Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 377, 27 January 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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PRINCii*LE Ol 1 UOVKKSMEVT ANl> CON.BTtTI3T!ON. 1. \V« tem «II (lovw»men: j nbouid be frmnded 011 the |*rincipUrB <»f L»bert,y t £qnalily aml Pr»lernitv; we l»old tn*tibll men »re lv>rii fre*an«i4M|ua) belore the law an<i are #•«<! wed willi inalieoahle rigbt« to lifo. t<» libfrtv, to propertp. to the por»uit of hapi»ineee aml to eeH-|wrotection affuinKt arb»traiv coneentrat»on of *|ower, irrea|#onsib)e weaith, and aafair competitk>»». We be * lieve thatjuet gtM-ernii»ent exi*t*-<inly - by the eomiiit of the l*eople. and ttmt. when it beea»e> *ttem*ry ior Uie »»tib-, Ik weliwe, thēy may aholiah ejtirtintf form* aad catab)iiih raore advanUgtK>ni> and eqnitab!e tyatetn; a»d, ae the prewnt Conetitiition of the Hawaiian Kinr ekMn never han bad th<* approval of Uie PeopW, bnt wiē eetabtirdct! i»v inliinidation and fimud #for the benefit of a eertain elaa»» therefore we lavor the adopUon of * new and more liberal i'onetHation, to truly eeeun» a (iovernment W*the I'eopie, tjjfe People and /«r the PiMHw*


2. Oot o( oonnideratkNi for the inher«nt ri|htfl and pmnit o|»lhioca« of iiie n* tiT» pop<ttation. w» dertirc to r«Uin %he iadepoiMi<ttee of the Co«ntry Hnd (iefond iia aaton<4ny, nn4«»r .1 UtM*r«i nn<i popuUr form of gov«rnment: but.o«ir TrwUw jrith F©rpign IHwew, »nd yw«|*cUiH with the Uiiited Ktatet of Aineiio», ■honkl be n\l**A. to ai> U> hrtter uiop£ jHWBnt poeo—ttio* «nd tn nbtain rrare «qaitabba«lvatiugf*s in exchang«of thoe« gr»nted by ne.

JIJDICfAEY RBFORM* 3. Otir Ju<Uciary «yetem and CoU» of Procednre muet be eubmitted to * t!M>rough reviiion. so ae 1o eertire a rheap ar.d prooipt administration of juetu a e ften <>f all »et'tarian or patia3n tpirit nd to Jender the J>i<lgēe mon> directly wponeibte to Uie l'eople; and we are in favor of a more liberal iuterpr#»tation of Conetitutional f ;arantee» <»f the frerdom of epeeeh and thepree«. TA\AT!f>N 4. A more jiust uiul f»erftH*t «yptem of Taxati«»n tou*t be ina>.igurst«*l, to ab«. liah the preeent ine<|tiaH(iee. lA' whifl» the property «f the p*M»r ie «»xcc»«#ively taxe«l. while unu'h of the rich manV lEoride are uiider valu«d for or entlrcly eeuape taxatk>u; we ehali thereiore, demand tl»e paaeaKe «»f Uiat will moro t>ifoi4aaily aiibject t?M» property of cor|»orati n« and ru*li «itisene to Uieir junt pro)»ortion of puMie burdeii«. while trran<inp more liberal «•xt>iiiptioiit) to th«* |«oor ; and ee a mean» of diecouraftt)g the l«»ckiug up of latv« tracte of nncii)ti% r atcd laiuln, a difc*rential tax «lioulu be !«vw»«l iu aikiiliou w tlw» ti(<iial aneeiwmenl ou valuation whieh nliould be 1 n pr«>iiort ion lo Uie fc»tti{.ity of Uie mml. WV «hall <lao favor tli« ee> tab)ishiiient of * gra>luated iiwome tax, aml thua expe4*t to Mn ani|»le fund*. f<»r cotulncUng the gr>vemmmit aftd attending te all nww puhlie irofsrovi* menta witliout xnv further ealle <*i Uie nmeeee. MONOIHIUKH 5. \\'e nhaH onr efTortii to 4>btain Uwk by whieh all favoriti»Bi !n U»e gn.ernmcnt and all ikK»uopolieit, truata and privilf|ie4 to ppeeial elawea ahall be ren<ler«d imp»witle, by fulU deftnitc and mandatorv etatutea. I»UBUC KKRVANTS. 6. !tetter law« n»iou!<t eegnlste the ('ivil Servi<«e. Tlie prinei|de of the e«ec-

ti<*n <'f oAiw» 6f tlw gov«>nyki«iit by tW- •h<»tild lwijwUblisiitHl. and no tm»n fhou]<) 4'!!'>*«} to hol<i mort» than. •» e f!Vi'(|tl' ~r«fit, \vitilft f>u)ari«« «houhi *Mf a<Ui| <ate t- 'mpen>»ation for th«M»rvi<-ef ren<Wre«i. Ali lari«»» *h«>'ji<l \m r**t':«»<l kiu! «11 «iiw <*nrM? or Hbolii«h#««l. VK<>TkCT!«»N TO H4>MK INIKSTK!KS 7. Vv\« are in fovor of eni*oitragttig tdi h/nni' »t:ru*uitiire Hii<i indui<trU<«, andai< our tiar;w j rc»il««*t». iiki* iu*«*, oeffto v woo!. tobHfc«i eii* !« protH , ted ar.<rr.»tere«l hv » ror*»r tariff reguUt<»n; aii<l hl* » it »i »;Ht I><» th<» <iuty of U»e t«ovm<*nt. iu it(> <ontrart>< aiul <»th*r <»pMra* tt<»np, to pri»'vrvmv tiattonai |>rodn< t»« mv- v on*&. UK Ai.sF.Lr <i VEKNMKNT H. AVe <!«• r<» iti«»r«» !ib<»rai j»oli«*y to wardf thi* <lirtertfiit I*-U'<l* <«f the kiuii»iom. oi)t*'i!ē «»1 < «h'i; thev nlionhi receiv»* a fttir«r f»r'»portion «»i the puh'.ie ti!otM*yi« for the »lev« !o-.»:u«nt of th«»ir lem>i.rret< an<l t.e xutl*fa<tirn of th#4r u*mte. In f«<*. t' e |'rin<'i|4t» of io«*a<, £Vill g-»vern:«•»!.t flionl<l be> extet»<lad v whereby i;ivinif J<H'Hlitte» mxy ehoMe th« m<H«t M»(»ortant Af »h\*ir loeul «x«etiiive oAil-en», aml lfvjr tase» for pnrpoae t «-al im:>n>vement»« »f a pubjit* natnre. PKiiīP.enoN TOTHK la!t01-RIN<i , ' We «-hall *nri<»r»>e ail t»>eaaure ten<Hi;if t<» in.pnni» th«» <-onditkm of w«»rkW<'la«»ef( an<l foni»e<4tw»iitly, without itijitr«(«ic anv v«wteil ritrht*. we «-Hl H«lv<joitt» la w> t<» prvv*nt all further »w |w»rtation -»r entpl<tyneat of <<ontra«Hlah'»t "i rt«y aiiu), nj»oo cot«ditk>tia whieh -will hring. :t ii.to a riai»Mii* and degrading <*onipitit on witii fre«* iiawai ian or white Uhor. We >1m!1 aIA». m the i:.teni»t «»f th«»,bett«»r r-»t»*e*.ton ol the po«»r: a»«k fnr more liber«l exen»plioA of th«*ir pr «nerty frotn forre»l aale <m ex ecntion an<l from a»»ir*in' iu V»ankr<ipt«'y prooeedmiK.

'HX!.\U* AM> HOMIr* ! "MTA£AI*t." 10. Thcw««llhy tnwtitm o(ovrufoitf .ion iiiw hili«rlo i«n*vMßt«! thedev«loprooi»t olāii of cjti*e«e; pubiH.* land» Inmhi «eqiiirpd atid hftv« be*tt tted up io » k« luukli ur part«ile(l lo sttft favorilee, «iml «maE bn««hiiBi) i»tan**m hav* bee» • amt b «Mponuuiw or o* rspifoti«l«; but aa M&alt tit mtalt»ch«» U»tlie «tibili(t ul Ihe it : eliouM y* +U£QUTam>d bv • nt»w »**hl mare Mbrra) -nct, by wbcit th*own«jr»hip «•< U»ct» <rf I«im1 *nd th« MttWiitnt tiH*«M»n of • t <»ur pre*9kit !M»pulait o and«w|MHi«ili ly of th« »*tiv« H«waiifta« who ha\f> bwn Wft «mik »t li.hihilmw in th«>rt»itN»i-> try*»iMHild h* m»i«red |KMm.b!r. Te th*t *»nd, tlte ijov«»rnmm>t mi4 ( s own |ttnd#. {in mt (&r «n ean bu <Io«m* witl»ont , lnvnd»nK vwt«i nfi»t« ) ohonld he<kvnt* j n m kooi» a« tMiBsibi« tn h<»mevte»dii. an<! o>Mif«*rrrd npon hniui-lUe «rttlM« : fmf «f taxt« for * ltts»itet! per»vi lt nhmilil betiw fttrUter aim <4 ww it to. ftt whi», «o ter imiHmi* tlie to«»n» «r tran«pArt tk>n.~NK»J. n>ttk>n- : i"t«»rn«tiofuj| f —to nrwvi<!e, ib , thr diatrkta, riiMp meane of ron\*#yiag tl*r pro<iiirt of th«* loīi to mirlcH.

» M£CTt>fcAL RIIMI7 11 We Md lImI (ici«H*l m*nhond. «.tttl ik* ti» «i miāHh, arbif i*rily Ay«l, ahcmUfr»mī* ttttnght to voie ior nob**« «r«»(1 w repmMtitivM, no mw* s»fm • ohonkl I* InmM |i» Uw fa»fk* nf thv H«i m%n tha» to the kN M pom awwi. T»MsdWrt»iß«tio« in miw a»ade in mir OtfMt*«tb»t :» ro«tnir3r t#«ll ilm» wliiilplM. «I. To Uib oikl, *» Wilt iirj » liw uiikmpnmHi <o«t| Hlou<*weellh ' »•I*l Hmn« whieh Namiiih o«r t«w»« with nopM* ol t)w right to wte fer ra> Um, twtorteg I» tho a»tive Ha«ntai plkp» piirtihi ir> the« in thMr owā eon«try, amlol whkh th*y M» hmm ißimtlv Mv«d. OiTKitKAL iIII»B4IVKMKNTh 12 W« fftvnr tlw «ipnidHai« <4 f«li< Hml iami to new« a mnmlm ol Mdc«t wWk i»pr(iwiM>ti mKHha aml oth«f Wmkli; Mhoo), ««iiwMi »nd h*rhor» aad whmia, pah)k> l«ht t and ahn « . thorft«gh untHR <rf rtw>rvuiw tad m* miljr f*»r IMiih, bttt « thrfUifc-OTi| t)MLOthi r inluHkk