Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 368, 15 January 1892 — Political Echoes. [ARTICLE]

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Political Echoes.

Lomn A. Th'urston Ks<|. eoina? ,befort i ihi 1 puhla' in llu coiutmi« ot th« Ailvt*rtij*cr oi thf- 1 ith., *?j>eAking for no ont» but hiuiselt\" but f videntl> po*injt a political oraele. The gist of hi.v &rticle i« an attenjpt to gri of a sne2ring enar*ct*ri£ation oi th« men who are leading the Naūenal I*arty, an-1 iiv hi# effort to do t?o he indulges in open falsf»hocKlB, aml ttide of the inark m hU sumtDintf up of tht Bitnation, nn<l how 1 ittle he know« aboul ii. ' ■ ■ Mr Th jrtton appeiir* tw :hink j tlia* hi? icere sav is si:flieient j - t*« eomknm ilk' men j ly i- <>pi»use *. » )*;m. li;ivitig on«v [ the .uol an<i orHole'ot" tht* J "M;i> <>udi v l*«"torui r.irty." 1,0 | u*c*»s neme but 'iioee who netv hi* j hui phīli^-I ?*!; :;»i- e>>a.UiUh!tv who nj»*a- ; i " . r ' a»-n v ;; «|j!lVrcnt Piainlanl, :v 'e' l tr " lu u'ir«Uv *U'iulpoint' i! :-s Uk ih that tho JHen wLuHI r!;MT!itcil W'»uM «iltl«Jv'!l n hi. f ." uihl n»ny «ihfa<l in t >>:\ra< - fer. mt«*i:rity »si4 ii«!ci;ijrone»\ of thi- men u' ~ wtre the ku«ve«» $ %t:»ity>:i. i>, b<> iii< rs an»i wirv uui- ' •; 'l rt f.»ri»► t'*> $nliuiii:str.itt »u. Wv Uv> hOl Tl)ur?tou? p< 4 hut ).«■■ w.in» uu I Iortufi;»!« ;V ā'i» rt>u» ih\l '«v liu n of ' ,1« ui»tfui ii.«'oui}>e- | l#t»T p '!iti» aJ rjtar..ct« r who āsfrht- » hiui u> inrry 1 he r« »anu aUniiii» iPiri»tif 5» *i> «h>ruplu..i m»<l ini:rt*. | Hi« h* 'noim.p»» w**r*- »»*»t ' m«n. and hi» :tciutiiii4tmtion <\hiv> | placrnt!y Imv iui*t | '1»1 '>■>' f»aan.:-,»«j with « opnnn tu tli«* Mit>lial V ami | Hot* thit ih.< in» rv i W<t> i * o . t v(«,< .4. ino 10 proterUn «b u» o h r utlk i-U who werc h« Ks.ll iii|{ n oHioe. i • "1." «> ) v,f hi* 'l ' »)' t «; *. tt ♦ atld act4W. i»ut i:t j(Tatrx t »f HuptV tAOO« h«- * »s im »j alwav» wrll ▼iaoil. TlH*n» wni (inlinUual in |»%rari»i i< wno rth |it* ii:t!e fniß ljfM h«*v«f hiui ft>fo « t «ny «*f» IWIIMI VII t«ll wU lu^vtt«. Th * ■11 mitk TmoMii% por«ciicMii vm i

t lte t\Tjnit!c«il aml «>i ilaw.Hiian polille#», anti dul iiion 1 tt» hring tho reforjn' a«l- - nto tlisrej»ute th&n aīl <»th»T » ' Hf hel»l rvray in overy departmen: an«i lureau ufthe gqveri' | wwit an i < v arrU»l the luterioi'> i>e-' fmrun< nt aiK>i)t as» a sort of pocket lueee. He $tartled the lowo with phantom revolutiunB aud his o£oial ean a rcign ol terror to ail who wert un{o£tU!iately under hia «ontr;l. It i| W~ieir that thi» man and hi» elieue will return to <loginatic power through Thurslon that cause<i and still causes a great deal ot" opposition to the laUer. Another one of Thurston'B peU is a mau whoae popuiarity i? doubtfui. We tb#refore contider it bft«d forzu for Thurston to attack his poliiieai opponenu with mert inntxmdoef. j while such shady reniin:scence» Purround his .iJlie«. > Mr. Thuraton dcliberateW falni- j fies the fwt when he aaeert9 that { the Xational Liberal Party ia in 4, blind opposrtion'' to a new treaty with ihe I States. We speak advised!y h» saxing that the Xational Party di«itinctly favor«« a renewal o 1 tli<» tr»*avy witli theUnited State» pcraiitting a morc recipro-» eal iutvr-ha»ie of »aturnl produ<FU, an>l tii»'v wiil unduubUxi!y uuit« in »\pprviVal f #ucl» t\ treaty if properIy d. Tl»e i*iatform ef' Prinvip}es of tha Hawaiian \*ation-! al Liberai Party ?»|>eaks fwr useif in j Bection 2 1 But in view <it* the present reci- j procitv policy nf the l'nited Sutesi the Natinnal Party d«»es imt conf»i* iler.a cessio« oi'a <t;ilion 'a* l j ai ail i necessary pari. of a eoin- i mercial tx>ir4*act un!tss tiiere i?! otlier iul»?!taniial an l hjnoral»ic tf«juiv:ilent .cionc#»«led bv ?he ,l'nited : riif •'3iupjurciai activity ' of t:»« n.itioni« th;if~Tā : Kier ilie Pa» ciric. will < k»ii rtnvdor thc p )SHos*ion pf n vv;i! >uti-in in thc*c i«!Ht.ds »f rfreat cotntuerci:\i ' alue ind strat»'i;ir :rnjiorinu<'e an \ t\e should tlicirctbre not tlvr»»w n avvj<v ligl»tly I Eur »iKan i ation- woiild prol>ably jVay us n.fhions of nioc,ey IV it. Hut il a uaval xt;ttion is. to weshould prefer that our pnneipal iMßM>iwx-ia) ihe rnited.States. : »b« j ul«i liuve ii, and we art» willing th.a t:i»-y >?n>uld it .mti«»r a trcatv t h:.t v\«>sK«i U hon<>rabie jUid tō i»« th i»ati..ns. We s«»..*iki r .\ppruvi- t; e Tlmr!t'in ' \ ri* * ;ichei;tc d«*>ijfit<«t u» |H«ttuitt iii» cabint-t in udicc. aud to depri\« ii»e people n' ihe j*i'ar¥d rij*iit of *giiati n or r« v.dt r,M alu i.uiiui. cr ti|K>p 'lir govt rn'i». i t Mr, I'i - v t :i turll»fr uiaii o»o"i*lv ~>»♦ r |- ( n Jt, « v n°unct >Uī Naiional Pariv a* nAe vi ... ,» >>t and f naneul M4iC»tle It. i .r'v :u.ii» *• 4 bv iU pl«t* rtn avd it* «ud •.» . in thcr*» be t mnd . tu l.ulleM !•**« Kl!t|f ~it. * jh>u.< > tji e tlie , j 'u..*»'•** r*:K*ti whīi h ;um v;i.£tn*t*jMdiemu* r* V of « «•> ti vU. u O.li u »'«d p' «« 4 r U|mmi vu« ">•' *lHtvr» of the na- ■'! \* f*»r ' •>t w I *t «i» Thur«t v,» . ihU who aivr*#pt«it M&c! .rtb' *>MMMt mt%jpe

eial string<fady* if almndant monev in this cotiīintmity, but it ift U>ckt;ii up in t)ir i\ipitalist*, nith a $eeuiinjft est anJ un/inaneia] pi;. j*ose of po» liiieal i>rearare. * i( this he so, it i* a cijsgrncvful ami f uicidai art on the part of our capiUli»Ws from whtcb no good eonie, hut the eviU ōf whieh eannoi be Uid at the door of th<» Natidnai Party. Tho caminerciai oullook for tbis ix)uutr/ is not discouragiof exoept |as it ia artificiaily made so bjr the tying opofcapital. If the monied men wo«ki unlooee the aaek; if Uie su«ear planters wouki aei themsei vee to work to meet the changed eonditlon of the tugar marfcet, and adopt the metlM>da whieh we he- > lieve 9tili exist for getting sugar to market wilh profit, and if th«r po* liticŪMis would stop whining "ealamity" simply berause tbey cannot olHain control of the adfuioistrat)on, w«e believe that the country would go on and proeper, The resources of this littk> n.ition are too nubstantial to collapse entireiy. The financial poli«y of the Natio&al i'arty is foresha<lowed in the artieie "Kinaneiai'* i:*m appeariig inj this )»aper anJ wr e'aiui it t<» l*j iar irom ••suici'lai." Fiif k L.w» k. ! - - - - ♦ • ♦ - -!