Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 379, 29 Ianuali 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
PEIKCIPLK OF <tOVEKSMENT AND r v «UKBTITUTIOX. Wo tntt «11 ebould4w rom»l6d on th« principl«fii of Übertv. £qa«!ity »nd Frttemity; we hoW mm ar« born fre« ami equ*l More tb« Uw »tid ar« «nd wed with iiialieoable rj#bte to life, t:> Hberty, l*ropertp. to th« pareuit of happia«M and to a«lf-proiection ig«inflt *rb»trinr omoMtr«tiMi of pow«r f irmpon«ibl« wwlUi, «ad bb Uur cocnpetitk»n. We he iieve thst ju«t governu>ent exiet» only by ihe oommii oi the P«opt«. and tb«t, wh«n lt b«eoflM« n«c«aBary tor the publie wei(iro, tfa«y may aboli*h «xbting fc rras «nd e«Uibiieh more «dranUgeous 4nd «quiUbte ; asd, «« the pr«wnt ConitUtutUHi of th« Hawaiian Kingdom n«ver U< h«l the «pproval of the l'eople, but w»« «stalriied«d bv int»niidation aml fraud for the benefit of a c«»rtaih elane. ther«foro we favor tli« a<laptioa of » new and more lib«rai Ckm* ftitutiou, to truiy «ecure a <*overnment the lV)f»le, Uy the People an«J for the l'eople. INI)KPKNDENCK OF THK COL>TRY ,2. Out nf ooni»ideration for tbe inh«rent rigrtiUi at«d pr«Beat opinionH of the nn* tiv» pop dation. we den»ire to ret«in the iudepenii«m« of the Country and defenl iU autonomy, t>nder a iiberal and popu* lur forin of gov«rn«nent; but our Titiati«ii with Foreign Powe.-e, aml ye#|»eciaH with the l!nited of America, HhonUl he reviwil. m> aa to better iueet pre«eiit n«eeeeitie« and to obtain hiore et|uitabi«ail l vanUkge« in exclian)renf tho<«e (frant«d by ot.
IJ(TDICIARY BKFOBM« ! 3. Ot»r Jttdkiary sy«tosß and Code of I ' Proe«dure muet be «sbraitted to a tbor* 1 1 ough mUoa, «iBi to aaeon aeheap and pronpt adaiialBt«Btloßof jtwtk«.free ef all Beetarian or p«tiwir> «|>irit, aad to iender the Jad9M more dtreetly iw pon«ibl« to the Peopk»; and we are ia ?«vor of a more lib«ral intnrpr«ftatk»n of i Con«titntkmal guarante«s of the 4r*edosa of Bpeecb and tbe prew. T" TAXA*f6T 4.A more juet and perfect «y6t«m of. Taxatidn nnat be ina*iguratcd t to aho. lieh tlie pre«ent inequalitie« ( by whieh the property of the poor le excea»ively , taxod,. while mueh of tlie rich mah'e goode aru onder-valued ior aaeeeemeM or «ntlrely eeeape taxatinn; we ehall d«flMml the pi«nage of lawe that will more e£*ctoa!ly subject the property of corporat4< a« and ri«*h citi- , *em to th«ir juet proportion of -puUie bordena. while sranting more Hberai exemptiAui tothe poor; aw) ae a meane of di(i«'ouraging tbe locking np.ol larg« tract'4 of tincultlv»ted landi, a liiimn* tial tax vhoald be levie<l in addition to thf uoual aeeeeeaMn/ «n \*aluBtion whieh «iiouUl be in proportio« tn th« fertility , of the Noil. We «hali tlM> favor tli«* ttetablielini«nt of a gradaat4d ineoine tax, and thtie expect to ohuia ampl« funda for condurting tb« gov*rnment todat* tending t« all ni«m<fy puMle lapww- . menU without any furth«r ealle oa th« . maanw. « MONOP*)LIKB 5. \Ve ehall ow ocr eHortf t« oiHai* lawe bv whieh all favoiitiam in th« pn.* ernment and all monopolh>n r tn>ete aad privilejfed to ppM-ial elaewe nltali be ren4er«d impowille, by full, deflnite and mandatorv etafutre. rtrpiJC SERVANTB. <1. ltetter lawe nbottld regnlate th« Civil £erv;ce The pririripl« of the «t«r-
tkon of offic«r« of lh« gmrenua«&t by th« peo|>l« nbouid be eBtabli«hed, and bo i , man ehould be allowed to hokl m«t% j tluyi one ot proflt, whil»t fnU«rie« ! aboold be a<Uq(Mte coatpe&B*ttoii forj th«flanrke« rendemi. exGB»W« m» < lāīim thou)d be reduced and al! eine j ! euree or »up*rfl<iout officve aholiehed. ; I*iIOTI£CTIt>N TO HOME IN- ! I>UKTKIKft | 7. We are in favor of enconraging al! ! . luime agriculture and mduBtri«B, andfili I oot natiy« product«, liki* riee t eaflbe t | | wool. tobarco, eiu. «hot>H*. be protacted j and ioetered by proper tariff r«imlatkm; ! n»dalso ii tn.net iluty of the Oov- ' »ent ( in it« contracts and other opM» ; ■ Uoae, to give preft*r<*nce to nfttional pro* , dncte r iuoonni ōnee. I L<XAL SELf I*4>VERNMTENT | We (ke!re a morc liberal policy ti»ward* the difTer*nt l«landfi of tbe Kinr ! dom. outeide of liahu; thev nhould ra-<| ceive a fairer proportion of pahlie | mon«?8 for the tiev« lopiu*ritof their re- i eo«ircee an<l tne patlpfactirn of thair ( ; wante. In fact. tbe princij>l«» ofloml, fltff-goveriuneQt «houM lie extended t giving loi*aliti«* muv ehooee the ' moet inii&rtaßt of 'their loeal exec«thrvoflk«rn, and levy for the piuepoae 1 ml imt>rowmcintP of a pubjic natnr«. PROTKOTIOS TOTHK LAltt>rKfNU CLASSKR. P. We »-hall endor»* al! tneaenre ; tending to improve thc c«>aditkNi of tht 1 woritingclaMe« t M)<lcottee«tu<»ntly t witb- ' oi\t injuring any vceted rightv. w« wfll adwcftte Uwm t* prcvent all further in* pnrtatlon or eniployut«NU of ix>ntraeti> lai«r of any |ind, .»p»R eomiiiioae I whieh will hring ii into a ruinone and , degrndtng compk*tit : on with frve llawai lan or white lahor. We aleo. m the interecrt of tfw bett**r of , the poor. uk for morc liNr#l esemptkm | of Umr pnn>erty from <«»tc«nl rale on ex eenUon and fro<n M*isur« i.i l»unkrupU*y proceeding.
«MALL WAMMim ANI) HOMK KT&ADH. 10. Tfce wealtiiy fraetion of ourpopula* Jm haw hHhene pi«««Btod the £%opaont ofanlndepoiidentefaMBe ol cttime; tho poWk kude have hom aeqnirad ānd havo boen tied np in a fc« h*nde or to eaH faventee. ind amail inr»oi*oBd Mnmon have beon dfiten •m lir oon>omt«ofw or eōmha>atio«e ol eapHāiwU; butaa«nolllarmi«KiB eoninehro totho etabUHy of U»e Btelo. it «honU p« «ticooraoed br a nov e«d fltßn Übtnil Hofnogtead act.br wheh the own«r«hip of emoli tmit» oi laad and the «>H»ottont Ihwoon offamiUoe of oer Momi popolatton.~a»d oepeeinH Jy of,tho nathre Hawaiiane who hove boonieftalmoet homolow iniheneemn-try-oho«td ibo nMkml pon>hto. Tlo thate»d t the U«nroram«BtMid C r own lowb. < in «o f&r ae ean bo dono witiiout invading veetedrighte ) ehoaid bedovo*. ed ao eoon aa pooelhlo to homeeteode. and eon£erred upon boha>6do eettkta <* tax« fJTlimitod vm£T* It sho«idi he Om» forther aim o4 gov«rß* 9Mi»t to f at onee, eo far improv« tho aioam ol transpnrt tk>n t —loeol, nath»k- •*** to ptovide t in «II the diMricta, eheop meane of convey» ing the pro4«et of tho «ell to market. - KLECTO«AL fUHUT II Wo hokl that uprifHta«d *mm ®onh6od. āad not tAo poeeeeekm of veaHh. arhltrarily ixod. whnmHl mntf Hpwia voio lor noble« « 2S?S« «eeorM < to vho 'ha!^of thi m%n tMn to the hMlm «f .tl|>> ffw«wSh now madTin*otir C«bsms «d. To lb|i md, «• «fl hnr « hn). iag of th« pre«ettt dietiactloB of we«Hh M d«M whidi iMi oor ki«e with r«i>tctofthe rM>l lo vo%e ter m> htee t tlmrehy ree*orteg to the n«tiv» Haw«y«ne priviioiee whieh n«rt«hi to thom i« tMrown eo««*ry, «nd of whieh thoy havo hoen «tM? dapriv«d. INTKRNAL IMI'IU>VKIIRNTR IS Wo fßvor the «xpomHt«ro of wfl> ciont e«m« to cec«re « n«mhor of ne«drd Ehlie improvo«Mmta imii«h» and «th«r «nde ; eehool. niin«da and h«rhor» «nd wharv«e, puhlie lifht, «nd aleo a thor»«gh »«yaWm «d roeorvolre «m! w«tor-worho, not oniy. for Honolulu, but throu«h*out tho othf r lel«nde.