Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 378, 28 January 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
PHINeiI'LE OF »VKKN MENT AN L) CON*TITCTiON. 1. We «!«*m tnat «M (iownnwnl | ehouUl be foun«lnl on the y»rincipk'B of ; Libcrty, E*juality aiul Fraternitv; we hol<i that a!l men are liorn fre® anueqtial f»efore the iaw an<l are pnd wed with 1 i»valien?.'>»l*» riffht4 to life. to liberty, to j»ro|>t»rtp. io thft pur«i»tt of happin<na againflt arhitrary <-on<-etttration of power, irr©Rponaible | \vealth,.an«l unfair <-o:i»petition. >V> be i li«*vr that jnpt jjovernment exipt*» only liv the i-oji*ent of the l*eople. anei ti«at» when it l»eeome<* ne<*ew«ry for the puh- , !><• welfar«». they inay ahoŪioh exit*tin« 1 f >rm>< amt «*tab!i*h more «H'atitageouo an«l e*iuitable ny*tenv; and, a* the prexent Confitituti«in of t h» Hawaiian King<i<«n never ha« ha«l the approval of the lVv»ple, hu'. wa* e*»tabli«ied bv imitni> <'.ati<»n an<l frau«l f«»r Hie beneflt of a fertain ila-«. theref«»re we favor the ' ad«>pTi«>n of a new an«l more lihwal Oon- ! ytitntion, to tmiv wim* a (imernment • ; ;'the l'eople, the IVople awl7ar tlw ; l'eoi»!»* ; 1 NhKi'KNt>F THK COI*NTRY j '2 Outof i*on«iiderat.ton for theinherent t - ritrhti*-and prewnt opinion#» of the ni♦iv«* ]Mipnlati«iit. ue «l«-r»»ire to retain the in«l«*t*'i»oence «>f the Country nml «iefend autonr«ii t y, un«ier a liberal and popu- ' ];»r form «»f ; butour Tr«atte« ! uitl> Foivign l'owen», and yenpr4*iall with the Tnite«l States of AmeHea, : »houM 1* revi«MNl. *o ai« to better meet irewiit ne< wiuw and to oV»tain more e*pirtrtb!e««lvatita?ei« in ex«}iangeof tho**e by «i*.
| JITDiriAKY REFORM«* '». Our J udieiary By*fceia and f<N)«ot Procedure mtist be submitted to a thorough reviaion. ao ae to eeetire a eheap aml prompt atlminwtration of juBtiiw fre« «f all *ectarian or patit*an apirit. 1 itd to Jender the Jndge» more dire<*tlj reeponi«ible to tlte People; an<l we are in . favorpfa more liberal ii»terpretation <>f Conatitationai ipiar*i!tecNi of the freedom of epeeeh aini tbe prem ! TAXATION 4.A more juat and |»erfeft f«yi«teiii of. Taxatior ifu&Ljbe ina>igurated, to al*o. liah the prefient ine*|tialitiea, by u hii h the propertv of the poor i« exceiwively (mml. whik* mueh of the rieh man'n (tooda are undervalued for afwee«ment 1 or entirely eeeape taxation; we «hall 1 therefore «lemand the pai»age of law* that wiil more etfei*ttutHy eubject ihe property of corporaU< ne a;»«l ri« h <*iti- | aena to their Ju»t proportion of publir burdetia, while eranttng ntore liberai ; exentptiona to the poor; and a*fe meami of dit<couraging the lorkiii|r up of large trat*t« of nn<'iiitivatetl Jatt<lM. a diflerential tax ahouhl be levie<l in ad*iiti6ti <0 the ueual awßeaatiienr 011 valuation i hk*h f>honld be in prO|iortion l<» the fertility , of Uie Noil. We ehall alao favor th«» w | Üb)ialuitent of a irra*luaU>«l tax,. and Uiiia expect to obtain ani|4e fundti f«»r oondttrtinic the government an«l attending w all ne<-e««try puhlie improw tn€>ntp 4 without anv furthef <*allK on the mat«f«ef(. ■■■ . ' _ , MONOPOLIKS * 5. We Hhall uae our ftfTorti> to ol»tatti law» by wht<'h all fav/>ritiHm in the ipo »- ernment and all mo«iopi>l)ef>, truata an«i prtvi!epefl to f*pMriai rla««es phall bt ren<ler«<l impowiUe, by full, «Vfinite and man«iatorv f»tatute«. PITBI.IC SERYANT^. fl. Better law*«l*otil<t regulate tk« Ci« viltferviee.- The pnneiiUe of the eiee-
tion of ollkwii <»f the Kovernmtnt bv Uif pw»plt» nhouU) hi> t'?iab)iithe<!. no man £hou)d 6e allowwl to hohl tnort» 1 than w<» offce of profit, whilst wUrte« ■houhl be a«Uiquatr <*oiiapenNitiAM for • th* aāwiēee r«n<U*re<i. All «aiaries«>h:»iil(l he re«hi«'ei( aiul a)l eine ciin*w <»r eiiperihioiiH oftict* aholi»he<i. » , H«-»TkciiON TO HOMKIXI>USTHIKR 7. We aro in favor of entvinraginjjr all iiome agriruitnr*> aml imhi(>triei>, andaii our uativ<f proiliicl#, lik« ruv, «'oAW, wtw»L tolia4*4f) t ek*. choi;]i) ht< protecte«! anel foKtered hv vr«»|*»r t«rif r«giiiatioi); and a!w it nnir*t I** the <iiitv <>f the < rovment, in itt« i'ontra4't« an«l other opera* to |rive preferenfe to natiouat ;>roilu<*ti» o\vr ouw. UK' VI. SKI.F <»<»V KK'NM KNT H. \Veck)j»!r«» a more tiberai to war<lf» the <!itfi»r*nt Iwla'ui? <»f the Kihie 4 doai. oiitai<le of Oaiiu ; Ihei' iihonM re<eive a fairer proportioti of the pohlu monevH for th«» <l«»vi:lo(»ina(it<»f their reBO«ir<vH aml tne natl*la«'tirn of th#ir wantM. In fart, tbe priii<'iph* o( loeni, Self-fovernniet»t jphoui«l .)m» exten<le<), wherehy jrivin«r lo<-alitie« may <>h<MMw> the A»<*t im)M»rtant of tlieir lo<-al exertitive , oliww, an<l levy taxef f<»r the purj»rx««* I <al iiiuii«-venietit«< of a pnhjh» iiftum. PK< «TKt T!< >X TO TH fc LA H«M'Kr\< i -1». We f>hall en«h»rMi» aII tit«Bi>iire teu<liu(? to improve the w<»rkiiiK tlaw««, »ui<i out injurin)e auv veete<l right*.( ««* «fH a<lviHtite lawH to pfev»»nt ail funJNpr im-; |»ortation or empioyment of lahor of any kiu<l, iij»oti <<omlitfon» whioh will )>rinf it into a ruinonp anH «iegmdinji cnuipetition «ith frw Hawal īan or white lalmr. We i>ha!i alpe. in llie inU»rent of the better .»n»tecti'>n of the poor, a*k for moiv li)ieral exetuption oi their |»rooerty from f<»nv«) naie «n ex eratina v amf froin iJi lankrnpt<'v pr<Mve«ling. 1
KMALL FARMĪXG ANI) HOME KTKAIW. 10. The weajthy fraction of 4on have hitherto prevmt«d thedeve|opinent of an ind«ptMiwt cflUii of nUaena; the puhiie lamle have be*m acquired aad have bc»n itied up in a ftw handa pr par<-el!e<i to euit favont««, and moā& farroeri> and i»iantera have heea driven »ot bv corponittoM or co«aNnaiioi»fl ©1 oapitalj»t#; j but aa f»mall farming te Jucive to the ?tahilitv of t!»e Btate. it ahou!<! i*m eticouraiEed bv . a new ettd nw»re libera) Home«tend aei. bv whfli the owner»«hin <»f ftrtt*ll tnrt« ol fautd an<J the H*uWm»t,t Uierenn himiliw "f o«r |»rem»nt popu!atio>i,—an<l eapet iali !y of -the rt;«ive liawaiian» who have been left aimc»»t honieleann Uieeeeomi-try-thoul<! he rendem) ponn.hh-. T« th«t end. the <i<nernment am! <>r> WB lan<h<. in *<» far a» <aa be <!one wit!iout invadtnK ve*te<l rightß ) f*hould bedevote<i a».!»o'm a» to ln»ro«»teeA. aiui «•onferiie<i u}x>n hona*sde free of tave« for a )imited penod. lt phonU! il«ethe furUterai«ot jioveminent t<», at «»n<-e, no far impmw the mean? of traufj,»rt Uon,-k>«d, nalional an<l inWnialioiul,—an to pe»vide, in all the <lihtrpct*«, eheap meane of <*onvey>" pr<»<l'U't of the «oil to marlēet. . fc l.jjiT()»AL KIIHiT ' 11 We hol<l ti.at npri(lit ud manho<xl. 4tid m»t tne lumpAAhm 0 f vealth, arhitrarily fixed, «hoa!d eemkihe right u)!v<»u* for 88 wel! aa . reprwntat!Vf*. anu »» "wt pmm «h.»uM I*. aviH>nfpd to tii» ru*h »mi than to the ImUW nf ihe l»ooi man. !The aiaeHmlmUkm hi kw*r of wealth tiftv nia<le in osr Coa»ettfttitftal :b c»tftrary to all Uie H«mvl pWelnloi of ri|fht «ti<)!jtmU < e. aml tnu«t e«I. To thk etid, **e wdl fev?r • leM» ing of the prmient «lieUneUon of wetH!i an<t elaaanii whieh Nemieh onr tew» wiih rei«|»e« tof Uie rifht to eo4» fhr w* Wee, »herebv reetorinf[ to Uie naUve Hawailat»« i»rivilenwi mh\th thetn iu tMr own «o«Btry, ud of whieh thev h*ve heen unf»M>tiv dēf»rived. INTKKN 4L I>IPROVKIIKKTB 1* AVe faKor the expentHtore of •cier.t *nm« to aet ore a nn*ber of puhlie impr«i»vemeti& uiiO»h*s ami othtfr !»!an<U>; «eliooi, r«itm«dp and htrbor» an<l wharve«, pnbtk hght. and alan a thorou|(h ,«iyaU»m of retarroir« uul wat«r*worki», n<»t otily for Hoīiolulu, bot tlir »utfh-ontithe otlier I*landii. : i ■ ■ '