Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 367, 14 January 1892 — Political Echos. [ARTICLE]

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Political Echos.

\W. tne jK i o|>ie of iu»glant!, i'ul 1 the thm? litti»v 01" T*v»lov : Street~aud.irt\-the-pet»i>le >f H:i-; waii. say the han iful of hitirniaivtf «»f th« lkKKili?rs l'nion. ,j er kiwl iicnteiuint». Oniiin ;;tul Su!livan. of our Huuolulu .Tr»tmiiJi* nj are puffod up~ with aln>ut as mueh in)porUnce && ihe Htt'e tai!ort of T»H)ley i?troet, amt oven though th«#y C4»rry Widemaun. lWrger, Matifaiiane aud \Vaiker in their laad, they will find that the people ofHawaii will heetl their >magogy f about aa little ai ihe peopk of EpgUq<l did the ridieuloua aBSuu:ption of the TooSev Stieet tailor*.

Aeh du lieberv hiuimei, it was

amuemp to Bee oid man \Vidmnann flitUog «t boiYored piuee ai the uieeting of tlw» boodlcn* l'nion. la«t Tbursday. and coo!y announoing his diMM»pointDiont nt notrec*iving 'i noniiaiUiop.. Tne M«clianiog l'nion it exift at «>rtsent has been deaerted by its b©*i uien and i« nuw onlr a ti«ndfalof men mainly frodk tbe Tnton lron \Vorks and from BalHT»n*t hor«e fttabfo, whom tfce •'!»»" eonUoh >o tb« iniemla of Ike Widemann~Msicfarl&ne faciioo. Tb«rvfore it u a i>arprin tbat th* okl T«iton chd not js*t a non>iaatta«>, tboogh it would probabiy hare bee« tbe fintt time that Mlrb aod iml.'H u»> *fcUiar ia nolilke. •

Bat fcr Mr. Wkkmnnn toexpect a nomiaaUon fract a*y of the old Katioail BaAm Party wa» an ab> avrd aoaoeii. • He waa reoently &tadtTe, OaUnei MMw, chiefly

Nittnnil P«tfty, ifid aa keooaUoM he had U ii» hw po«fr Sf heikm*. toißitiatoMMOfUif chwgw td nfcnM la «d«inlil9ti* tin «M kk p«Ky ao «•*!? a«ilal«dl fbr. B«t in«>«ad, 1* mM 49 « W««k. ai»d «M boatll« tu bi« oU aa> makām rf Um P*rtT. Ono idlii>lniati nlii>ii. dlMni Mainal nMkM tdktMti «f tfc» KiAml hrtr nliMi tm *» <MI Mrrk» hw ■mA* M» aai «m* «M Hwn» ■»** li» »r l* i»lWi i—rti>n« «»4i lk* HM, |M MllMll «kt PMMT«r)*«•». t« «MM« aMI« :

Jor in merc thmu o|tc | r>f»pct ted liuwaiiān i j Mr. W'uk'uiann briet care«r 8« » ' \jf a {>>lilkAi j>artv au4 sulb !««"ii'■:«.« <*abi«Ht Mkiicter wi»f ' --iuira<-īr W K!un<k«r¥ ; \rJn.-h Kst the >»f !}.<• -of tlte : voter« of thi' . -I*īiriy wh<) onrf electteii , li ;r a n aiui now l.ieli«VF thatj : oulil 1»' a ■ 1 »!e m-t.. at lii» -j,-f 1:'-. ;«» retiro-fr<'iivtliif r:i .«f j». artivitiw. ■in whifh jh- <\nr» . w.in rv-n<mn, and Oie Jaaivl* whiehi :;r< % -i :• to h> oM agc. an«i to h.ivjnj: ra'.seJ aiargv rc<jK.ī*t< i d anid ' h.d f;:!i;:'v.

T\.> ■iww.*'*! of Hfin. .-.1.-S. W«l1k r thc b.»o ller« l'nion Tneeting \v.' f ;-;i~]-ri*e t<*> hi* iiwitiy;fri<nwi<s prt f'*r 10 l»e!iove that hoishdh> j .kaiW faithful to 'h Xatunal l # ftHtv ;h.it i.r-l»»rt«*«l liim to the 0 ī-og|«- ! i..tnre. rntil \vo have iuore oein- , iii^ !V i.' evide«ee v» tlie €ontrary. wr <?hall that Mr. \Valket ' hn* l;rcn ileeeived hv tUe treachfp- ' 8- fuetion of boodlers who tre 1 "rii:vp.ing" the i'nion, and that ' when he tbat the mil ; Xational I'arty no longi v rec-»grī4M the Meeha«ic? l'nion. are rounder the »ame old partv' <\>lor« au<l princ:ples iu the iiheral - Lvagtio and the Intoriiiitioaai he wiil return to his n-.*tu-r;ii allegiance. We do not l>elieve ;as v«t that Mr. Wa!ker ean join i with the UKkiiei*, ai«d tho »:ranfer | ineehaniei of the l T nion Iron \\'orka, jas ajratiiBt the native Hawaiian** and the <Mm<»erv»ti\v \vorkingmen ' of !ong reaidence

I.ieutennnt Quinn nnxiou« tdimpress upon Widernapn. !**rger and hi# other disti«gu!she<i hearer.«> the extren*e importanc*» of the rūad bo&rti*. whieh was flcrcx>t"J ūs a po?ite liunit as to where hi« auihitious iay. nn<! what he e\pected at a polite limil as to wher«* ht« ambi-

ti»n« la\% and whal he cxj>ected as a reward frota T*tatnany for eampa|gn eenrtogi. (Juinn said he congidered the eleeUon nf the r>,«M>ojird» of far more importanoe ihan the nohlea and repre9«nUtive*. The poeilion of road anperviaor wo«rW be a fat bUlet fbr a Tammany man. but we know aome oih» who will never*gei tbere ail tha aame. for the Kational Party ite eye ou a xood natiooal man wbo is neitber boodler, nar refbrmer v wbo ia liahle to get jfovtrnmeot Md«r uūxed up wUh hia own borat fc*d, and bava hia «vfora a»vared up br a miniatar. (

Tr*»la»l*la, ta»t* Bowler. Mor»»non. F*KK-LASCIk ..