Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 366, 13 January 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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.» i 'i'iial «11 but tbe l-n*• >.*i tmntrorkf | ; ;ir« (iiBgutleit withi the I ; _ ; :<i _ [ 1 " r t T l*« t *tMV. Afth|fortiSril I#oin hy ; vr\e iikn 4 oiuu. . j : Tiat tW$ tftittkigrtttW< nn* >*.'i|ftlv <U'»*Wk*c!. i'U.aem- x»yit naMiaj< Japan * - | ! l)icintjur froiu iue IV I aiot«)tiP 4»rntijw tyn<tnt j<*lfccMitM u» hit r iilhr«Mliug in tht* ttr«tOHiit fanrt\jk\! ;inii i||n fO»Uni h«* b» h?n «criurjy [di«pi*r. | I

• - 'V ,> >• w paeMW&k&n b*^st*fa -':; wTh3it Ā« tbiiil«t!i 6Ī Xa|y ihoiillri<( <ioe«' lioi Vi*n asfer, th« M«ach as formelriy; ■ ' ' - . That Mr. Ascit iiad to ftet«&lly take th« chair 4tuie in i>rdur m tsk« seut as tIM |rgiitm»toSv e!ectetl ohiuf of the Kirc i>et>»rtptent. That Had anil b»tl blocid al way« coine_to.tho wi op« |v>rtuait. . j : " , , ■ • -I '" T 1 WJI 1 l That tho J'a«nfir AilVertiK er. blow»» hut an<l i hiow» eoW in tlte saaie brcath. | -That ali| *\\»uld go<nl iauibs ifi the Stieep wouhi oome to Thurdtoiui 1 poiit:('al Shei-pfold. | Tii«rt Tuuratoa took a «afe rout6 j io Kn«uro a walk uvor. with brotbor i Henry HalUwiii aa trai«er. That coiu{»laintf wer«j h»jarJ ai!fe?r lant Ki ; iions that tho Kleulion La,W« were toUily ign®ml in th« MakaWn > dirttfict KiBt That tho Ba«UJ was thu i» Kawaihau dUtrict Kauai. only more so. • f .. rhat tho reaiiy Ue|ieu4eiii were rigoruuslv rerninded that ther« wm a Kiugdjm Kwilia wiihin the, Helum. | That tbe ailianoe between buodlo j and opiuui will prob" 'l/ irnprove |the )>ubiic uioffaiM. ! -. ' t | f hat the Ilou. A, \V'ik*ox .<thowod j hifj i»ei»*e of j wb<*fi he «at «i | tl»e Ti»utoin« itmpe<*tor for irreguiur« !itiea. | Thatthemei'4tanicH l'niou. Boodh I and opium arc »*ynotiytn»(. , That the ru!libf and regutation« i <*all fur '}() women in *»very ' Jap«.That a2t maleM bv th« Vamatlti ;ro Maru. 1* a fair aampl» uf Ht|K i<lo«iti}( that will by tlw l iftnit«.( ttnitniiifl t crowd. That n§wtB that Um rc«d I hoahi ia of far' moi'e lmpr>rtnnrcr I *ban NaM*« aiwi R*prett«ith'«a. ; That if tiMcb*nioft «nd laborori {.vaStt* iheir \Qfapmdm** tlv»y w>U I voie tb« Üb«il Ticto4. | Tbat «all pulUWi tīarttot ouUfcf jof Uw» International laberaU ami . naUonal Üb9Taift. Aw> <»f the mon grer-Het;)mi~vanPt y. # * ... I'hftt Thur r ton wa»- t«» ha\ p e runon Kauai hut board in tUne lhat CrowWv «a« on tba war patb ®wr therr* Dan gav*» it awav Tbftt !V. Tb£rit~oit wili Kaldwin» poek^vhBW>\yh- »ot Uto o/tbe p^oel*

~' ''lilliWliiil

: j6flflnpeBi* fcr -Sdi. fnriiiiftin i&mim I «*£&«&<*« : Wt.:«A M-«# 5 - r 4#c*v* %oih* M ; v : a*ir» libwal W ; «Mk " —t m nrfft>ffl'ln '"' | wa«t 4*> t me*m 4 U*nsp*rt »o«^,'^i «33 tfe« <Uiflnet», eoim*%t£v?iMAb mnm. Wc hoi.l th»t manhowi. and ih&aaoawwakui^ thMV^ ihe r%fet to voto bt m*& $*' •lioaki W MiwiMte4lM t»l!at4 tl» rteii «nsr ihan" U) _ ib» h*m . poar bwm. 7b» <&erlialMlSo«i i& |» w * of wenkh««w ttw#i«!a osr Ce*«&Btto» rkeoatmrtB«l! Om <*mi»l p*fei(gs§eg I (* Hgrht m£ jwtka, zm&mtt*t S*ab©Hai*~ («I. »© willf»vwa ln#* «e« eiāe** oii? feww ; wii& W®». mcMag to tH@ n*«^ narn*mm piMam w3bkli KMII», 0»m ifi tWr owa eewiU?, amelol whld» . &m *»ve bm <fet*i*eti, , !KT»B|jAI. IMI*»f>VKIfE|ST?i j 12 We lAvof Uie t»xp€«<jttīspe i»f s»&i:biit imaa 1« «csmre i ihmW ol aeetk«l jfmttici&iM*reBt9ftt« *mfyhnē&&tfk*r I«lMMlft; m&ml, wd a»a «iww, poUk UgtiMret a§Bfta lliomlgl) fyati«ia of mmlm tml j watw»-»«)HM«, imH oiiW for Haooknhi, | UirmiKb-out t-he oth«r liiiwin,