Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 376, 26 Ianuali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tnat t'..t- |>hinstlfr f»i.ort Uj&uu*s in.lhe up];t-r storv did not w« rk \\'h< ig rur>i irg thn Mnhniiei* l'i vi, m'W j? Tlm* Advtrr;i*M-r. lN or ftowler feel* vtry »ore And gay*| H au awfulborc* For 'twuo!4 take h thOuBHnd r mcrf To g**t.thjtf t : At*t i»h it W3f bl*<» foro. i : ! \ - ■:'■ -'• -A '{-' - - '' -■ ■;: ; ■ ' - ' That th.t'|AUvfrti»er findsatickfct IVrh;»j> it wi:ii find thr v.»tt* ti>o Thut th« |MHrshal tiroa»ief* mann ear a n»>«r of tr:»MB- - Katurdav,night. Thut the!Chris*tāfi (?) Uo(Kllums inight Hkē |to *ee their tiatue§ iti l>rint. . Thfit a c*rta:»vop|tim »mug?ler anil reputed gambhllng houee pro» prietor maU«; conspicttoti» on Baturday night. That we advise hini to keep quiet, That Dil|ingham onee tried busi<iu»4§ eouehmion with Hjrry Agne w nnd the Rupreme Court recordri whieii are ! very interestii:g «how t'nat an intf}ligent foreign jurv left Ben in thfl l»ouillon. That J. |F. Te?tn w atteuipting Bi»lldf>3tng-and ie l»ecoming dete«tahln i * I .! -" ' •• \ That Docti>r Ri>df(ert lru4to j. «how h!ttj**lf»mnrt *ud had4ot#|« , htm«»lf tnd his grecian' het»d j away from the hall. That ft|flset Jotii.ny tried alto |-to hav« his friendff and, j othere botmced. Th:t tl> lianl of \Vaisian&)o Mr. J. A.;Cnmmin* who ia ae Uit | be«d ofthe "NativeBanaof Hawaii H and ohief 4irector and owner of tIM Hokimua.i ha» man«geii to redtic« th« nativM on hia plantati6tf aiaee laat el«ctlon time- Two y«ar§ ago there were thirty nativv vote* at Waimanalo, the li«t thi< vear will •how «ixteen votea- Mr. Cummina liever had mueh um for a Hawaiiam ur Wh:teman on his pkntatioti i He *mplors ehineae whene?er hi ! oan, eveti to h a augar boiler. Bmt Ihe is prodigal in supporting ao anti ehineae scHha ju*t tio»w—for a week. i ! ' f"

throtis|rße» «rltf lir»o sm«uin *etl, : *wB||MBh Wbott h* th» Ci\ «r Ff»9icknt of tb» BdftjffV Tbai ti*e poliit€»i mauihue &i Wnikiki U»t Fri4ay w* J|&& with n»en trom theßfty*l who btd be«n 4nitrw>t*<l br Jm H«l«lub« to m*ke a ii|i|4irb«Qot againnt tii« Liheai »|i«ak«m. Tlmt r>!llmghaiß« in (h«ir iHHw}iict at p»bik " i njf#«. h»ci Mt«y go plow ©r tfn)r porpojmtio,i»f might atsffer iti mw* st»n&ep tbnn one. That it wa« iMMtSKiiig t > h*»ftr r>itlinglmm on $ajUitdgsr ■•:. nisrht. with teaw iu hift vtlefe, r»ting Aphford f.»r the paN be io&k in tht* revoltttinn of '87. Wb«t A '.-i pit v Thnri*t*»n wni not |«t*»9fmi tcr jni}j Hennie ih fi ow it. with &e romhantol>t|i4 mtefteßery panv in h Mun*r*- ehortis. . ■That tarV eyM Frank y«U«4 *ell for pillingham oir- Baturdnr n*ght He nwir!y y«ii«d inoikn* wav a short tiwe ago orer that Bchank aff*ir thi*jt waa to be a*nt to S«r«der . » That the Ad?crtiser fo?ioW8 the *Iftce i«tn<M Gordon B*nn«t, *r. gave when asked how to make a imwiMfl<tr ~rīrnf jMit lln makea tei7iblf> foas about H.'\: Tha wmk: of the lew?era' M l: * d)datee of the Ref»rm~Xat»o«lil- , Opium>Boodi«r Party. imght to ] atudy op the lat«oi ol«etion law (1800). to aee thai ihoy do not get ' entangkd into aome "eomipi prae» ; tie*, n or **allege4 or aimplv ' 4 That wo .woukl again aaggeft • ihai ii U h%h iime for iho iuima* cniate Th»raton ia rUe ihai flv»»h Bndi*d-<ioi ia * iilook «Unl, ' If the āhoe were oti tho oth«rt)oi; if ii 9ad beon Ashfiird who I*4 ; taken the aMk. ander Uko eiimm- , aianeea. the miiaionaiiea. aitd #*• , paeially tho hjr«!ertaal <4d MAdvtriieaiN" wot»ld hev* reni the Mno 1 of Haav**n witli theirphrikei*sa ! corr«gilon! "Boo<iie!! ta Fvttndli!r and Btmilar rirto<WM npMini That !t not germrallf \mmt* ; ihai Mareden al**g oao of ! tbe J0 eienta a day Aryatw fhr «. ially fHiii«ift Wtiwn tkißNßmi oSeeand Kmhmmm & Memr Iseye1seye iho Mmt 9WmI heeghi him ai a trifk \*m tb*« a eeeiei* &!»* i tkmuf (Im on- K!ag 8t xmd to 1 get |>er lM«dinr IMMS)fe4 Bmth •eu lalamlen. We »t» herHIM to 1 teem ihet he .ii ibi{f^ ea 9n|Hih editor at & lollai» i e nioeiih and h*a BeeC We hope , ii*e noi iine. We woeM eermer • aes Xindm ireln him lbr hte eem I 014 bU vanend men elihe TM. ī However. ihe tHenge!er editoiehip ,! ttlhf»ti')fee en4 iho whHe Arj* |an are to keep on the Holomua fvr enoiher week~provitled»Barki» tbe oe:nj\ **e hui e ii