Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 374, 22 January 1892 — Political Echoes. [ARTICLE]

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Political Echoes.

Tliere ;s a growit»g u>;totruHt <>f ti»e nouiineeh of t'he Meehan» i'uion faction. for a cio«?er analvt»i« i>f thcui, their utleranecH. a*Bociatioi»H am. . eonneelioi»», di«tin« t!y mark? theiu hs having a elone *tfiiiity to the harons ' anti i»ning cf the eli<juē wlio wouid remier everv other intcreKt <»f thsi* country »üb«»ervieut t<» *ugar. Thev are aaiiing umier fui**r <io!K. when they affect fo repre*ent tbe of the induttrial an«l workiiig'ehiipen, and have i*imp]y nianipiilaieii ihe Mfchanic« Union to <>bt-lih nominations, that they never could have <ione un<ier thetr tru'* <-oior§; TiiiK ii* pr«>hahi v the re«Hou t!ley are tK*ifig !<upi»ort«*<i hv tiie rattled •,cliq ; U' s B"' nf ■.'"bsironi? M - •rrfbiiße~B" and >, Htit the eloven bt<H>f haP apiieupMl ■ un<ler the rii!iBcjueradje of li«jues who htve tried to e.hrotid them»e!ves under the*lf:.nnerB of tlie ol<l Nnti'jnal ■R.eforu» I'arty. and the j»eople will not be d<K-ej %'<•<! !»v them.

Thc*ro are two jrl«>omv Kha<i<>wH hoveriug over tlūs cotnitry tfoat will rapidly uiuteriali/.e iiilo fapacioug dragous of ruiii, if thf Meehauiw l'nion or auy Kiuiila; of ean-, <iidat#e <»ome inlo p<j\vgr. Thei#ifte firet, the inipending of nerdef of Kust «Cfo)ief. who wlli «oōu drive a 1!

i.'. ln'i i!i»lu«'ri;i i .i t<i !ht* w:tlī; >• >■ .i»«l th» tnr»Mt «.h'Mini»ti»»n • .{'«.!•!• rir«* in«l'i-trv *>y iinj» »rt n !:•■« r»co fn»in < 'iiiiia ainl .f:tj>&n !H.mii)i'rs »»f t!i»' M»vh.inUfc l "i Mi ;»n«j N;»t!vr Sun? un* D»ort* >>r lrSfi i■>»un<l .>ntl {>!■ to liw^e s<■».•*!11• -. hieh wili i!i»'vitahlv re«!t: i- « , i'untry to ; fn> (leplonihh* liii* « >ni«.lMMi »>f tin» \Ve*t imlien. ;.n I » ! iiali v « , h«'rii »11' Christi;tii l»r..j:rfss. Ttie . > i£;tr jiUnt«'rM, ].ovy« r.- ainl iu<»ii<u»oii»it« u'hum the r< M.:i».i n • of t lie M« , elianiex liuon «'iii' now hupp<»rting will uniloiHn-. e»l!v |»r»>sj»t'r uniiei' the*e eomlilioue, )»ut ihe (h»luded unehanie». arti/an inti lalM>rer will have to <lis!iiount at ♦he- (ioMen (iate if !*<»t. at ihe Ooklen S.:air*. Whatever denial« or |»revarioalion iuay h<* n»ade on l»f!half of the "*ugar-h:iro«s." it is «>nly too evitlwnt tliat their ery for eoolie laUjr iw only the Beifi»di gre«'.i of a < li<jUeof |»lut«H'rat-; who <lo not enre a tink«TB iuah'<lietioti for the <*ountrv :»t 1 Let tiie Moo<i tfate* of eoolie ininiiyra?ioii h«> »»j»en<<l aoii in a verv-f*-w y<*ar». theeooiie who hai* from the |»lantation mil «■rofrd into the t«»wn« aiul beo»ine a iiv«*iv cotupe:it«»r with the « hite nieehauieH ait<l tra<.ler. nu«l in "V» rv <»f uiinor imlu*try. The rice fe4 |»agan eoolie wout<l Boon <lrive i>vi>ry white man of t|ie ini'intrial out «»f the <*ountrv. It ia ut»e!e«<j« t<> <'ontrovert tnin l»»r nekial ēX|M'ri<'!iee h;*s j»rov«*d ♦hat nueh w«iuhi hf Ui«' inevitable r"t»ult. īt i#s *i)hiirtJ to eonten<l that ,thfi«e e.iolie» <v»uld b«? brougbt here un«ier r»*Ktri< ti'nn< thiitwoui<l eonfine then» to the }»lantntionw :;n<lenforoe ». he.fr r?trtr»i t<» . īiulm <<r ('hina i«t «inr «iwiinwin. T!ie law whieh wn!» paßf?e(l at the la?t BCBBion of the LegiB!ature with thifi en<l in view lian Ken a faiiure. The ('hin**«e will not eoine. un<ler anv Bueh hninijiating conditioni«, i >r i» th»'ir governinettt, with its {»ōwerful naw i« iirunßing ltge!f to n <letennlneil «t«n<i .iitiong the < iviiized nati<»ns. like!y to ft 1:ow Hawaiian §ug«r planterp to iii)p<>i#e e.»n<iition« <>f j>eonage hjk»ii the ehineMe that will .r»!aee thein at a <liK:t«lvantace with <»tiier iuition aiitiej*. Nor in it iike!y th it the iiriti»ih (ioveruinent wil! allow iU Kasl in<liau suhjeots t«» e«»iue her« un«ler any re«tricted <:on«iitions re--Benihiing *iav« ; rv. K a Lko has f<»r Huine time i»aHt pergißtently <'ontemled that the ;/l.Mi>*t soluti<»ii of tlie lal»or probietn wa»< in ap|v»rtiomng the landā in rsmTiit MeeiionM and eu!tivating on w»iue j»lan;<>f ecojM«ratton with an ititeliigent i»eat.antry who w«u!<i be th<' 1 »āck Iwne <»f a ('hri«tiiaml T»i»piiiation. We eoiisi<ler thc Portu^ r uese the l»e#t cl*#B <jf peo|>le to hring here foJ- the <i<>ub'ie )>urjKi«e <»f iabor and j>opulation. The queition of "s.lien ialH»r" h;«6 been for pouie titne agitating the inimli» of people in Aui;tralia who are bitter!y opoo»e<l to ('hineee ami Kast Imlinn eooliei». It han l>een fairly deinonstrate«l that the white lahorer \h taj>able of su«t&ine<l efforts in the tropic#, and ther* are thousaii(l« of nuners, shearers ineeh.ti»icH ami agrioultural tal»orer« w!io-»» in'waUon* never take

tliem out ot tn»' tr«'t»i<>. I{uutlre<lf. t*f iiiilrK of vailwavH iiave'!»ei ii bui!t without ctN>lie labor. aj« the 'eon* iia louuil eheap'-r iu every why to < inploy whit«» lal>or, aiul in manv tropica! tli»tricts white lai»«»r i»< j»referre<l. altiiough ('iiiueee are plentiful aml ehea|;«'r. ■ CbarleB H&slrfor<i, a !arge an«V note<l eontra< r tor «>f Queen*datid !»ays; "(>ne good KiiKliah, Scotehor 1 ri«h *i»nvy' \* efjual t«» two nnd a lialf Chine><e ans ho ha<i tri<-<i them in all c!iniate. <To W Coutinue<i.) i:. •