Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 372, 20 Ianuali 1892 — Political Echoes. [ARTICLE]
Political Echoes.
The A<ivertiMT p.irty «iep!«»res a < 4 ont»ututt«tn:il e.»nve!iti<ni, tor the "e.Xēite-*»ie.nt. hihl eXivetiBe atta<*h<«l to an eleelion for Kin h a purpo e. .ut<l the < of a proio«getl term of <l:8qui«»t. |»ol»t h;«l aikilHtiotv. nn«N»rtainty an*! «•«>fii*« , «jui'ul e«»tiiiiieroial depr»>*ī«»it. 111 il« i«Kue of thc lsth inM. liie .\ilvertii«er Mated as i*hief «»-ijtM , lioii U» the Naliomil lviU*rai that it favored'a. <v»nstittiti<»nai eo^»venti«»n.
Tlif l'i»riv .»f. ISvhi wt>re «»trt»ugly in htv«»r <»f aM oU-ouuu f»r a conititationai c«inveuUon, hut th*' «letvctnm of cert»iiii meiiibfr? lh«*v f;tile<J t<» a iimjority V'»t*' t-»r s*»ch a purpuBe Hioee then. h»»wevivi, <onK*rv»t»ve eouneilii hiive prevailed and it is c«>nKHleml lM ttcr lu av«»i<l tli»* ex-in-mi* »n<l agitatiou of «ueh hii eleolion f(»llo\v:ng j»o ciofely upon thc gener« i cjHCtu»n<. ! herefore the Lib**rrtl |»Utt'»rm fontaii 8 no jirrtvision for the el«H'tionof * eon* <titutional conventi«»n
Uut th" \i4tional I.iUt:»l Party ix pl©dgo<i to trv au<l J»ei urf a reviMon of the pwent conPtitution (n »'oniplct«* revi*ioiv if |H»»»ibir) at ti»f eaimng BNssaion of th«* l^gisinture, whieh of couri**3 will h»re to gn u* fore th«* f«»r r.»ufiratk»n »t h k übae<q uen t elect ion" ' Tbt» pm*cnt f *i»}«titut»on wn» ha»tily gol up l»y th*» uion*rrhv wl»o ha<i tl« , t#»rii*iu«Hl ijh>« »!*t tblinhing it Rt»puhlic. nu«l hn<l prc|»ar«ti w coni»titution th»*r«for. Bot h *l* *j, <»f U»c JCinjj oblijrē*l th«Mi to tiurri«Ml!y v»r*»pnr« i » fbr .» moiiMrchy «unho<iy u*g th«- rt-fonn« th«-y dl*aun*l* The ohi«i.jrtHi iiumU\ whiii•hl »*c»it** u»<*t <. \<vlU«iit r* forti»f»r. hut * <loc»*iuciit got up :n *nrh it hurry hy h h»iwlfuJ of i»»« v n nrt» liahle V> ei % ain<l tt i» *l'v thc eaik» wiih »»ur pn*?»«'»»: «n»»n»tit ution
Kvr« it U* r*" jjpi»tt*<i, it ii» th«* fsn'i tb«t xh«* iM* tire HatWitmti* \ it*« thi« tiōH % a*»tl «iil nt»v« r !**♦ «>»ulont<«i wiih ii i)t»t »11 inurh A»r iiw i»ut»h- $ ruit»o#. l»*n o« »m»unt *»t th»» vh>« if,.i mihl higli h«mK«(l bv trhich it «tn otiiU«iml. «ihl in irliHTh t«wr w*t* t » ,'!.»*lu wtrtiri pit« !h:it uiiv iioairi«9 ,( «n«i h v<i«i u*»fc nj» Aru»« i»nw<trrfcnUb!rfc»r * puj|mm« aiiU »>oi.fht lo (ivfrjwt« fn«
llawauaii* po<iticaliv in >neir own -•«»!U»trv. Th*f insv*rtion uf the ii"ro-|M-rt-y «4Ualitlottt»on t'or votern 6»r whioh prutiV illv «lH<Tranohi«•r<l th«» nativt*s. tittenftiiie<l thi« fi*el ing. whieh is 111 »rt- ihan imiittrin»vi hv Mr A«hfoni's j*ubik , t'On» r. j»-io!i 1«» ilm* nativff*. tl»»t it w»8 in*- »U*«ign ot* i ti«* i*onBtitution nmk vrs>* t<» <lijsfraiirhi«»«* th»»iVi. Thi» h|h»]<>gist" for th«» ronst)tuuon elaim tliat t!i4*y eouM noi U«jirivc th« ilawaiian of thut whieh he never h;ul. whi«*h i#.qui«.t tru«: Butthjer ■»*n(iowed tht v forfigner with n. privileg« whieh he nt-ver )to«iesaed »nH whii'h they rentlertnl superior to that (riventhe Hh vaiinu ami wllh the avowe«l purpo«c <if keepinf the latter in poliiieal rubj«ction.
The fi*eling of hwptility to the . prw« nt oonBlitution. an<l «-anieHi 1 «le»ire f»»r it* ciiange i* (|««ei»ly ini jl»i«mtv«l in the iiiin(ls of n<of»t lfa- | waiians. awl <»f niatiy v*i*l re»identf I \vho are friemlB of the HaWaiiaii. i Though the eff«»rt ha» lieen made. [ it is iiirjK3«s!ble t«» era<ii<'ate it tton» l t-heir thoughf!«, aini it w ill oontiiute 11«> he suiyeeV ot agitktion unlil tiieir \vighes have lieeii gralilied. Tiie Nalionnl i*arty i« n«»t res|Mti* ®ii»le f«»r thi«: <t is tin* Matural Hiul inevitable jea«'t» »• « »f u Q<i|gnt ehaiige th;lt waī ot wiseiy co»»ceived or execute*l. It ii* the UU' Rcform I*arty tliat i* re*poti£ible for all the niplMMu". anel 'iiiianeial that h tsdi<trej«atHl fhis <*oun'ry for the |Mitit f»*A ve«F> Tiiey iiave wlaely dro|»|mhl out of exi»tt »>ce {,?» a part\\ but wtill ap|x*ar iu hostile »gitation against th«* ILiwminn jn«ler cover of «>tlier i«ec«ifitodatiug faeti«»i|B, *nd are guilty «»f ihe rac*» preju4]oe whieh they charge agai.vt-t ihe hos* pitat>le al»originee.
Mr. Aftlīj6ril h»*» ttianfuliy mul hit»u»»»lf f >r the pnrl I»** t«x»k ii» iuaking lh<* (S>iiBtitiiti*in «*f ISS7. «d--iuittiMe thnt it %v«» the purpo#«* ta <hsfriinehis*ti*c Hnwniian rvlv. nn<t g«?n«*riiu»ly c«»t*CHclinf that it i? now f«ir WiLe for hone*t rev» si«»n \V«iuhl thMt hi» UBsooint«* of >7 wt*r«* u8 hih! pi»Utio j.s \lr. A(ihfitrii h*s hli«»wm lutut<v!f t<» Ik».
The C »n»»titutton uf lSt».» «n» iuit j**rf«»et. nor liiU th«» rvv.»luttou of Inh7 |-K*rffH % t it: Nur is Mk»'lv th»t th* 1 •.{ 1 2 wouiU rt»viw »1 int•» n jn'rf«t't <hnnime nt. Hnt «»*perieno* n*B Uight th*t * rw«enti«l ch(inge» *rt* nēC<MS' ?i,iry, awl thf ro i* ih» <loubt th«t the tHin!itituti<»n c*mi)<! be i*vp?ē<!, to fnuiionle iu* tn hritig it mor«* Mii4*liir to lh** #u<Wf»ful <vn»titiit-Kn«K' of <utli'*r o<iuutri«*«i, «nil \vi.*ri v r*H\*gni»»» Ih^lenKienUie pniuM plf of ro l»ring th« Kx#cutiv«»m»ū tlw» lVop»c i»»lo Hion' httr.n«>nu>n* ivl«tionfi.
Ono lhinf īh o*rtain ?4nv M»«f hi ti frrwi<tm tii onl» w t«» pnōiA* t*»d n«tiv** iiiīikl «fiiiii«t t(H* |»r*«»«t Ho* «ud to iiH*t ilm» uniwnui! of th« k*r a iuoi^ trul\ d«*nwftrmtic (f»»v* r»*niv«t af(b« l*«©l>**\ for lltr pe**|»i« »nd uf thf Aiit o)i(ni»itūm U\ thi«t *r BMi»»|r i* mwkm ili r«f* «*f t»io oUrn«l r • f tN*« i»r*«*ttt Tlw A«lv*rtjter h*4 !*ttfr >t» prittier* ink aml it® Ur.i!n» for *rntttifc *^tvt
leMw*i«H in coniftUution*l g«»vern- j !i»eut when th«se <|Ue««tioh« oome up for pubtic <liacn«aion. Kkkk Lan« k.