Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 379, 29 Ianuali 1892 — AS USUAL. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That professedly piotts mao, Mr. Dillinßham, amuieā, by that exeii»plary and truthful p#litic<ii pu* rist. Mr. Tnurston. (a brace cf sweet »oenled darlifigs who wili repre«ei)t the public morals of tho miMionary cath«) have befn | screaniing at mp. Fortogueae that Mr. A»hfor<i favor» the oonst:tutional amendinenta which*«eek to di»franchise the foreigner. Those | worthieB of railroad, «tock-de«l notoriety «hould ha ve remembered Mr !Ve objeution to Mr. Aahft>rd. { viz, tbat he had not a good enough meinorv for a iiar. It ia evid*>nt th«t however jēalous and ent those frentlemet» niay be, in the . the \\n* cf fai«ification, the tm< cher«»us character of, their own | memories will ever preve;it iheir I Bucc#Bā in lying, ai a fine art« Had their m*moriee been a« • sharp as their maliiee, they would | bave reaienibered that, aimost aa j soon as the propoMd amendixiente | were poUifhed, in Novre«|ber laai, Mr. AshforJ, in a leitor 16 the.>. C. i4drfrfiefr, ealM attootion to tbis .threotoiied robbery of the | foreignen t denouneed the propoai- | tion aa a mis»ivmary n)mrm ( and | advanced tke moMo of m om man one vote. M —That, letter ia at leaH to be credited with Jk§ving direoted | the general aU*ntf*n to.4be prop<wed aehēme of pluw|er, to have ! set in molion a dia|MiaA>n aa to ita ! demerits and injoalk)ej| V» t in Bpi|e of thc f|cts qu*jted,

4ftteatwh£&tfcs* wa» <hetef wwfc» ro moai)»# lnfifffi Tir ' A.l iipipil' .imtt' fbe«e twn troly g»d of th» wilwie»*ry eodeof have o»w th» effh>ntarytotryandi«prteeupiintho U» fraud raler red to, tfetfr unsurupti> loue Mllea oou|d havo The Uhml »ariy and eae* ef itseendidateeereo|*poaedU>ii)eaiitendmentf whieh w<ttHddefirivetii* foreign resideßt nf hia vtA&. Tbere ia no eolor iine in our party upon this point. The Hawaiian | futiy seaerda te the fiivet§nar !be ; voting ihHiehiae. at»d ail **eliae i that ite ia neeeeaery to | th* proteption of s,ll i*tereet—*ative | and foreign aiike-*oslstde the mi# 1 : sionary ring.