Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 377, 27 January 1892 — KAULIA [Illegible] A PATRIOT. [ARTICLE]
The Upe<i %vho ia as{»iriMg f»r aeitatorial honora %ia c.«i»didate of the ' S«»»»a <if Hawaii" ii» the Hecoi(«i Wu»d iit too daH<»g f<»r t»ny •phen» in *life :tbove that of » iaokey. Behnr We g've iija K|ieecti >«t thc Ara.«*ry r»n Bat<iril.ty night a»» iiiterpi<H*»d i»to c»«gli»h bv the Hon Anlone Koai». and rccorded hv our own report*T. VVe «io' m>t in-; tend w; atiiig g«A»d priitu>n» ink | for the purpoae of k«vping hiui »ut of tlt« i*gMUtun* t f«»r h« hne im» ! tyore ehanee of gettitig thaii j he kuf «»f g*'tting :»n inter*nft in tlie j " C«»natrt.ction Conipany M We w»uld not noliee hini at all w« re it not that of ti>c UiCftii»g lie wan Dilhi»gl»Hii»a fugleu»an iind a r» |»rftaeiitative •8»n " Thia individuH' J. K. K»mlii» *iid: I wi»h lo Hnnounee thnt i h;»ve be«n requ«*»*tv<l l>y the rt..»n» if Hawnii to »>re»«id»> i«t tlii* «ii«»eting, rha%i< l**»n i»oiiii.iKte<{ f.«r the H' c%tn<l i)»atrict. t couai<ter the -loiin querti«»ii la the lif«» of th<? laitd utvd <»ur aid<"'liH« a«ivoc:«to<l it 1 ■■<•.»«• «ider tliat ihe etafT »f life ia the nt:»in ]K>i»t. hn* Arhf«»rd naea the c«ii6tituti »»».<] qncatio7i na a hait. The coitBtitutioual <|ueation la i>»t the u«ain s qtteaton. The ui**anaby whieh a man liv 'f» nioney, i the principal thing to c»t»aider/' The foregoing are the "aenaihle ! f>b*prv»tion» »n th«- Biturttioo" utI tered bv Mr. Kaulia, whieh the Adyerti«er report*M»i;imitt'ed.
J. K. Knuli.» Im> (iouhi fnit th«t it whs h HOleinii thing tj p<M«OB n po.'iliewl f;iitli thnt wkB to*» f«iul t<. he «*xpouuded iti terms. It wu* p»»rhttpH t<> - mueh t txuert t'.i«t thē 4 Sonn of Hawnli when thev got nf a pf»rt t»f the natioti>wo .l«J hnvi» hoo*Ptlv ?tit»»<l ttu»ir pnimion, hui Jt woul«i hnv«» heeu n pl«*afant and refrt»a!»ing jt[f tiiev hiul dou«* so. $ev?r»l iueuib<*r»-of tU* aofts have priwtely expra*h*d their diagust with »urii iyooi>hantt «s K|iiiin. We advi»e honeat Hawai'ian to a|iiit such societr «nd |>!sy th«# |>art of men. Th* 31911 wh<» will wear the l>ndgt' of servitud«* .ind bow th«* lcnt*e t«» u fow gil«kd niiholm i»» 110 iiimm. \\V will sug est n rasoliiti«»n f»r th«f palriotic Kaulia to mov»- iu \Vard % It embodies a)l he said a* the Armorv:
Rwolvfd, that tl»e chtof Md of man |s to own £rrotinri aod brick8 t abd oom|wi«d to this, honour, honeaty, reilgiQQ. lntellige&ee, indu#try, phiiaatropy aad overy tbing elae are of no aeoount. Th«t hiftoricrti char-ct»*r Jvidas I«eariot was bj ooinpari#on a model of fi<frlit\\ nnd pat» ri<>ti»D> Kau!:«fi4B h,d *.w «<!• ]
vaut«g*< ov«r that he rw|M th« ■ teacfeingn <f ntnte«#n «f Christi*ii eiviifsati»to. the origittai re|Mf«it«d of hi» |ierlidy attd h»t»tg hitnaeftf; f hui Ka* uha foee dut to a feagt of roMl ptg. Verily well doea Knolhi exent|>Hiy hta worda * g»*t tucney " never miml if you |»uor »tatjivy« wno futtiog o» ly 4tt-d«»ilar» a iuucith h«v«i but one vcte to the §0 do!lar tmiftV teiu gti tnot»ey I *uy nmi got pig eheap when you oin, Juhu Kna got ;»lei«ty. hft ua e*ch drink'aitd U? «uer•ry eyen if |N»ltticaily we *ro dci»d.