Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 371, 19 Ianuali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


■I ■ " That ii would be band furoi to c«U eueh doinga po!iuc«l jobb«fry !- ■ ' Th«t the poi aapolM to lbe Oaliu Prl4on ftiid other hM ii i rule fariil«bed by ChiiieBe. Th*t Hive b«m deiKMinced ty the TbQivt(H) eliqite. Ihil the? hftve vtry laiuh like ibout il That otie of the Oowiw'» peUin the CtiPtoui lfiuie if now ap|>lTing for a lo«rer position ai lew paj to enable him tu have leiaure for hU very pro6tabi* up-tovn «rōrk. The C»o¥er«w>r ov*rlooks the incapac«ty 0f tbi» *Jfele in h«a preeent pnal ji*t at a fiir»ir to—don*t knew. That the native« <»f Waialua aa?, thev will i*nanitiH»uslv tupport the candidate of the NatiY« Sm9 of Hawaii tor that district. anfl U«rabaldi.iri|l withdraw in hia fav«r if aaid oandidate will |[ive pr»ctlcal prnof of hi» vauuted love for the Hawaiiana bfv mnrrying a nativa lasa lie hus heen eouniniK on elee* tion day. i " That at the (H>xt ueHinK of the Boodiera rnkm. Paul will appear aa a liitle jokar of the parly. dre«aett )<i ti|thu % and will l«e carricd iu a procea*ioa hr«ded bv Parker*s Band in order u» attract an a»~ dit*nre. That beKorrm aayt Soo!owan to M|ht H«wwr Rill. who'da ihunk it that yei ovuld be aioh a nnlpn n l>utch«uiii fcrif« engineer. Wal! HiU. m kaow Vm a l>utchman. and 1 docit lika Ma«t« a«d iii Aiu«riky. Dwndwre maka (oml eiUaena. and II»? art āwrii>p; w; saya, that i|m« HaoMniik Wni<n t a buedhir poliikmn h* doo\ know Um Maewi a «Uiiy and a r«eeU* THat liēnll Howleea IWaMnr fa«f whooi the akmawa" are wa» om» »Uwd np in a Folioa OouH eiw in whieh a Miula « i min iMtlw in* jurrd p#tU. [ Xmmis IkiinAm'* ww4* Soolewnn wonki !•# in%eteaii»f the ail.»a»o*aH««' wW aro now Me>! waiw y*4itic*l ilH«a Piii a* it 1 waa a dandy |mtcher.

Tk«iUw A4v«Mr in fii(wiiw|fci «it fai «nniailim ilm ||ißiixlii>i' ; ; onlm a«d nwifciim fe« «t "Pmh» |TfHr'iiftlt lp»flr ĪM iiliiiii, wk* vai i tlli Uk nni»t—limin «m «»-*» W «o» « «mil« Mdi * bti«d dM «I tlut. to bt »MwtiioMl|r<ktfeß' itriigiv i)M ftfjr am ut teOea Mi tbiir aa«d «w*iM at work itt tl» IM mmA tfetw tMr f&m kod «t Maaioa* TlMrt th« <Uy vfaMi U» Hm tbe lmmb ai? kj 40m «My to|seU>er mrwrt ho ■ii|itih<iliiii||. gtimnn ihm ||iymify Partjr |stM hnnJ< wiibTa*ai*aMye K* Bm»1v Aoolawa mmA ««dmilpnitty miiM eiiuiiM, Nmmm mmā Peimon. Thml oid Qibbjr fcadl • cm-ūi*k* wlio tu aivafi mwek u riidiM>oc T andoki Widrfykaaakeoae»-i«-lMv of tb© ium «tjW, vi» |m familt»rljr «aiM ky fcit M y . (Hemk **too fcoMliar»" ī Huit Mae, Um rtfetm Ime dMMr and tlMir bccaM» m» ie> fariatod attbe limmm iMm, tbat 1m toradowi»tbob9QynM wliieli tke Aacb bova bad pkmoe* oa tke BeU Toww aad daaoad a CMbUMd «word dam* and bigb!&iid fitag . wiili ikMM on fb» Mra4. Tbat Mr. Dtia«gbeei wiU bnbi ' furUi at tb« Ptortu§we Cl«b boM <>« Pnfieb*bawi, oa •rai»iag i*zt, wben be wiU ea%kt. o«t tbe rom «f Pt*fiigai u to vby : be }N*fefi Cbimr a»l Jans fer railroad buikbi| aed aflwi hiHguw lilwen TsomUadaj. Tlm ia bo« Um «mi» wiwae R*prve*ttUtiY»e vot«| biv »übskiy. Tbat tbo M M)i»uttar; H pirty bare dim»vwfd tb«t *ll tbe aeu of <Mir Tamwaōy wboai tbey Mo«cmll lw»tbarv cmm frtMM KtUmiMv: and tbai JobMM«r knowa ali about eatSk. Tkat Um tatool «Mciti(M o«t »o tbot Joba«r io bwit, tbo ®Wo ooid ro ia iu laol km bal nobodjr wili boliwro it Tkot o fir«M of c*m*ge Moko«o Im UOo lowm «a«M Uk» a AmomHml t*m Bm*m Ulaw bo «ftiKit« VMtf a» a mpro onoUtivo af Um XaUw ► - •—-•-■ r- - —« > Tbot K. OeekloUe Mit tko i«* opivoUo« ayi«i»kliaim tbo RoodWto C«k«. Uot N» «a(r kod 1. Tb« Um Mkn«i|M-4CMo *o«hftttatee fre«d broMdoaia| iii dlrb< to *ot* fer hamw* Boviw ««% a«d «fea, TWrt J«<k* A. <b«ar«i trt |abi tbe U|tr %ti »Mibt avo fer t;aībU tba« u f» i*t* lbt Uff«aftotiv« HaU,