Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 375, 25 Ianuali 1892 — Page 6

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This text was transcribed by:  Bart Antista
This work is dedicated to:  To Cheyenne F. God Bless


"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."





            Your @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@











@@@@@@@@@@@register. Many@@@@@@@






                                                            C. N. Spencer

@@@@@@                                      Minister of Interior








For 6 yrs A. Marques

           -  C.B. Maile

             -  J. Ross

        4 yrs E.B. Thomas

2 yrs  J. Gay



Ward 1. W.H. Cummings

     Ward  2.  J.W . Bipikane

            Ward 3. C. W. Ashford

                                                              Ward 4 S.K. Aki

  Ward 5. S.K. Pua.











MONDAY JAN. 25, 1892



Change of Dillinghams front

Retreat Before Ashford


      The first candidate nominated as Representative for the the 3 rd district was C.W. Ashford.  He above all men was to be kept out of the Legislature , consequently the strong man of the Reform Party B.F. Dillingham was selected to oppose him. When two such “Greeks’ met it was natural to expect a controversy which if somewhat frictional might still be instructive and interesting to the public.  Up to Saturday night the public only heard the prelude to the controversy and looked forward to Saturday nights meeting at the Armory for a genuine oratorical “set to “ between the two champions of the opposing parties.  It was therefore, in view of Mr. Dillinghams open advertised invitation to Mr. Ashford to be present a genuine surprise to find that Mr. Dillingham had determined on a countermarch as will be seen by the altered advertising. The following appeared in the daily papers up to Friday:






AT 7:30 P.M.


      Mr. C. W. Ashford is especially invited tobe present at @@@@@@@



      Mr. Ashford having accepted the challenge to which he was especially invited it was apparent to @@@@@@@prudent to @@@@@front round the centre of the Sons of hawaii so as to get @@@@@@Dillingham in the rear out of the line of Ashfords fire. Accordingly the challenge did not appear but instead the following retrea@@@@



The Native Sons of Hawaii will hold a Mass Meeting at the Armory on Saturday evening at 7 o’clock. Preeminent  Speakers will deliver addresses.        -326 2t


      On Saturday evening at 7:30 the armory was packed with a crowd eager to hear Mr. Dillingham’s references to Mr. Ashford and Mr. Ashford in reply. It was therefore expected that some trick was intended to shut of Mr. Ashford from speaking and in this the public were not long left in doubt.  At 7:30 Mr. Dillingham was not visible on the platform but the Native Sons were there in force.  Mr. C. McCarthy declared that he had rented the hall to the Sons of Hawaii and that by permission of J.A. Cua@@@ President of the sons, the Liberal Party would have the platform when the sons were through. The announcement explained the altered advertising and the revelation of the contemptible trick raised a shout of derision. Ashford protested that he was there by an open challenge and claimed the right to speak after Mr. Dillingham.  He was interrupted by Mr. McCarthy who approached him with a cane in his hand and to avert what threatened to be a breach of the peace  Mr. Ashford requested his supporters to withdraw which they did and left the “sons” for a time with a very slim audience.

      This did not appear to warrant the statement made later by Mr. Dillingham that the Liberal Party had intended to capture the meeting.  The double dealing of Mr. Dillingham and his party on this flank movement of dodging hs opponent speaks for itself and it is due tothe good nature of the workingmen that it was not resented by the violence it was so calculated to provoke. Mr. Dillingham’s reading was a mournful dirge without a  point which could challenge the attention of his opponent were he present. The “copy” was handed to the Advertiser reporter who will no doubt have all the “points” properly dissected and set to that slow music which is so essential to reformfuneral.




      The action of the native Hawaiians at Saturday’s mass meeting was enthusiastic in favor of their chosen leaders and their deomonstrations were orderly.  But there was a gang of white hoodlums whose conduct was disgraceful and calculated to incite riot and disorder. They appeared to led by a certain engineer of the R.R. Co’s assisted by a well known road of@@@@@@@tali hog doctor a short tooth doctor a few ex revolutionists and some @@@@@boys. The Ma@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@egged them on instead of preserving order. K@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@natives to maintain order.


Political Echoes


      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@What are the arguments in favor of coolie labor? It is alleged the cheapest.  The whites @@@@per day and the coolies at @@per year looks plausible.  The story of the sugar plantations in @@@@@@proves that white labor is the more profitable @@@@@@@@@@@the sugar plantations worked by white labor are the only ones that pay.  Yet the Queensland planters say it is because they have enough coolie labor.  Bat@@@@@W. plantations @@@@@@@@@@always@@@@@@whereas the Queensland with @@@@coolie slaves have always proved a failure. The figures for 1890 are N.S.W, 18,730 acres of sugar the yield 530,000 @@@@Queensland 49,741 acres yield 803,380 @@@.  The arguments for coolie labor are simply those of the pro slavery @@@@@@@@@@@they are called Queensland and are not @@@@@@by fact.  It is their lust for power they cannot beat and beat and @@@@ @@@@the white man as many of them do their coolies .


      @@@@@@@@@@@@Auystralian@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@We contend that a plantation could produce better results with intelligent Portuguese labor, more especially if by some equitable system of cooperation they would give their laborers some @@@@@@and permanent interests in the results of their toil.  The principle of cooperation is the active movements of the age and both in Europe and America it is being rapidly extended in every branch of commercial and agricultural industry with astonishingly successful results. In Jamaica and other British Colonies where slavery has been abolished, the planters who at first were distressed now admit that their production  and profits are far greater under European peasantry, that with their former black slaves. The Southern States are also demonstrating the superiority of intelligent free labor over there former slave labor.


      Any method of cheap labor can only have the unavoidable result of locating a large number of them here as a permanent population, to the detriment  of our middle class of workingmen,  But if our planters persist in the stupidly senseless course which they seem infatuated of relying only on such labor there is but one sensible method to pursue.  A method which is largely practiced by sugar planters in the Straits @@@@@@@. and in many countries that seek cheap coolie labor from China for certain enterprises is to make a contract in China with a “Towkay” There are a large class of these clever celestials who have capital and @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@make contracts large and small for work at home and abroad by the job or by the month or year.  They have facilities for obtaining the requisite kind of labor of keeping it in control with @@@@of their own or forwarding  them and retaining them when they are wanted and returning them home when at the completion of the contract.  A contract with a Chinese “Towkay” would bring cheap labor and relieve both planter and government of a great many embarrassments.


      We strongly favor a @@@@@@of cooperation with an intelligent and civilized Portuguese peasantry in order that the questions of population and labor may be settled under the same scheme.  We do not recommend the “Towkay” system but suggest it is as far preferable to any immigration of contract laborers from India, China or Japan as heretofore conducted.


Free Lance.




      Mr. B.F. Dillingham is a pretty good judge of human nature. He can guage the caliber his auditors to  a dot.  In effect he ask the Portuguese to vote for him because he employed 37 of them or as Thurston put it; Ashford will give you politics; Dillingham. Bread. An Audience of Americans would promptly reply that Mr. Dillingham regarded their labor as a commodity which he bargain for at the lowest possibly market  price and there was no obligation.

      Mr. Dillingham by his good fortune has been enabled to take advantage of other men necessities by confiscating a certain   proportion of the proceeds of their labor to make himself richer, and by raising land values to make other men in search of land  poorer, and because he does this he claims to be a benefactor of his species.

      It is no more a  part of the scheme of creation that one man should work for another than that one man should belong to another.  The existing condition of things enables Mr. Dillingham to “afford employment” which is an inverted way of expressing the fact that other men are compelled to afford him a certain percentage of their wealth.

      A day will come –is coming- even in Hawaii, when the purpose of labor will be to enrich the laborer an not to enrich the capitalist. And till that time comes the man who is able to put ten thousand dollars into a @@@@@ or land monopolly will pose as a philantropist and will ask to be sent to the so@@@ in order that he may assist his co-capitalists to rivit the chains of monopoly on the workers and will persu@@@@ on the ignorance and timidity and serfdom of the workers, with the argument that he “affords employment”


The Meat Trust Editor

      The organ of the MEAT TRUST the Holomua, sports an awful modest English Editor. He stands on the fence of his boss slaughter yard and reminds one of the Ancient Priest sprinkling meat trust blood for the remission of journalistic sins.  He boasts that the “clairvoyance” of Ka Leo can’t reveal his identitiy. Our time is better occupied but our clairvoyant just now feels challenged to say@@@@@@@Meat Trust “editor” is an @@@@Jack Ass who has taken temporary refuge in a Bullock hide of the meat trust.  W know him by the color of his bray.  Let him come again if he wants us. We ve laid in a stock of  a “fresh @@@@in addition to a little general information which he so admires and is welcome to.  We have a raw hide in pickle for him. Give us @@@@@@@say on your orders @@@@@@ the meat trust.


The Marshal.

      It  is the duty of the Marshall and his police to preserve order at such gatherings as were assembled@@@@ the Armory last Saturday night. But on that occasion our Marshal forgot his dignity and his duty when he stood behind Dillingham’s mob of hoodlums and incited them on to continue the disturbance they were making to choke off Ashfords speech.  When Wilcox arose and summond the natives to @@@@down the haole hoodlums in order that Ashfords speech might be heard, the Marshal dissappeared returning some time later through a by street. Is such a man fit for his  post?



Ooh! Johnnie, me jew@@@ ye are a racketty lad.

Yer impidence too is a moighty foine show;

On dit, your blarney’s the worst in Killarney, be dad.

And how to prevint it Ka Leo dont know;

Twist your face in a shmolle, ye’ll find it worthwhile

To kape the byes swigging at the ‘rale dew’

For Paul, Arthur and John are laying their pile

That boodlers and rode boords will be bossed by you.




      That the franchise motto of the Liberal Party will be, one man one woman, one vote. It is said the Boodlers favor a plurality of each.


      That Pau’s boss Billy is trying to rope in Banker Charley to support Boss Bowler’s Tammany gang, but Charley never has time to entertain his proposition.


      “Marplot” says the Bulletin @@the Holomua English editor, the Plot is to mar the Liberals but the plotters are getting Spread out too thin.  They got on the @@@@”together” all right but like the Kilkenny cats they are showing too much “Independence”


      That the Queens ex-coachman and present rent collector is in bad form appearing as a candidate for political honors and thereby @@@@promisingly dragging down the Royal name into the muddy stream of politics. Joe Heluhelu of the Queens household should not appear in politics if he had any sense.


      That Colonel Sam has no business as to @@@@intriguing member of the executive committee of the Boodlers Union.  He is a public officer, paid out of the public funds to command a guard of honor about the Queen, and he gets “too fresh” with his offensive partisanship he is liable to have his official head lopped off by a future administration. Leave politics alone Sam stick to Run and R@d t@@@.