Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 375, 25 Ianuali 1892 — DILLINGHAMS CLAIM. [ARTICLE]
Mr. li. K. !>ii|iin^haui !■* a j»retiv «"•»<1 ji;«lge of huiuaīi n..Um\ He ean *he ca iher hi» a»iditorn t» a <1. t. In etfeei he »Hk"th** Portu«ueBe to vote ibr him hetause he emj»loy< il i>7 of theui r «»r a» ton |jut it; Anhfor<J wilj give you jx»litiei<; l>ilitughatii, Brt»ad. An au<lient <. r f jA!i»ericaiu* would jiroti;j>tly rei»ly that Mr. i>«iliiigham regarded their lub«*r ai* a coujmodity w hieh helmrgaiu for ut.thu—lowest, }M»h&ih]y — tuark<-t priee ati<l. tfir]:4M¥a« iit> ol>iigation. Mr i>iiinigiiaJii hv hir< g»»oti for luiie ha» l»tei» e;i»ahled to t.«kv u;i--v .iitage of otii< r i.ieii nece*»BitieB l»v < ouH»cati»g !a c. rtain proj>ortit»u of the prt>eee«iß! «f th<*ir iabor to ui»kc hiuiBelf richer, and by rai«ing laud v«lueB. to iu&ke other men iu nearch oi land ifoorer t uuti b«.'cauae he doeft this heielaim» t«; l>e a i>e-v nt factor of hĪH $peciea. U i» no iūore |u pait «>fthe»cheme of creatiou that on<» man $hould work for jtnotber than that one' mai» «houlii Jt»eiong to aiiother. The existing condiion of things enables Mr. DiUingham to "all'ord eiupioymeni. M whieh ih an iuverted w»iv of exi>ref>4iug the fact tiiat cther meii are eouipeilea to alFord him a certnin percuuti»ne ftf thrif weallh A day wili come-iHCtmjing~r-t veu in Ha waii. the purj>o.<e t»f [ A . bor will l>e to euneh the jnborer aii.l out to eftr;eh the capitalist. And lill that time eomee the uian who ia ahie to j.ut ten thousaiid <loUur« inio u|icid or iand uiono I>oly will )>08«> i a phiiantropjgt, aud wiH a«k to| he »efit t« the bo nate in order that he may asaist his cocupitalistB to rivit the chaitis oi m<Miopoly on th« workera. an<l will tjersu!iK« oi> tbt igitonifiG«. and ( »uidity. und 9erf<lom of the **orkers. with the iargumeiit that he "aflfbrd« <*mptajftuent." : V v: ; : ■: --V- ::;:;v -■