Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 375, 25 Ianuali 1892 — The Marshal. [ARTICLE]
The Marshal.
. ** i» %» di%tr. I.t th' MnmlMi! and| hi»)<j : w to prtw4n-> «r«|fr '«:'• gftth«-xirtgf ii> u.s}s% • th* Araiory \a»t h.\tXmUy. : uigi#t. Hut c.m rhat cicc:i»i».n ov.f forgot hi* iit«fl hU iinry wV H honin.l līhliwijg;.ii;:> Vnml-» oiPhiKMUum® aiid h>cite.l t! <m to « , (*htii>i;«* tiic v ta»-v werr m;*k;rg, to <■]»*!;♦* fl ff \*\ ' t?< i H ppeeoli. Whon Wilcs.x ur >&. I f»unjmorj<3 th»*n«tiv.-.«. t<> }•■ -i* »l.Wn"~ Ow» hnr.fr in ok ler i' īit AnhfoH». «]-wh mig! t U> h*>: r«l f th*» M.'rslial <liffH!ippe,t r*-<l r« •! j j* rr» I hoiih' titm« !at<»r through a bv ntre<*l. 1? ftturh a for h\* ,9■ i ' 1