Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 371, 19 Ianuali 1892 — THE DUTY OF THE HOUR. [ARTICLE]
T i<» A(hrartiwr of «1\p vot« Uk> »f tbc MeHniiin l'aion. Tni?- it* rrv Mwl* <*f o»itf» &« IHK taht\» *h* mmr* l?w:. h«v» ruU*l <xir «nd f iht natHmai »tock ulhoo
«p|y t a»d abilitv. and patrk*£sm.| and hunkum, up to the urwßtj hour. T&erp i§ not even enmtgh left cf tbe rrtorin raovement of| 18H7 lo form Ihe rump of a - partv.! andao the fev slray sh«cp that stUl | cling iit tbe natr.e. are adviard iti 1 reuds like a iuneral aemion,' ♦o voie fbr a ticket Ihal is uol the>rs. • to <% aubordinate |*«raonal feeiinf|, eve:ijuat in4tcnathm io Ihe puhlie good. M Tb* pith of this etegant paradox ia aeen in Ihe fact. that ihe PrßLic is theobiect of thewhole : indictment; the public having ap-' I parentiy doclind to »ake stock in what is for the 'puhlie good." «it ar«iprr. bosti ' Tlic Bood)ers l'nion has becotue the grave of a £reMf pwty!! Oh. monstroue! but one half penny worth of reform hread tothis » inlolerabU deal of ? Sack ! i