Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 371, 19 January 1892 — FATHER LEONORE. [ARTICLE]
Many rnj<ri of Ka I#ro ; writte.n to tis and tsf«aaMi to vi j tk»eir de#p aolieUaUone ler Uie ' welftuw of §ood Fatliev Leonam. i who bas heeii lfia| fer mmm iiw < past in » very critical cooditkm.! We are p)eoeid to oongpmtaUte our friends o»i bia reeoverj| and lreet | he ttiay be lotig aoared to oontinye ; his father2y miiueUmUooa aod H* j pretentiooe charitke, whieb haye I endearvd him to a Uvfft' ~ £ost oC-oaUve frMi. Dwriag hie Ul. nea ft hae been' made evidont 10 us thAt there. ia no one whcrhae | done tbe wnrlc of Father Letihorv i as well aa ht haa. a*d whe has | proved Ihe devotH»n of the Caiholic , Church to the welfare of the native j Hawaiian people.