Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 378, 28 January 1892 — POINTERS. [ARTICLE]

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If r«H) want to voie tbe winaing Tickettoatce it Liberßl'B straigbt. Gorynmeot CletfcY woū\d do well to vot« tb« Lihml tieket straig)it ; That P. 0. Jonea may brlng a hiKhly morii yoong men from Boaton to aapplant the preaent c!erka io tha differeot dejMrttnenta of the SOT»rniß«it, lf 3rott w«*t eqi»t.i righta in 11 oanaea, vote the Liberal ticket If yoa want yoar fraedom on Bundaja, vote the Liberal tloket. ! * Lunaa in tbe gorernment emplov you will be replaeed b? hangera on of the Y. 11. C. >. nnleaa you Tote the atraight Liheral tioket. Unieaa you w»nt the /apaoeae amaii pox, vote the Libetal ticket For HeaUh wealth a*d|proaperity t vote the Liherai ticket atralght The miatbnar3ra and tbeir hordea of aaiatica wiil drive yo« o«it of the oot»ntry, uoleaa vote the Uher> ai Mokel atraight. fttudy op the naaea on the Überai Uoleet,i&nd vole it wh«b or| joa are i gotier. |f yon don*t wmnt Indian CooUfes~ for 15 eeai» a day» vote the UM ticket. , 1