Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 374, 22 Ianuali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


rhat Archor i» a »traddle candi<late. Thāt ihe (* <Vr C. Hr<iwu boased John A. Cuaimim<. That'when CuuiiniNB went out of olliee the |lrown'B ha<i i»o tnore uee ior hiiu. ; j • ' That ihe wheejsy poliUeian of Kaahumai n Street got an ex »ch<»olmaßter to conduet tke Kng!ishj»age of the Holomua. /!~ ' - That HenV lucky full soino year» ago, when he|feil like Lucifer from a horse, into a love aiek-M, ha« l»een the meat»s of hie ri<ling the iroy-horse to-day» aiul iK»;tiug && the friend, saitl l'aul iu hia i California t the other night.

Th»t F. Xch*r ? pvtr r fu ;ho»e whoai *hi' tuul!g&t W€*B£; fri«n4B- 7 i'hal tlwj .*portii are b»ckii>|( the I»itjerāl.-Farty wilh eoi», alid*Mll utakeeaHy wifviungw. Ttiut CimrK*y Mahoi»e wiil lo*m ttii;.mua neow to Ute to di# up tfditor:«l» wilh • • ' Timt Thursitoii that H. W. WiU-ox wae un oUi KehoalmaU; of bi*. 1:1« eaid the *<uiie thing to Th«resa la«t atn! bt-ggetl ht-r heip itt fa vor of hip cuu»e. That it i» now for tbo*« two purists, MeB«jrg. i)iliiag}mm an<l Thur«tgn, to rise āiid ieX|iia}a th*t five-hundre<i-doiiar, Oeihu Kailw«iy Stock deol. That on tion tiay, The lat*erals wili havenway; Reforiners wiil iiepiore tboir lo8» To *ee victoriou» Captain Rosi», On the Liberal tid»i wave. That Cecil Hrown Bai<i wnfidinglv a few weet(B ago. that if, th«i« wan any annexation, he woukl #ee ih» t it would be with Englarid on!y. That we will puhlish froiu the Illut4tratud Amerlcar. acontin*!utiun of "Hawaii'a Appeal, ' whiohtouchcs upt>n the systeiß of slavery prac* ticed by the Bugar Planterx. This part we wif*h to nail "at last" to the I*. O. Advertiser and its party. That one of our Road ri«ori*. under the (vrigadWer-Hrip<9l«>, i»uts on ai! the strle of a nia» ahout to be hnng. and Btrut® aroutui on horMkiek. from whe.e be gives bis eommanel» in tinparlia« iiicntnrjf Jaffg<tnse. That t«»nder#i w«re uiade for «npplying hay fe*?d gov< nntiifnt four-footcd oAielai*. > t $2<ty when if w'a? Bel<ing at f2G| pmnii quantiticB. The |m>Bt will l«* mad« up in the waMe :'.wi*iledeliVeringt.he'hav/ <, That a montl;c»r iuoreago al -.it the hours ot one or two in the moruing. twn drays were b »n by a Polieeinan coming frojn the grv*rument t<tabie9 lon led-with tar% ' ju*uiins cover;tift the ioadB. Quetfti*n *. hat they had;the rpply w. ; »s: trunk* for the 8 f :«iīi«»r» r th« team vor, l\nti»*d out * >waM % ■. ' ■ Tl»at W . R. nature w«« ihown hy sendii;§ w jrd not toopen Waikiki ohurch «6r ihe Überala.B«t W .R. 0. does not forbid eneake to Rteai in with Lihaiml incetiDgB to air \V. R C sentiiiK iU. That totn« of the Man' »'g deput> ie» art unfit f<»r th<?ir poaitiona when thev break into tetuporariljr vaeated Jiousea at Waikiki, and ttun mto v a bawdy hou«e witliout pertniaeion <ft the owner or lfc*aee. Theet IQ Refortu incom|)etetit». whoought !• have been liounced the BenrH» l«ng ago. ' Thst the Imh ehainuan of intipn of the3rdDt«trict displaye<l hit> pnrtixait *jruipathy \vith his feilow cranks of th« Ro*Hllers rnu>nb m v refuaing toallow hi» u**ociaU>s to puV the in«pector't notict» in the Hawaiian «ihnon of A*i L?o -