Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 371, 19 January 1892 — Political Echoes. [ARTICLE]

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Political Echoes.

Tbe AclVftrtw: ii* |>tTsist*Mtly dishonest in its il":.ounciHiioi» if the Xati«miil LiU-Fa!s as aparty of '•uolitical an<l ront*tiimntly of **financial <l«pn>s*sHiii/* Ita ivnmrkf) .*» re actuatetl by a hlinel niHudice againM whnt it i» }>it>at»e to terin Uii 4 "RuHh-Wiloox fact!on:" A whieh na* 110 hon* st fbundatiotn and whioh thvv couid not v«*iitvir«* to explain. Wi» elo n«»t |»ropofw> to #»nter upon the d«fens«» •»f Bugh or \Vilcox, htit will n»erely j*ay that whatever failingp th«*y mav have in i> tiiri»ot» irith th«* rf*t of hutiiaxuty. their recor<l is not half ' 4» b I*l a» that «f sotue of thoi«e who &re in polnieal oppoiiiion U» theui. Wilcōx 18 condemned principally on account oi hi» attempttd revolt of th« 30th of Julv, ISB9, Hut impaKml and difttinguiahed critic3 who Kave reviewed t hat aflTair sinc*. do not condeiun the inotive of his nu>v6nieiit. whaterer its ern»rs nmy hmve bcen. He Riniplv vente<l thr J>ent up feelingt of the native Ilawniinn pe*i|*|e, who sulleii)y indiguaitt at ttir ī»oto!ie«i upci>nstitutii>ii whieh had bt*en f«iiste<l upt»n them bv •*nvisī»ic>iiary Uayoneta" and the att»'nipt to overthrow th«* Kinf and eatAbiish a repuhlic in whieh thev h;ul no voice. It hu» becotne a Dolitioal axioni that a reaction ii» certjiin to .h't»! politieal cftiav)ge, *nd Wilcox waa sitnpl v the n.an <»f dentiny 111 r<*action. thitt has had, and will eoiuinue to hi*ve its parail«*l in the hi«tory t»f the wor!d till the end *»f iinie. The WiJcox niovenient fail»il, t»erha(»« fortunatc(y »o, but the ignoblent*ss «»f hiK piv««ent detractor», rec*Us the tioblette** atid dignitv «if hia d«ineat>or when yndnr arr«*t. and timrching «inder an armed «**e<»rt, on the HlHh of Jtily. in tbe faee of and fri»m K. K. Htshup, W \V. 11*11 ami (»ther 111tle 111** 11 to n»pe," *c. *c. 11« it any woiider th*t our attitple n*tive«t !iere tries to indoltxe hini"? The Advertis«»r an<l it* d«Hnples «hnoonee tbe X*tion*l l.tb**ri«i I'ar ty wnd its aolM f<Ulo>ing of nati\i<# % Purt Ofue«M*, *nd ot h» r for*ifrtteft; becauae ihcr ft*f i* ia tbe Hnsft. Wik*tix factkm. *nd nol *s trust • •<ifthr *s th* ri 1 ti« n \r* im4 our <t d fri« t i* ot th«* vMeerti»er tn*king a mi«tak#, itiat will fegrtt when t «»» t*ie

lUmh und Wileox u i>rotninent' men in tlu- L*b<;ral P*rty aaiL jire |iopuUr lcadtrs wilh Ihe n«tive MaW'«iianft. but thev elo not ppn«uiue to oo'mtitut€ thetoBelveti tb« Kole intHiigetice anii in*piratiun of Ihe pa !•()*. They have asioei«ted «rith theiu inen of brains, inWiiigence ;ind ability. whoin thcy ar« aHied wiih *ud re«p*ct. »nd Urn«ly rrljr on for guidatK*e nnd awistance in the n»ore nerioun queations of politir.il Btatecr;fft. We refer to M»r|que . Ashford Htid Ro»s who have i arrepted noiniiiHlione u|khi the I>it>er«l tiol£et. «pon the «Muninee I that the p«rty policv and platforni | waf> ln>»eatly intei»4ed fbr peaee, progress and food governme»t. Their i nanie« have never heen aa»ociated j \vith K»o«lle or opium. and a candid puhhe opinion mu»»t credit them with a Bincere purpoae of asi«ialing topmiiMiie the welf*re of this. their va»jv»pttM| conntry. Tho X;itional Liheral I*artv will r;irry the almoet solid vote of tl»is ipland 5 supporled bv a majvfftty of the meehanie» and workingnw»n awl'a Urgp «»ercentagc of the Portugu*'fe. They are a strong party ag Jias been ut*'ertained by s per* »onal canvas of our wardf "fe*orkers in cverv dMnci, v»ard and precinct of |he ipU»id. lt mu*Vbe pelf «vi<#enl to every obwrvir.g man. that tliere if« a feelinf ot discontent ainonx the naUve people uirticularlv. whieh thcui to cluater amund leaders whom thev belteve will «erve them f*itofully. At the preaent titne tKe popuhr leadcrs are with the Ulieral Party. It ihe Advertii*er party could be <livested of ihe prejudice<*. tbey would cleMrly we that the only way to ref»tore poliiiea) harmon v in tbis kingdom amonjE the cl*sse» whoae intoresth, are i,n cooHiot iui >«ii)jirv •»r (aherwise. is to def«r to liie polilieal majoritv, thereby enabling their leader* to sati*ify and paclfv the elenu*ntß who rely on their guidaiu*e and aīso be in i>c||er position to adj'u*t and halanee the <iiffer« ene? between the puhlie inter«»f<t# of all jwirtieB. Provideil always that the polilieal majontv ran U» tru.«te<l. According toour lightswe beht*ve the National l.iberal Party oan l*e tr*i!«ted. attempt to obsstrurt the majority with a faclio*ial oppr.sition ean only teiwl to proh»ng the Ptate of iK»Htic;tl du*quiet whieh etubarrasses oommerc* and induntrv. The native Hawaiian slill exisl in considerab)e nutnber. and they have righu whieh uiual be con«iderwl and refpeele j. Il is a aente}e** )Hiliry i«i organiie a prejudined op)HwitHHi lo ihem ainoe |Hey *re ui»;t«*d togetbi-r so aoiid under eoiu]»etenl leaders wli » K.ive oi v iv ihe tie«t welf.«re «»f the i\»unlry a! he«yrt. ail<i to pmtert «11 inle?e»ls whiW eoneiliating Ihe diwontent and animoaity tbai has ue a reār> tioii tn the revolutionarv menl of IHST. Fhkk Unvk. i