Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 377, 27 Ianuali 1892 — From Waialua. [ARTICLE]
From Waialua.
()ur o»»rrespoiident write«: .•■*The plaiitation ia Working for »nd bo.iat that they alone CiM» a»cure hiui 6U v<»tea. He ridea ar<»und the pUee decN»rate<i wiih iem, aecout|iaiiied by t»»e uneie of tffc fair lady he oourta at Laie, and a hoat of fell«»w8 partiul u* gi... One I n?uraed peuuiiarity I jiave noliced | th<» lt»at two dayM, the l'ke of whieh | haa bardiy ever b •eu a«#n i alua befi«re. a|greai manr peopiei j a*em to be in .* kjtid of ohlivioaa eoneiiiion frout the graiuitoua uae | i'f gin and beer. ' I don't kn<»w U>w | it ia ao. but the coincidence of tb ia | l»acchaualian atate of things and ! Kikila'a vieit. looka very Btrat>ge. to | aay the icast of it. Rut Wilcox election aa«ured if he will eome j <lown. The kanakaa love gin, b*it i they will noueaei their votea &>r a ' man who haa <»ften deeeivod the .! Hawaiiana and atiiagonited th**ir ! it»tere*tß. , V i