Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 373, 21 January 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Tiiat Wanli ».. will glvi- H. K. (i. t!»•• (*. 11. * \ That hat< 8 th< ; |k» r 'fhit*' inun t!i, i i*;ii' # t Ih' I». ōtrr w l\* Ti at l>.» k! . - Vv- i.m ' vill I» :h»> -..»■««. of th • • u<.Mf t!i«- Fa<liic»ti ai j*n-vut l»v >W!:v;uy* t tV <IJight y>»n . r.- >•" < * u.i: lii* v
That iho wvither : ha«r br«Mi: Unil tor rat» anl uihh:, fur ii liii* iaiuing <.•«.!« and dogs. -Th*t- K. C. M.. U th« >vm> jn«'|>;ir»i#th«' a*i»it*tHi' hv a nhiie pre«t riMtion «>U*rk. • Timi (hi' Miiii»tryV iwnd Ajrgaii, H-ol »inUi*. £aV». tliat• 1 )*••■ K'ēh.n i» a i*itv of refiige; &*e. VV». aiul ihe city wTIJ he f«»rtwilli in.4joriiv hal' )t8 crtst for th»I'#rty in thtt c<>uii».g evil «l tv f(»r the - i'>rgiurti'.' <*ruiwl. «»r I'artv. Tltßt otir."Knw thtv A«4v<*rtiK<»r >*oui<» vigurnu<s in thv rih« whieh oiak<* Henry CaKti<'> an«l liis Siluriaus v«jrv " . i'hat the *• tVtnaie <»rator" qu<»tt vJ by thc Holomua'e Sniile, mW fa»4 »n intei-oKt in th«» Fflßhion Stabk*j-. Aii«v hovi«! nisy !! fur the iuv<- ot* X *«kl, j»h>p. Thatthn only 'r«-i;ret is th:it p.» »r Knhiknua-pH.iil with his life f>r thf viii;iinv ol'hin fa!j*e fricti(i*. Tli«t her M-aj«*«iy.. t.h« (iae«»n is to a <rortaiii cxtent avengiiig her hr«»ih.erV <le:ith hy ijjn»»n:ig tu<? i*.*-i:i( ninl political staii(ling of ttv«» lit:'< \vheezing ĪHintam * Thutth<* b!izzard >trnck rhe I*! C. A's. Ho«»d!e cjtndi<hiie fir Ko )- 1.-Ki. whon the iatter foui.U the jK*oji:e tVoald j,w»t 'eonie t<» h<*:ir his <*ar - sj)liuihg voic'M. Stj<n<l hv lo l,»\vcr-avvavi „. P tr <»n Koolau'» ro«kv nhoii, NN«' Hhail #«*e a total \vmrlc <)fti»«' ii.'uih» <;f K i'iiuka.i. Th:it after th«» K;iilraa«l H<M»dl » - #»<••* thi!i.ig!r th-: u'ii >ii«v• :.th«»r«» \vi!l not Im» mueh J»-ft for jjh«» * il«Mr" I l urtu-gu« , »e. I Th«t <'hung Leongo? a prefer<Mic« frorn l><!linghatn while \rhtt« an«l hid lo\ver <»n th«» \vork L -i ■ A * ■ «»f ciih*tnictiou. Tliat the election of:my «tthcr i hut.th«'-Mheral.<K«*ad Hoanl ;u«*aus I the cofttmuance of the Jiga liear- ' Hrii»<l!<» Major \vh » will *til! hoj<l j the. Btr»H;tH. ! Ttiat crooke«l and fals#* Custoiūs | i»i.itrie« w«-re practjaed-bV t}\e Hani tauis. now in high t>»athcr *rith the Sultan of Turkey and the iKh«*«live «♦!* K«ypt who iun th« I f l vīoniiiir. * That.—Na«r, s.ivs S hi>h#A\in ('Hp.tnin.Bain .18 no reh»tion u f th<? i N«»\veling ol Auid Ir*»land; "%rh*M*© ,iippl«» pcatie«grow. He's a \viiaierā ' «oik s<» 1 iini t«»\\.id. - -lhnt the country wili never l»e *»afe uniil w«» corrii th«» Tri»a»iury j»U'i<l-a.niMi of our <>wu ki«lne\\ m ' th»* |;litteriug piie iii the governinenl vault» when he «t»iuplet«Hl »h" i ulastering on them the other «l«y. | Vah, 8ai«l iniiie «on-m law. i 'l iiah t»»vt\v ja|* \v« re se«*ii \v«»rk« j'iiig :.t tlie l*hua in front of the K.»11 roa«l d?pot, hl<»ng King >tn«et, 1 This shows littl«* *vm|»athy aud siiu vr;tv <m thc p.iri «»f !)ilhngU«in. l\ir th« ilawatians, l' »r?ugueBē and '•th«»r w«>rking!iien. ho uK.pe pl»an fift«N n «« 4, <t» a day.