Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 378, 28 January 1892 — MR. JAS. GAY ACCEPTS. [ARTICLE]
Mr. Jas Gay app*ard before the two Haūiaftb« Ltberal i>«rtv yfmterday ai>d*oe»»tpd »otmnati<m to rtii» m ā neble, in plaoe of Mr. Wm. Ho!t reoign**d, nn aocount ofl hit nodit doa>eatic affliction; Mr. Oay »aid: *• <tentlemeu, in ihe jrear of 1876, I had the honor of a seat in the and d*»f/ *nyone 10 amy tbat I waa not faiibfal to my oon•tituenta and proroiseB. I endoree eirrry word of the Liin»rai Party's platform. 1 admtre ita outapokcm prineipl«*a agamst monopt»ii«s and erooked |letilers and boodlers; and.ifrketad will do all |in my powers to give U>ga! eflTect j | to thesentiments embodies ther«in. a Not for my own benefit, but for the welfare oftbe natioti and my young ohildren whom I dont wsnt to be «laves, and liveto curse their fathfer/ Tlie constitutions nf 1887, wrting! from the people by m»nopolista ! and their friends was intended for | a measures of tempc»rary relief. now they want to tnake it perm»nent, beeauae its cUuses favor th« stigsr i barons and others, who iu the es | tiination of the people sre lilae frinds. I sril 1 not dose the Hawaiiana wiih gin to gain mr election, and I kw»w that with the Liberal p*rty honesty is oonsidet# i to be the bwit peHcv. Today in and around WaUlna, gin flowa like wator, I nerer saw §uch a beastly state of intoxication sxisting anywh«v as in those i atlying distri<H today. Election gin is being distributod with a lavish hand. Wil oox is not dUng tt: so I leave roo to jodge. (Ymces:-" Kt4tila, Klkila, Hi-hila, Hi-hila). If liquor ooukl be kept out of tbe oountry altogether f l would like toat, bot as it is the law of the Une. to importUquors. I think the iiosnses should be apportioned in a f*ir a way. and not ,graut more ihnn one retnil lieenae to any <me per•on or firm -sq«al rigikto" is your motto, it is min# also, anything that is fair mad inst h*s my approval. n That the Liberal Party will oome oot of thit struggle trittmph*nt 4liere is no4 ( the shadow of a do»ht greed, bulldoiing intimidation boodle and optam smuggldng has done tbe B*S»m Party to dMth. Tbey eannot oonu» in again ev«a under such names as NallMial fte» §ormu Batire Bom, nor by railroad poiiiloi. Monopolks ia a.gml eune to ihe oowitry I have tmān» sd from Hiam. We rsquire immi» dUfte legialatkm i« the people'* fevor agaiost this gmt mon*ter. Tanking ymi gentleman ior tbe bonor of pUcing me in your llst, vacated by my friend Mr. Wm. Holt, I wiil do my best to uphold foar rights. * Thgt Waialua is ons entire sosoa qfdeha«dMry Wroagk ihe infi««fce* I of gin. i The ullifst $rown election* eeri»»g actios. f
fmnui3r. The Tammany ring of New.Ynrk iuelude in their membertbip many ineo of bigbi standing aod influeooe wbote ahlialion with tuoh an organisaUon i ii incomprebensible to tbe <»uttide studetit of Ameneao politics. We art t<ifprtatd at tba saUs£tetion esprtoetd by otritin eiluena. at ttated io the Bu!letin, with tbē tieket of oor iloeal Tammany. It wat patrioUcoftbe AdverUter notto t\How ita par|jr Ui bt buried in tueb unhallowtd groot»d.