«>umry «r#tli Fnrtmm>>' f«miēr». Tlft |Mtrty Immi »1m» n4 a £ux> of iron «giiait (I» ««f Im liidk 43e011e >4 fifUeit eeittS ft 4»y» tb« Ihe mMoikftr3r $zn?. wii! tli%g yo» 4ofn> tbel©vel oftbe «ot»lkrOr foiwjmi to emignitf. Voi« tk Übm! (i«bt, «tej iti thi Jtmtnd &ir wagw »od help iho Hawaimna to boiid it|> n prosperon« naikMi, it «hieh «ili iiiaU ha<r» equai Hgh|« and pri*llegea Somo oftrie PortugMe aro und«r the impr«Mkm tbit Mr oliMiig* ham i§ theonly māaio th* i»untr? who ean givo tfe#to work. 0o n©t bo i 4eetrived. Ik-miie'a introduction of i th« miln)td mehiiw i«to politics i hai oot ahort tho camr oC tho O. E. &L? Co If DUJingham at»i lii» ftarty get inio powe*they wiil hri*g in Saat lt»di« Ooolk* at 15 asd ft«R.K Co., wiil di»miaa the Fortuguee«» and enptoyoooiiM,iMeftiiBei»ohe«per. Vute for the Uhorat party. and th» Hawaiian tiov«mutcnt ean huiki raiiroads arotmd »Ut»d aod give employment to thou»aiid» o£Cbrotiau 4storm at a tat» of wa«e» whieh tbey eto ftore «*rkM ©oatrol thro«gb thoir rej»r»B«Qtative« in th» L»gtelatore. Vot# the UM tkM and vute t»traigbt.