Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 379, 29 January 1892 — Fifteen Cents a Day. [ARTICLE]
Fifteen Cents a Day.
Th« PriMt* uf Mnmmim who now e0D trol the suxar bu»in>>"», in 'H.i-
waii, are d*termiiMd to etrike two bkm at the rifhta and libertiee of the people.—«itber of whieh, if de* hv«red a» intepded, will prove fa* Ul to the tuitioii<ii liie, atid utt«* Jy dvetroy the native mw. Tl» firet of theee ia to ititroduce oooiiee from British Imiia, who, we are eured br Joe Maradevi, the ptaYiW of Honokaa, will work for kiiīie* < ENT« A DAY. Think of thia, workingineu. thitik of this, ye who eeek your bread by toil, and muet have momnr to buy food for your wivee and children> How wiU you eoinpele with the Indian menial. who ie ao bred toj poverty that fifteen oente a dar in a vieion of luauiy to oim? WheN are vou to dnd employmefit. at wagee that will giv« you aud yo«n faimliee food and raiment, if tbe oounrty ahali swaru # i with the now starving meniala of lndia, wiHing aiid eagAr to work for fiftcen cents a day ? T(ie very eUtement of thi« diabolical ptet of the »ugar nng is enough to ire the biood of« a freemant whate*4f hia race, tongu« ftr color. would you avert thia erowing io«ult and midbrtune ? Then vote the Liberal ticket »traight, no other couree will aerve you *■ Tne eompanion pie«.*totheabove inhuu«an ph»t, i» a «eheuie to import Aaiatic rice.~to feed the fikeen oenie eoolie*. The sugar men are indiferent to all intere»te except their own. they ean» i»ot who ahali fUrve, ao long aa tbey grow fat. They propoee ta etrike the protective duty from rice. to the end that ,it m»y enter t<> out port» frotn Aeia, duty fm». Thu» would they. without a gang of regret to the hungry Hawaiian», de»trov the value of the itative's rice klileaua, whieh now gues so far towards »upporting, and prjvtding the native peopie with the comforU of life. .. - -- Do the .Barona deny these deatgnB ? They need not, as no one will believe the diaclaimer. again at the letter so lately published, in whieh Mr. Alezander Young,—a reorvtsentative ü baron." — accept*d the n)minatioa of his brother barons f*t Noble. oti Hawaii. In that letter Mr. Youtig declared himself in favor of the imp'#rUUon of Itidhfn eooiie». but expresseJ a tearful doubt whether it could be compassed. 8o say they, ail of them who apeaL the true sentiment of the sugar ring. - A vote against a Liberal candidaU is a voU (br fifteen oents 000Jies, and the destruction of the Hawaiiao rice industry.