Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 371, 19 Ianuali 1892 — Mr W.C. Wilder. [ARTICLE]
Mr W.C. Wilder.
Thi« gehtleina»rB friend« are of Ihe irret»ressible tvpe, they insist, We are torry, as we respevt him. Mr. Wilder< remembering tliat He made a speeeh two years ago, shgfws his good aenae <4n denyiug him*elf tbe joys of orat<»ry in th« preaent campāign. He would have actod Sriaely in taking a hint fn>m Machavelli Thurston as to the go!deu ehann of abad!ute eilenoe just now. But the "po«tion w of Mr. Wiider on whal hederme a ftrw of the sabj«M>ls liial are now itibsl prominent. asgiven in Ihe P (V Advertieer ofj Saiurday lasl. «ioeē not* we hope ] exhausl ihal gentleinkn , e |»olitical | viBion Mr. Wilder bas, it wouM seem, j iii modeling hia address. heen fol -1 lowing Ihe vagtie generalities of the so-called Mechanics l'nion platform. When Mr. Wi)der oaaays to spesk on Ihe oonalilulionnl quee* tion, he ehould know that thc ker» \ nel of the lies in the pro- j l»erty oualifir.»tion—in p!ural vot- j ing. In pUin wonis Mr. \V. : ldrr'e, men wani* to Kn<iw whe»h*-r ki* [ goods and chatlelB and mules nk , more enlitled lo legislalivr ri»pre- j sentati"n than lhey andtheir wi%i»s | andchildren Mr. Wil<|er in o|h| posed to iiie propoeed amend.uent chatiging the qualification from ei» J Usens to e»vbjects; j*ut nlien hif 4 polilieal leaders. who arotheauiUor» | ofthe change will inf«»rm hiin, | how nicelv il will act iii miucing. Ihe votiug power of tbe masac« t he 1 wiii no doubt aee his err<ir; eepe-; cially as hts printed views would j plaee hiiu in the same boat as the j Liberai Party, whoee policy it is |<» j extend the rircie of tlte Peo|»leV. Mr. W i» not iu favor ol * Cun- ( ▼enllon framing a Constiluiion. Of j course not. Th* divine right oT king and riiiga, ainl bwf trual* iind moiio|Mili€«, in gen«*ral. ere ta- j cre*iiy diH)icaled to M «l«tch.