Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 367, 14 Ianuali 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Thet BooltYen say we % v»* g> • iieni to Tt\\U* now hoyi» *nd the 4ivit a oint for the ho* —- Bab Moore the bmth av. t bov emi iueeeUl that nomil.

|l)at Os ind Maekn hav» ili the h*l; >11 they ?Mit U boodiert with Urfeea*.

Th«*trrf* ia 4*41 now, andi 'ir Uie pUnlm m«nU B*t tb<4r work in. lu«ilcf nwj I» MHled in Um Isl «aii

I Tti»t Um USk ihnl iMifl witiMdl k lkii «|jr. Tblr>4 ii «U l|i a fmwAiywMm (m*4 tkm IMI y» *teKs*fcl& lliunnili Mm M. Y« »d4 ib -4liiiff >iiwrt w WHm A»! ten *$ !!!»«•• i * •' , -. .' '• ••-•

■•■'l| - "***- -■» i 1 a»^#iWorew^*»OTcppiss«i»fw K. »•! . Mir>9p«t -ai* «ttgroef;vifl gwi eleeu^'ia TVt lbe fr* fki« £how. ttpd| wmj fiut)t oMkiiw «!mati«ok jok*t.

. That why <|<t>nt tbe T. C. Jl. ooin« otit wiih iu p«t ponuM of 1890 ? *rh«t an iucongrout ad!

That Iwlolo; is just befoml atxl t» ofMak«htC

Thar opium are po iioir ainl the ftr> iow. tbat « Uriee *hipnsent wa* | winl «ent*&«v4y lnr tho • J *MDior' Aualmlia.'

Tfe tt the drug betag "l? pl«ntifiil and.jcheiip now a«eottnt< for unueaai number of Hawaikn mm and wouien in4ulgii)g,' - ~

Tiiat h i« aii open>ecrH that ita u*e i« vrrv Li)rgrlr on th? i.»rr<wwe amofi| thc Xativrs of

That the free sbow <*f tnuaj» x t# and vhine#e Lanterns with M HuU" variati<»nt. wos a very.bMti^!/

. That a hy qu»etly a U»e anchorage in th<» aimn? little hi\"wi of Kaloio last

That Ihe »nuf and ohsewre anehonup of Kalolo fas w«U cao*»n att4 by who are £amiliar wUh its m€Hta.

That the diatingualied Tourist camto tow«i aft*r th« departure of ihe Schoon#r.

That tIM Meehame? Ro(xiW-Mū: • htd to oH a.ai)U iikeHr»fiT» rrat thow, in ord*r to f!ith«r in tW \dl*r* of tovn.

That on th« cjir that vhwl«i the eummin* IWvWr Hibvnian mwale, *r*>on<l town, th« ncmeof the g*Hy mā*vtry MUisctb)T prinM willi * very liUle X «mi a vtrf Mg Keloctti. They iiiifht just «« weJl kftto M out \he X entMy.

TUi Om fer» trvm& «Hil Umwlvw jMlot by eom|ttving lMr WNt!nf ln % elrciM, by l)»is.«Br mi Heawmi hmi lbr >Mrnrinitii Uonhiā tre* egran, lfteMfeg tb

efeaU«ri«g i»d