Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 374, 22 January 1892 — DILLINGHAM'S PUNCHBOWL MEETING. [ARTICLE]
The Porttigue«e C]ml> 011 *Khmu Stre<*t wa» piH'ke*! ou Weeliies<lay «<v«inng to hear Mr. H. F T>illinghnm. Contr«ry to tion the w»g opf»iK»«l by. an<i tht; grcater part of the time taken up hy L. A. TburBton, who labored very hard toeuy nothing hevon«l the pratical advice to hi* hearerg v to vote for I)i!iinghain if they wanted bread, »mi for Ashfonl if they wanted jK)litK\Th«*KC peopleevirfentlv were there % ta W«f iMiUhm. Ur. Xuuraian did iioi bring any along that night. and BAĪd the eountry, waa in t«uch a iutiddle (all through ABhford apparent!v), that he did »/»t know what he «houKl do v. nen he goi in the as he. expe<sted he wōuld get there from Maui. But the 6nlvation of the c juntry de)»ended in keeping out A«hibrd atwj nlso Wilcox. wlio \vent around the country wiih a waist belt. on whieh waK ii»»cril>ed Piv«ident of the Hawaiian Hepuhlie. th«re waa Hipikāue, on tbe iiiterpretation of wht*ge ltonest nauie. he raieed a fiiekly syniciēm. One would sup|>oBe that li<'n woukl have remeiuhrred the chilli»g effWit of Mr. chaperonage lapt time, »nd not risk am>iher bawling Then Ben took tho »tan<t and told hie hearers that they had re«>*iv€cl $6< r >,ooo in wage« froiu tbe Railway, and noi forget ttiere wae ♦27,000spent already on the Un»on Church Building t ands«33/KX) to spend tbere. The Portuguei«e had re<jeive»| better wagea than they iutd l>efore. Indepentlf of the Ruilway he employs j<xty-three n«tivefl ahd foreigners. The Eail» «ay ('otnpany eniploya one hundwh! and thirty-three nien, whoae wage« i* over $0,000 a moMth. Kvery dollar be made wae here. ' whereas Aehford Renda hi«' out of (he countrv, and ie a carpet-bagger. A general denial wa» filed as to offering At»hiord $tock. The statement that he had 110 nioney in the railroad was a lie in eool blood. he paid*in ac«ount for it ovef $100.000 in eoin and pledgeiill he had. Aahford was an unn»fgated fraud and
hatipt!t-the <iountry into a |f»le thftt wouM eost a inilltBST to get it o»t again, anj inay lose its imiej»<Mult n<*e in the «»j»erati<.n, Th<*n l.'aul I Neuinann to*»k the staud ami lii (*alifornia Sj»ani>h tt»l<i t!ie auili«huee that l)iiliiighaui wii thē Kirviour of the vountrv. it wu& true that UillinKhaui und rimrst«n had uot ahvavB 'p!aved gan»e« of ehaticeB with hnn lM»fore, bnt liK>k at ihein now, witi> ]|liur»lon at t!ie xtroke oar, DilJjj|ghatu as b<>w oar. and he (l'aul) at the helui. He had U*en non»initte<i !>y tiie Meehaniee l'nion ac<''»unt of t!ie <liKtiiigUiHhed Bervice« he h«drender» <l the I working cla«s in going to Japan tio renew the iniinigratio« to Ilnwaii to eo!u|»ete with th® 4>eopie alp<*adv here. He heanl that ou thc cvening of the 3rd ofoebruary, he wouM be pre»ented i>y the Ijt»eral Party with a $tuall »ouptureen in whieh would be a puttjr ■'nied.il. Me hope<i, when he next t<H)t£ tea wilh jthe Mikado, it wotild he a* a Noble Haron von Newinann. A Hawaiian corouet wouhl >uit the contour of hia bald phizuialiogony. and would itnpre?B the Japaneße ('<>! ft to the extent of getting a redu<*tion of c<K>lie wag« for Mr. l)il]ingham and his frien<U. > «hford was h lawyer excepted of course. lioth v Thurston and himeelf umlerst<Kxl other ahout Japaneae eooliea, if they elected Aahford lie will spoil the whole thing aud ruln th* c6untry. Tiines Wcre hard, but thjy iuupt bear it like men, and Mr. Dilling ham'a frieml« had put up a §oulsaving §oit|» l?itchen Qlose hy. where they cou!d goi to pray when hungry, The hdi would tell Ihem when feeding tiine eame, and if . thev wanUnl to know tnprv' 1 ank Voriuyue»r t J#p. The converti ci Saul » oratioir wae iramcnge. Panl at th'? <!onelusion. retiunied hia §eat l»ef>i<le the ntroke oar. ( They embrac<d The Lord of Wainianalo.preKented him wiili a tnosi? ■ro»e. r ..There [Waē ■ a paune, <luring whieh a l'ortuj<ue>ie de»con, invite<l John Cutniuinp io elune with a prayer, who < >;euBed him*elf h* he had been i-low to praver f v om hi» l»irth. aml eouM not «ing the doxo)ogy an he hfi<i left hi« tuning-fork at honie. andi referr«Ml him t<» Ohar* iey McCarthy. Finaliy Haul l>reathed aei utketiouH benediction thuBly: T.itnd§i< U'.e ]f»s3etiinscnri*triuken und'daiin naeli haune oehen.*'' . ■ r - - - —